07 September, 2006


one of the really nice things about the location we are in are the fabulous queenslanders. The use of colour, the timber work, and detailing. This morning we took photos of some of our favourite houses in neighbouring streets.


another queenslander

yet another queenslander

and another queenslander

and another

boab tree out the front of the queenslander

another view

it's another queenslander


you guessed it another queenslander
and for something a little different, another queenslander

no really something different, an elkhorn in someone's garden

06 September, 2006

eye spy statues

Me: I need a coffee
Nephew No 1: just relax
Me: How can I relax, I need a coffee
Nephew No 1: sit quietly
Me: but I need a coffee
Nephew No1: you need to say nuffing for a while, and you'll be all right
Me: ok

Aside: today I was shattered, I had a broken nights sleep, not from either of the boyz, but from the frog/cane toad that was throwing stones at our window through the night. I first woke at 3 ish, to the racket, lay in bed for a bit listening, yep definitely someone casing the joint, woke B and told him to be quiet and listen, then sent him on a mission to check the back door in the dark. He said it was nothing, came back to bed, and promptly fell back to sleep. 3 to 4 ish, and it continued, listen, there is definately someone out there......

B: is that the sound you're talking about...it's a frog, go back to sleep.

back to conversation:
Nephew No1: What goes riddup and has spots?
Me: I've no idea, a frog?
Nephew: No!
Me: I give up, I need a coffee.
Nephew: a leopard frog

We have played a lot of eye spy lately due to a couple of long drives. I particularly like the version which does not involve letters but a description of what has been spyed, although Nephew No 1 particularly likes to spy trees. Yesterday I spoke with a friend in Sydney, who also told me of a game 'statues' her friend plays with her preschoolers. It goes like this, you have to stay very still (and quiet), the first person to move loses. Note however, this is a little difficult to do whilst preparing dinner if you are also in the game.

03 September, 2006

juggling act

before turning in for the day, I will catch you up on what has been happening (working backwards) ~
plate juggler
Today ~ Yum Cha at King of Kings, great place to go with kids, because any mess (spilt drinks, flung food) isn't out of place. The guy in the photo was pretty cool the way he cleared the tables. The favourite brother took the boys back home for a rest whilst mum, B and I did the Riverside Markets, although I don't know why we bothered, they were terrible, mostly cheap junk. They have gone downhill since the last time I went to them a couple of years back.

Saturday ~ River Cat to New Farm Park, antique shops at Logan Rd (the Gabba), topped off the day at the River Fire Festival to watch the fireworks and F1-11's from the new terminal. And I just love the No 1 Nephew, making sure we got our dinner.

is my dinner ready
Friday ~ Went to Paddington, in the morning, this was really pleasant, had coffee in Paddington Flowers and I did a pee with a view of Brisbane because the No 1 nephew came in to show me something and when I told him I would have a look when I finished, he didn't close the door behind him.

Thursday ~ It rained again today, this was not so bad for the 2 hour drive to Byron Bay and then onto Bangalow. Had lunch at Mongers, in Byron Bay and a pretty fantastic icecream although I wouldn't bother with Byron Bay again I don't think. Bangalow was great, got some funky pj's from Lazybones, and discovered Sharon Steel, a linocut artist whose only art in the gallery was sold, dammit. The visit to Bangalow was well worth the drive.

Wednesday ~ Collected B from the airport whilst No 1 nephew was at daycare. Had a look around the shops at Bullimba, Hawthorne and Balmoral with mum whilst B rested his back, and took care of the youngest nephew (No 2 doesn't sound very nice).

Tuesday ~ Whilst both nephews were in daycare mum and I went to the city by Rivercat. We had a slow start having to wait for the tuxedo to be altered, just as well it was for the favourite brother. We really only managed Queen St Mall, the favourite being Brisbane arcade because of the shops, and in particular Details. I will be hinting to B about a pair of boulder opal earrings I really like.

28 August, 2006

just too early

a quick post before I head for bed. Mum and I have had a great day with the SIL and my nephews. It was an early start with Max waking and welcoming us, well me actually, firstly at 4am before my brother sent him back to bed, and then again just before 5.49am (I know it was before this time because it took me a while to adjust to the lights being on and to gather my wits enough to turn on my mobile to see what time it was).

The early start and weary from a full day of learning the ropes consisting of a trip to day care and introductions (both the boys will be there tomorrow), being shown the venue for swimming lessons (for next week), where to pick up a tuxedo (tomorrow), coffee at the Riverside Cafe Bookstore (this could be daily), lunch, naps, termite inspection assisted by Max (or should this be vocational experience as Max is going to be a "bug guy" after helping the pest inspectors carry out a termite inspection on the house), watching Ice Age (great DVD, made me laugh), play dohing, dinner, baths, then a trip to the airport to see the SIL off on her holiday (this was also so that I will know how to get back to the airport Wednesday to collect B), and finally learning (well actually providing guidance/moral support more than anything) how to hand tie a bow tie.

