OK, so after doing the laundry, and converting into a second bathroom, it is now time to start doing the bathroom. So, here are some shots of the bathroom before we started. Things to note are the unmovable staining along the bottom of the tiles (no matter how much bleach/cleaner we have put on, it has not changed in the nearly three years we have lived here), the dangerous soap holder and the simply UGLY excuse for a vanity.

Bathroom Reno: - before

Dangerous soap holder

Bath before being sprayed
We did, however, have the "Chief" Inspector observing it being dismantled, and making sure that anything that can be recycled is separated. After all, we are putting in a vanity that the FIL found out a Council Clean up, oh I mean, Roadside Garage Freebie/sale!

"Chief" Inspector
It is now repaired and painted, the cracking walls have been repaired and painted and I am currently waiting for some filler to go off, so as I can rub it back and paint the ceiling before installing a new Energy Efficient light.
Bathroom Reno: - before
Dangerous soap holder
Bath before being sprayed
We did, however, have the "Chief" Inspector observing it being dismantled, and making sure that anything that can be recycled is separated. After all, we are putting in a vanity that the FIL found out a Council Clean up, oh I mean, Roadside Garage Freebie/sale!
"Chief" Inspector
It is now repaired and painted, the cracking walls have been repaired and painted and I am currently waiting for some filler to go off, so as I can rub it back and paint the ceiling before installing a new Energy Efficient light.