Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts

05 June, 2009

Just Stuff Really...

I have now been home since last Friday, and I have been really busy in that time... Paying bills, catching up on house work and getting ready for this trip to Melbourne for the ARA Awards. Somebody had her Annual Report nominated for an award, and whilst it did not get up, the organisation that one the category (Communications) actually won the top award for the night! So they were beaten simply by a better report... It was wonderful to have been short listed with the type of organisations that were in the room really! Melbourne is a lovely city, lots of Heritage and I will get some photos to share...
I left Sydney this morning in a real 'Pea Soup'... She was so heavily fog bound that the airport was closed for a while, but we were able to get out as a couple of others did, due to it lifting a little. I did hear that delays were felt all across the network by several hours. Upon arrival, I went to get my car, and found out that I will be driving around in a much bigger version. I would normally post some photo's, but guess who forgot to pack the lead that uploads them off the camera...
In other news, I will be calling the Spa company when I get back as I am NOT a happy camper at the moment... When I got back from overseas, I started it up, put some chemicals in and got it underway. When I went to check it a little while later, one pump was not working. Now here's the thing, BOTH pumps have been replaced in the nearly 12 months we have had it! But in more concerning matters, it is now 'tripping' the fuse, so there has to be something major wrong with it. Luckily for me, it is still well and truly under warranty...
Talk soon, and take care...