So really, its not too early to retire for the evening.

27 August, 2006

Bullimba bound

I am heading north this evening for two weeks of Qld sunshine and to play au pair to my nephews, Max 4 and Will 16 months. I am very excited because I don't get to see my brother and his family all that often now they are in another state, and the boys are growing up so quickly. I also have over 3 and a half months annual leave (and that's not counting the 3 months long service leave) so am well deserving of some time off.

21 August, 2006

Oh and I finished the scarf


Thank you to my patient model.

20 August, 2006

camellia craziness

Just feeling yucky and too tired to do anything this week, I decided the remedy was fresh air and sunshine this weekend. Remedy or not, it was also a necessity as Friday, I had purchased a few kangaroo paws, and some black mondo grass, the ‘goode’ husband had also tracked down a Finger Lime that he surprised me with on Friday afternoon, we also had bulbs purchased a couple of weeks back that needed planting. At least one day in the garden was required, except that a couple of short trips here and there also led to some sort of camellia craziness; getting a couple of keys cut, we bought two camellias (unnamed but one was pale pink, and the other hot pink), grocery shopping, another camellia (eastern red), a trip to the hardware, another two camellias (strawberry blonde and white waratah). A couple of azaleas, and heucheras, and the weekend was all about the garden.

A visit from A with Memoirs of a Geisha on DVD, and hours spent in the garden and I feel somewhat revived.

Less than seven days to go and I will be in Queensland.

19 August, 2006


I forgot but last week the ancient air-conditioner got transformed into this…….

I love how it matches the painting B gave me for Christmas a couple of years back. It was so meant to be.
painting by Vicki Langham

18 August, 2006

7 days in review

Under a haze of sleep deprivation all I can remember of the week is that our Chinese guests have returned to their homeland, and we have almost caught up on our sleep. The last night of their stay really hit us for six, Celia and Linda went to bed late, as there was the whole reweighing of bags thing to be done, redistributing items, and reweighing…..

The last night did not go quite as planned I was losing my patience due to a lack of sleep from the day before (1.20am bedtime on a “school night”) and Friday night we were repeating the whole exercise again when we had a 4.30am start the next day to get the girls to the drop-off point by 5.15am for the coach to the airport.

We had planned to take the girls out for coffee on their last night but, Celia, who could be a bit bossy informed us that she didn’t like coffee. Tea?? NO. Hot milk, soft drink?? No?? Well OK, then...we won’t go. B had started to quietly remind me how many hours we had to go, when he could see I was about to explode. So when they got up at 3am (an hour and a half earlier than planned), I was so pleased I had less than 2 hours to go (because I had to work that Saturday, B was taking them to the coach so I could get a bit of extra sleep). I do have a good husband, although I was so awake by the time they left I got up anyway and started the stripping of beds and washing of sheets and towels. Crazy, crazy, crazy… as I was shattered by early afternoon and we had B’s brothers birthday dinner to go to, which thank goodness was held at his mum’s because I was the one snoring on the coach at 8.30pm.

Sunday, we went to a street fair at Fivedock, before attending my Nan’s 87th birthday celebrations.

Five Dock street fair

fruit and vegetable art

vege art
At the street fair we discovered Embellish Jewels and I was thoroughly spoilt with two necklaces and a bracelet. Both necklaces are long, lariat style, one of pink dyed pearls, garnets, and with pink tassels, the other black onyx, red coral, carved turquoise, and black tassels. The bracelet is plain in comparison, being a navy crystal, but I just liked it.

Nan’s birthday celebrations were great, she liked the scarf very much. I think it was also the only non-cat related gift she got. The whole cat related gifts because she was given a cat (Yvette), she didn’t want a kitten, for her birthday.
birthday present cat
Due to the earlier sleep deprivation, the working week was spent counting down the days to the weekend. It could have been more interesting as I was invited to a preview as well as the opening night of an exhibition of my most favourite artist, Kerrie Lester. But alas I was too tired to make the trek to the other side of Sydney after work on Tuesday, and not really having the money, although I had promised myself this time to get a (small) painting.

11 August, 2006

the goode huswife

tonight Celia commented in response to B complimenting dinner which, both she and Linda had cooked, that she thought that she was a very good cook and also wife, as she cooked dinner for her husband every night. Ohhhh, should I then feel that I am a bad wife? I am actually not sure whether this was directed at me or not, anyway I choose not to take offence. I am lucky to have such a great husband who likes (and is good at) cooking.

It reminded me of an American reproduction cross stitch sampler pattern I bought a couple of years back from one of the craft shows 'one seed for another' by 'the goode huswife' the saying on the sampler being
" the goode huswives in summer will save their own seeds against the next yere - as occassion needs.
One seed for another - to make an exchange with fellowlie neighbourhood seemeth not strange."

Whatever the last bit is supposed to mean, I may even do this one next if I ever finish L'ete.