Ok, today was yet another FULL on day.
After getting ready, I headed into town to do the same thing that many tourists do in any major city in the world... The 'Hop On Hop Off' bus tour! It was a good tour, I got to see and hear of the heritage and culture of Oslo. At the conclusion of the tour, I was going to go around again but on the opposite side of the bus for more photos, but I heard a 'Marching Band' and remembered that the Changing of the Guard Ceremony was at 1.30pm... After looking at my phone, it was 1.15pm, so I jumped OFF at the first available spot, and with a brisk walk I managed to get some photos of the Guards marching past. I then followed up to the Kings Palace, and watched the more formal ceremony. Formal, yeah right, it was somewhat comical at some points, which I thought was brilliant! Sure, it had its formal parts, and these were simply fantastic, but at one point, when swinging their riffles around, one of the guards 'accidentally' drop his, the ceremony paused, whist a Chief Guard came down, handed him his riffle, mimicked a smack across the face (twice), and after this, he picked up the riffle on the ground glanced back, and marched away!! So you can see what I mean by its comical attributes!
There was also some marching to the music, and I thought at one point there may've even been some Lady Gaga in there as well!! And, when they fired, well that woke up the crowd!!!
Oslo Opera House
Changing of the Guard
You looking at me??
I then headed back to my apartment, and I was HORRIFIED to find that I could hear people in my apartment!! When I went back up stairs to the office, I was told that my belongings were safe (they'd better be) and I was being moved to another location. WELL, to say I was livid is an understatement, I made my thoughts VERY clear on the matter, and informed anyone coming in to 'watch out'! The acting manager wasn't at all pleased, but neither was I! I was taxied out, and when I was asked by the cab driver if I knew where to go, well my blood pressure went through the roof! BUT, the creme de la creme was when arriving at what he thought was the place, suggested I go over and see, and leaving my belongings in a cab, yeah, hell will freeze over before such an event like that happens! In the end, I called the acting manager, and confirmed it was the place. It was a slightly larger apartment, but the whole experience left me with a very bitter taste of Oslo! I wrote an email to both Agoda (booking agent) and the Manager, outlining what I thought of the whole affair, and it wasn't at all pretty!!
After I was settled in, I had a call from Mr C asking if I would like to be take up to Holmenkollen, which is Oslo's Ski Jump. It was amazing to see JUST how big these things are! AND, whist I had always thought they ski jumpers were mad, after seeing this, it simply confirmed my beliefs they are!
Holmenkollen Ski Jump
Holmenkollen Ski Jump
We then headed onto a cafe for some dinner - it was the LEAST I could do for all of the running around and hospitality from Mr C!
Mr C
Hoo roo for now...
That ski jump is really something!