Ok, since getting back from Vietnam, I have been busy - sorry about that! On the Tuesday, got home and started to do the washing, colours first and whites to soak! I also managed to get the back lawn mowed (I can't STAND it when it gets a little 'woolly'!
Wednesday was my first day back at work, and as I had not touched my work emails whilst away, I had a fair amount of 'catch-up' to do! Wednesday night though, I started to get a sore throat, and a fever overnight... Oh no...
Thursday, I was a little achy, I had a cough, and I was beginning to feel very tired, but I did 'push' through the day all the same. You see, whilst waiting in transit at Saigon airport, I had a little brat of a child (c. 8 maybe 9) sitting/kneeling on the bench seat behind me, we were having a bite to eat before clearing immigration. Anyways, whilst he was playing his DS, he let out this almighty hacking cough, a real 'flemmy' one... I turned around to see him still going, and playing his game console, not even bothering to cover his mouth from his germs... I gestured to him to stop it, as the last thing I wanted was to fall ill! Anyway, I did, and by Friday, I was death warmed up! I still went into work, although, I did leave at 10.30am after only 3 hours... I got home, and I slept most of the day...
Although on Saturday I was feeling a little better, and I had to give the in-laws the new computer I had been transferring files over too. A drive over, unboxed both the new PC and the new printer, and it is up and running smoothly (only thing remaining to do was a licence key for MS Office). It was then home for a quick 'kip' (or so I thought) before heading to the other end of Sydney, for my mum's family Christmas gathering. Of mums siblings, she is one of five, there was only three of them as uncle Brian passed away a few years back and uncle Frank is in a nursing home after aunty Margaret died 2 years back. But it was nice to catch up with Uncle Arthur (with aunty Joy), aunty Pat (with uncle John) and a few of my cousins (and their kids)! It was a quieter affair this year, to early? Busy people?? I totally understand we are all busy...

Mum, Uncle Arthur and Aunty Pat
Joy, Arthur, Mum, Pat & John
Pat, Mum and Jenny
David and Arthur (in-laws)
Cousin Stephanie and her dad, Uncle JohnSunday morning, Bronty and I went down to the beach for a swim; she loves the water! There was a couple of other dogs there, Staffies and a couple of Foxies as well. It was going to be a HOT day, forecasted 36c, and the house was all closed up and was cool when I got home; and luckily, my recently fixed air-conditioner (by me of course) worked a treat!
Hoo roo for now...