5.25am, Macc was barking at something (most likely a bat in one of the fruit trees or a neighbours cat helping its self to his bowl) outside as he was enjoying the warmth inside. I got an sms from my brother saying last night it was -4.5 in the Blue Mountains! So, at 5.30am when the alarm went off, a quick breakfast of a coffee and toast (with Vegemite) get dressed and it was off to have the blood test at 7am!
Normally, by this stage, things had started to happen that were NOT meant to happen, but so far, all is good. I will not get a phone call from the clinic until around 1pm, so we are waiting on tender hooks at the moment...
Update to follow...
UPDATE: (1:45pm AEST) A big fat NEGATIVE... L is distraught... At least we have another 5 in storage. The thing is, how long do we wait and rest?
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