15 May, 2005

william zachery

born yesterday 6.30pm ish and weighing in around 9 pounds something. William Zachery has a touch of blonde hair and is very pink.

William Zachery
Max is a big brother and very proud. He was very pleased with the new addition to his family and supplied the new baby with plenty of kisses and cuddles. Although, he was a bit mystified as to why Will couldn't hold the toy sheep he had brought him as a present.

very red
Congratulations little brother, SIL and Max.


14 May, 2005

famous by association

the National Library of Australia has requested to archive loobylu.com in their databases because it is an "electronic publication... of lasting cultural value". As a contributor to the Month of Softies on a couple of occassions (December 2004 & January 2005) I will become famous by association. Pathetic, I know.

May flowers project
I have commenced my contribution for this month (themed May Flowers), it was a great excuse to do something from this great knitting mag I bought a couple of months back.


13 May, 2005

blue star

The last of the parcels have arrived and the feedback is in. We have finally qualified for a blue star on eBay. Having reached this monumentous occassion I will now try to break a habit that has been cultivated since 10 September 1999.

Habits can be hard to break but with the assistance provided by my place of employment (I discovered today that access to eBay has been denied to all employees) and the need to study for an upcoming exam, not to mention a shrinking bank balance, I might find success in saying goodbye to eBay. At least for now.

gone to the dogs.....

Ok, ok, now this is just WAYYYYY to cool.

If you were born a dog, what kind of dog would you be?

Open this link and let it open completly.
On the left side of the screen, click on the word "GAME".
You have to answer 10 questions and then the site will tell you what breed you could have been.
You will also be shown a photo of the breed.

Didn't I tell you its cool, and you will have to reply and tell me WHAT breed you are!!!!!

11 May, 2005

Want something FUNNY?????

This is just what I needed to day, thanks B from south of the border......

And thanx also to Phil (again south of the border...) for this one....
BUT, be warned, play one at a time.....

10 May, 2005

at work

my team is all in and it has been a busy morning catching up on projects.

My car is booked in for a visit with Holden tomorrow because it is leaking power steering fluid and is making a terrible grinding sound. With only 11 000km's on the clock this is not good.

My phone keeps ringing with all sorts of things that could have been sorted last week when I was at home looking after the invalid. This is a bit annoying.

For an interesting post I suggest you visit those to the right under 'favourite blogs'.

09 May, 2005

going postal

I am back at work this week, so B is having to manage on his own. I have only had one phone call so far, and that was 2 minutes after I left the house this morning. B was only ringing to say that the eBay parcel I was hoping would come last week had just arrived. Typical.

After craving the return to work, today so far has been a bit lonely as the rest of the team are not in (two are on a flex and the other is sick).

So far I have trawled through over 80 emails, sorted through the contents of my in tray and rung mum because I remembered in the weeeeeee hours of this morning that I had left a bottle of diet coke in her freezer the day before.....

07 May, 2005

better than betty crocker

we had the best mud cake ever yesterday. What I think was meant to be a surprise* to B but was spoiled by the boy himself, was a visit from A (of BMJ fame) and Nat (of Rock the Kazbaar). Nat was bearing the most delectable (and heaviest) chocolate mudcake ever, that she had baked (a saga in itself) for B.

No words can describe how great the cake was, except it was better than betty crocker, and I would know, being such a connoisseur of her cake mixes.

yumm mudcake
*I think this was to be a surprise because I had been SMS'ing with Nat the previous day about said mud cake as to whether she should bake a marble mud cake (white chocolate and milk chocolate) or plain. With a visitor bringing mudcake, I thought a roast for dinner was appropriate and suggested this to B, who agreed. Not aware that Nat was already coming over, he said to me that it would be nice to invite some friends for dinner. I thought I did well at agreeing in a non-committal fashion. It was then to my surprise that he announced a short while later that he had invited A and Nat. I suppose when you are stuck indoors and mainly on your back you are quick to get on the phone.

05 May, 2005

lucky 2000...... congratulations!!!!

Well, congrats 'B' (not me but the other B who lives South of the border, but we wont hold that against him) for not only signing the guestbook, but he was visitor number 2000!!!!!
Apart from that, I am now up and walking around quite a bit, and getting a lot better.


the patient is progressing, although managing pain relief is proving to be a bit of a challenge. A call has been left for the GP to ring/drop by today and discuss this matter, and hopefully sort it out.

I am looking forward to getting back to work next week. This last couple of weeks has proven to me that I would not make a good stay-at-home person, even with plenty to do, I like going to work each day.

If I were at work I would not be looking forward to such highlights as, removing a fur ball from Jas the cat's coat, and the postman bringing an eBay purchase. Ok, I would be looking forward to the ebay purchase arriving, but the anticipation is somewhat heightened at present.


don't take my photo - don't touch my furball

Photos of Jas taken by the patient before the delicate furball operation took place.

Some new sites I have come across and have added to my favourites:

  • third drawer down artwork by contemporary Australian and International Artists reproduced as Limited Edition screen prints onto Linen teatowels, napkins, tablerunners, and aprons) as a cherished gift and souvenir. It is also just a cute website and worth a look.
  • babys got style has a great range of things for babies, and at the moment so many friends and family members have had or are having a baby that I wish I had found this site sooner. I particularly like the knitted vege rattles.
  • Kim Hargreaves ladies handknit garment kits