Remember these lovely photo's of Riley?
Riley Joseph
Riley JosephWell, last Sunday, it was his Christening, and
L is his Godmother. So, after a busy Saturday getting all around Sydney within the day collecting this and that, going over to 'The next sister Down' place and helping set up for the day (a
feeble excuse really for L to
hog have a hold of Riley) and then having to drive home to get ready for an
impromptu dinner on the Saturday night, Sunday quickly came around for the 'Big Day'.
As L had front row tickets, we thought we had better be
early, at least not late. So here we were, fluffing around the house (I was actually cooking my Asian Green Bean Salad) we noticed the time, 10.30 and I had not showered and the drive to the church was at LEAST 40
mins in no traffic!
So, without speeding, I managed to get us there just in the nick of time, I drop L at the door and went off to find a park.
Here are some photos at the church:
Stained Glass Window
St Josephs Enfield Altar
Pad Family and Godparents
Pad Family in St Joe's
Louise & Riley
Riley & LouiseIt really was such a hot and muggy day, so as soon as were at the 'after party' I changed out of my suit and into some shorts! There was also so much food anyone would have been forgiven for thinking thousands of people were going to be there. Here are some random shots of the day:
Granny & Riley
4 Generations apart
Great Grandchildren
Sleeping & Beauty; Nan & Rosie
The Cake
The Family