No words can describe how great the cake was, except it was better than betty crocker, and I would know, being such a connoisseur of her cake mixes.
yumm mudcake
*I think this was to be a surprise because I had been SMS'ing with Nat the previous day about said mud cake as to whether she should bake a marble mud cake (white chocolate and milk chocolate) or plain. With a visitor bringing mudcake, I thought a roast for dinner was appropriate and suggested this to B, who agreed. Not aware that Nat was already coming over, he said to me that it would be nice to invite some friends for dinner. I thought I did well at agreeing in a non-committal fashion. It was then to my surprise that he announced a short while later that he had invited A and Nat. I suppose when you are stuck indoors and mainly on your back you are quick to get on the phone.
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