Ebenezer is a historic town about 45 minutes from home, and nestled in the City of Hawkesbury, and sits on the banks of the Hawkesbury River. I found not a great deal is in, or to do in Ebenezer, apart from visiting the historic, Ebenezer Church.
What I found after becoming airborne, and not at all noticeable whilst within the grounds, was the large cross that formed the turning circle of the driveway!! This looked really cool indeed!

Built in 1809 Ebenezer Church is the oldest existing church in Australia and became the first Presbyterian Church in Australia in 1824. It pioneered education in the colony, beginning a school in 1810.

The church is the oldest existing school building, constructed in 1817 as a residence for the teacher. The first burial was in 1812; the cemetery is one of the most important in Australia with six generations buried in its grounds, including some of the first free settlers in the colony.

Hoo roo for now...