28 October, 2008
Thank goodness... Summer is coming!
08 October, 2008
06 October, 2008
remember me...
Let's start again. Look what came in the post last week. A Bride & Wolfe nesting bird from my most favourite shop in Melbourne, Douglas & Hope. Last year I did quite a few trips to Melbourne, this year I haven't had one, and with a gift voucher to spend it was a relief to come across this birdie and her eggs on the Douglas & Hope blog and that they do mail order. I love this birdie, she can be sitting on a nest or on a branch if you turn the bottom bit over. she can be all white or brown, or a combination. I love clever design.
Bride & Wolfe
In my break from the blog I have dug out some of those unfinished projects, including a Noah's Ark tapestry. It is an Ehrman pattern from 1989, I haven't been working on it for that long though. My Dad found it a couple of years ago in a vintage store, with some of the bottom section done, and knowing how much I like Noah's Ark and stitching bought it for me. It is very much a winter project though, the wool gets very warm in your hands when the weather starts to heat up. I did the last stitches today. Bring on summer.
The next project, aimed to be completed this week is a quilt I started a few years back. It is the first quilt I ever made, started whilst I was at home recouping from having my gall bladder removed. I didn't know what I was doing but I was bored, had a collection of fabrics I liked and didn't know what to do with, and there you have a quilt without binding. I recently discovered this unfinished project in a cupboard, and on a trip out with mum found some pink silky fabric I would like to attempt to use for the binding.
Then for something new, I will be embellishing this picture on linen that I purchased from the Stitches and Craft Show this year.
New Car
03 October, 2008
A bit of a 'catch-up'
Wisteria Bud
Wisteria Flower Bud
Old Suzuki
21 September, 2008
This weekend...
This weekend, was a weekend of highs and lows. Saturday, another unseasonal warm day, we were up and out very early... 4am for me, as I was watching the live telecast (Internet) of the delivery ceremony From Airbus of the new A380 to QANTAS. Here is a screen-shot from the ceremony...
VH-OQA Delivery Screen-shot
Source: Airbus LIVE stream video of ceremony (Screen-shot)
After that was done, we were off to the Orange Grove Organic markets for a bit of breakfast, and to try and settle down the morning sickness for L. One of the Turkish Gonzlemes (Spinach & Cheese) did the trick, whilst I had the Egg & Bacon roll, YUMM! It was then off the the Indian Bazaar over at Riverview College, the High School that the BIL went to in his youth. This is an annual event, pilgrimage even, for the family to get together and have a morning tea and try and grab a bargain, with the school raising money for the Missions. A quick call into the MIL (she was off to a School Fundraiser) and down to the Nth Beach's to visit Nan & Pa and give them our news, as they are about to go into a nursing home for some respite care. A quick stop into the BIL home on the way to give him the Orchid we got at the morning Markets for his birthday, and we were home just before dinner! That night, L had a slight spot, and an early night was called for to reduce stress...
Sunday morning saw a return of the headache & morning sickness, but all did not seem ok... But, we kept on with the plans, and off to Holroyd Council's Pet Fest, to visit Jamilla as she was the 'Mascot' for the day...
Pet Fest 2008 Mascot
Pet Fest 2008
Birthday Girl with Dad
Birthday Girl with Cake
Albino Corn Snake
Albino Corn Snake
3.04am (AEST) UPDATE: Ok, at 10.30pm (just after I posted this blog) we were off to the emergency ward at Westmead Hospital. We were seen to fairly quickly and a lot of tests were done. We are just home now, and have to re-attend the 'EPAC' Clinic (Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic) early tomorrow (or is it today, like in 5 hours!)! Cramping has settled, whilst bleeding has subsided significantly. Initial bloodwork is good, a couple of little tid bits, but good all the same, and her hCg is 8,400! Will know more later...
15 September, 2008
Call the police; somebody stole the weekend!
Saturday, which was meant to be 27 degrees (C), actually turned out to be 32 degrees, so after a quick jaunt to a sale (photo's and a separate post all to itself is warranted here...) where
I managed to get a bit of washing done, and although I was supposed to get the citrus sprayed (stick bugs on the Lemon) and the weeds sprayed as well (Onion weed in amongst the Roses), these were not able to get done due to it being really gusty! So I just had a spa instead...
