I have JUST about had enough of my bank... Which bank, nah not them, but the ANZ...
You see, it all started when L and I took out our mortgage, we did like so many other couples, did all our banking in dual names in a single account. When L died in 2009, the bank had to cancell the Credit Card, as a result of L no longer being here, but SET UP a new one in MY NAME. We had whats called a 'Break Free' package, but I am now feeling as though its impossible to 'break free'!
You see, mid March before going overseas, I called the bank asking about my CC as they were about to expire, and I did not really want to get caught out overseas. i was told that they were sent out, and to give it a day or two as they should not be to far off... The day before I left, I again called the bank and was told that they would not get produced until two weeks before the end of the month that they expire... When I got back, and this is now the Thursday before the five day Easter/ANZAC weekend, I was told that they WERE sent out and as a result, the cards I have now would also be cancelled... I was furious and requested to be put through to the complaints department where 'A' would look into it further...
Wednesday after the long weekend, I again spoke to Amanda who said that she would issue NEW cards and that they would be at a local Branch on Friday. When I presented myself to the Branch on Friday, they were not there (furious) and two and half hours later I was leaving the Branch with the assurity that they would arrive on Monday and that the MANAGER would walk them across to work.
Needless to say, monday afternoon I still had NO cards, and again I was on the phone to Customer Relations Dept, where I wonce again raised the matter...
I cancelled my CC, I transferred as much as I could in a single EFT due to limits per day, with a view over the next three days transferring the remaining funds and close my everyday account. I also started to look for a new Mortgage providor.
In a follow up phone call on Tuesday, it was noted that the cause of these issues was the fact that the ANZ had not removed L's name off the accounts, EVEN THOUGH when Probate was issued, they were instructed (via court documents) to remove it... This has now been done TWICE! Apparently, the computer system does not recognise that a product (CC) in a different name to the other products within the 'Break Free' package, even though MY NAME is on both!!! All I can say is USELESS!
Needless to say, I am now in the middle of shopping for a new bank... A bank that can, actually, BANK! Its funny though, just how acurate the ANZ adds are in all of this, do you agree?
AND, then there's these...
NOW, this final one, I just found as funnily accurate... And I told the Managers of this as well...
Hoo roo for now...
At least you have not lost your sense of humor. But honest to goodness, Jack would have blown his mind by now!