23 July, 2004

I'm back!!  It has taken a bit to settle back into the routine of home and work.  I had a week of terrible jet lag and then got a cold which knocked me about a bit.  I have now been back at work for a couple of weeks, and can't believe that it is only a couple of days short of a month since I have been back.

This is also my first week back at uni, this semester the subject is Economics.  What can I say, this is definitely not one of my strongest areas.

More excitingly, today was my first flex, and mum and I went to the Affordable Art Show.   We had a great time and I made a purchase of a piece of art by a Western Australian artist, Rebecca Cool.  I love the colours of the 'Guiding Angel' and the incorporation of recycled fabrics.   I am not sure where it will eventually be hung, but I will have plenty of time to think about this while I save up for the framing.

20 July, 2004

Hi everyone!
Well, it's now been 3 weeks since I have been back and I want to go back!!!!
But, alas, I cant!  We are now back in the swing of things with work, duh!
We have been trying to get the garden back into order, as there has been next to no rain. Macc is back at home, and again the garden is under stress!
Over last weekend, I got a new X-Box game, Dr Muto! It is great, thanx A for finding it and fight the other guy off it!! I am getting through (slowly), but it is good!
Lou is now back into the swing of study, lots of reading!
Well, whilst there has been a lot of time since the last post, I don't have a lot to say, so cya next time!