mum and dad visited today, and after a relaxing lunch, and a tour of the garden, dad inspected some of the handyman jobs completed, in progress and stalled. He also measured up other jobs that needed doing. Mum noted that she would also need to come back soon to finish the roman blind for the door in the dining room, to complement the curtains she made for the bay window about a year ago. So I guess they will be back for a working bee in the not too distant future.
road milling & road-resurfacing
It was lovely to have them visit as it has been quite a while since they have been to our house, although it couldn't have happened on a worse day as the council was resurfacing the road. To escape the dust and noise we took a drive to Hargraves Nursery and discovered a great antique shop. So many great things, so little money at the moment. I have made a mental note and hopefully before christmas we can return and some of the treasures we eyed off will still be there. I really loved this stuffed puppy but he was NFS.
Mum treated us to a couple of plants whilst at the nursery, one for the pond and a silk tree for the nature strip. B has been after a silk tree for months now, well actually years, we did get one earlier this year but it was quite small and over winter when it just looked like a stick stuck in the ground someone snapped it at the base and it was no more. This one is about 3 foot tall and protected by a stake. We will be nurturing it along so that by winter when it becomes deciduous it looks a bit more substantial than its predecesor.
With the parents needing to get home, we would have liked them to stay for dinner but they had the next-sister-down coming to collect her dog, we treated ourselves to dinner out - payella, and dropped into B's mum for coffee. It had been some time since we had visited her at her place so it was a nice way to round off family flex friday.
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