So, throughout this pandemic, I have not had a chance of leave, and I am finally taking three weeks off, and touring for a break, and to get out of Sydney!!! I will be heading up to Brisbane (staying with friends), out to Toowoomba to see a mate for lunch, afternoon tea at Harli with another friend, before a weekend on the Sunshine Coast. Up to Rockhampton for a nights stay, through to Longreach (via Emerald and Clermont) where I will visit the Qantas Founders Museum; so excieted!! All of this is confirmed!

After this, I will become somewhat 'fluid' and stop where I stop, drive where I drive, but for NOW, via Quilpie and Bourke before home!!!
So, I left in the wee hours of Saturday morning, I may, or may not, have had to return home after leaving Sydney, but oh well...

Now my first stop was to visit my old mate Frank who passed away 18 months or so back. He is at a cemetary along side a beautiful lake and waterfall; sadly not flowing when I went past...

Along the road into the cemetary, is an avenue of Bunya Pines (Araucaria bidwillii), with a sign warning about the nuts The cones are 20–35 cm (7.9–13.8 in) in diameter, and can weigh as much as 18 kg (40 lb)[11] and are opened by large birds, such as cockatoos, or disintegrate when mature to release the large 3–4 cm (1.2–1.6 in) seeds or nuts.

From here I pushed north, through Port Macquarie, Cofffs Harbour, and did whats often said on long trips, 'Stop, Revive, Survive'!!!

The drive up was, largely, uneventful aside from a rather intense, but short, storm at about the Byrone Bay area or so, where I was reduced to about 60km/h (from 110km/h), and upon arrival, and after a VERY hot shower, I had a Roast Pork and veges, with a delicious crackling!!!!!
Stay tuned - more to come, but I am in Brisbane for the next 6 days!!

Hoo roo for now...