Sunday, was a very lazy day... L went back to bed (headache, and feeling overly nauseous) and did not take to long to go back to sleep... I went upstairs to work on the new computer, and went down to see if she would like a cuppa. She was actually sound asleep! After she awoke, we decided that we will go to the shops for a bit of 'therapy' and some lunch before coming home to catch-up on those videos. During this, we both fell back to sleep, and when we woke-up, L went upstairs to continue with the report upstairs, whilst I got dinner sorted.
When she eventually came down, this is the site we saw on our bed...
Jasmine on tapestry
Jasmin on tapestry
09 September, 2008
Fathers Day 2008
Sunday, we celebrated Fathers Day here in Australia, and this year, it was like all others... Lots of food, lots of family & friends! The last couple of days, we had a lot of rain, too much actually, and on Saturday, we must have gotten around 50mm! Saturday, was so bitterly cold, we thought we had gone back into winter! All concerns of a nice sunny Sunday were under a cloud, pardon the pun...
However, Sunday morning we woke to a beautiful sunny day, still a little cool, but warming up all the same! L went busy preparing a Sour Dough and Berry pudding (with chocolate as well), vacuum the house, whilst I went about putting things out on the nature strip for the Council clean-up, and then prepared the "Asian Greens", which seems to be a regular request! Now, for the past 4-5 days, L has been quite ill... Really bad headaches, nausea and the like, and by the time we were leaving, she seemed not to bad. The nephews M&W were really pleased to see us, and and little W (3 years old now) was asking me to take him up to the park. A promise was made, but (thankfully forgotten) as I was not feeling the best, he went on his way playing with his toys. By mid afternoon though, she had gotten much worse, and we called it a day, and went home to rest. L was promptly in bed by 6pm, and when the 'medications time' arrived at 7pm, I took these in and she went back to sleep and not to be seen again until the wee hours of the morning...
Here is a few 'shots' of the day to enjoy...
Father's Day 2008
04 September, 2008
Things come in threes... Hope not!!
You see, this time last week, the dishwasher had started to 'pack it in', and we were shopping for a new one. L looked out the Choice website to see what was the most Water & Energy efficient, whilst I looked for these at special prices on the net.
The recommendation (from Choice) was the ASKO, but at a list price of $1800, I was horrified! So, I went to task to see what/where I could grab a bargain. The best we could find was for $1399, and I was almost on my way to go and make the purchase. I had sent l an SMS of this, but this went without being answered. I then made a call to 2nds World (forever hopeful) and low and behold, they had it listed at $1149! Again, an SMS was sent, and as it was nearing the stores closing time, headed off to make the purchase. With about 15-20 mins to spare, I got the call to BUY, BUY BUY!!! Got it home, and installation was a breeze and we could not be happier with a nice new, stainless steel dishwasher...
But, then it came, the computer in the upstairs study, decided that it did not want to start up anymore... It boots up, but then simply hangs with a black screen... I mean, it is fairly old, so it was off to see if the previous weeks special at ALDI was there and managed to get one...
So, there is TWO problems we have had this past week, lets hope there is not a third...
03 September, 2008
Wordless Wednesday # 29: - Its SPRING!!
Pink Rinunculous
01 September, 2008
We have a new PC!!
Well, after 8 glorious trying years, the old PC had finally given up the ghost! Over the years, I have replaced hard drives, video cards, RAM and even installed a Wireless Network Card not that long ago (6 mths) so as it can work with our new provider. BUT, alas, on Saturday afternoon, it finally 'spat the dummy' with it not wanting to boot up.
So, what were we to do? I went off to get another one of course, and even though it is an ALDI model (MEDION), I could not be happier!
The specs are as follows:
- Genuine Windows Vista® Home Premium
- Phenomenal performance - Intel® Core™2 Quad Processor Q6600
- Massive - 2048 MB DDR2 SDRAM
- NVIDIA® GEFORCE® 8600 GSgraphics with HDMI connection
- Huge 500 GB SATA hard disk
- High Speed Wireless LAN 802.11n Draft
- 8 Channel High Definition Audio
- Network controller Ethernet LAN
- Integrated USB memory card reader
- ...and much more
So, now with access renewed upstairs, I will need to put it onto the home network, and the I have more than enough storage and speed, for the photos etc, so normal blogging will resume shortly.
Here are a couple of pics of the old beast, cabling and of course, the new beast!
Old PC
New PC