Under a haze of sleep deprivation all I can remember of the week is that our Chinese guests have returned to their homeland, and we have almost caught up on our sleep. The last night of their stay really hit us for six, Celia and Linda went to bed late, as there was the whole reweighing of bags thing to be done, redistributing items, and reweighing…..
The last night did not go quite as planned I was losing my patience due to a lack of sleep from the day before (1.20am bedtime on a “school night”) and Friday night we were repeating the whole exercise again when we had a 4.30am start the next day to get the girls to the drop-off point by 5.15am for the coach to the airport.
We had planned to take the girls out for coffee on their last night but, Celia, who could be a bit bossy informed us that she didn’t like coffee. Tea?? NO. Hot milk, soft drink?? No?? Well OK, then...we won’t go. B had started to quietly remind me how many hours we had to go, when he could see I was about to explode. So when they got up at 3am (an hour and a half earlier than planned), I was so pleased I had less than 2 hours to go (because I had to work that Saturday, B was taking them to the coach so I could get a bit of extra sleep). I do have a good husband, although I was so awake by the time they left I got up anyway and started the stripping of beds and washing of sheets and towels. Crazy, crazy, crazy… as I was shattered by early afternoon and we had B’s brothers birthday dinner to go to, which thank goodness was held at his mum’s because I was the one snoring on the coach at 8.30pm.
Sunday, we went to a street fair at Fivedock, before attending my Nan’s 87th birthday celebrations.
Five Dock street fair
fruit and vegetable art
vege artAt the street fair we discovered
Embellish Jewels and I was thoroughly spoilt with two necklaces and a bracelet. Both necklaces are long, lariat style, one of pink dyed pearls, garnets, and with pink tassels, the other black onyx, red coral, carved turquoise, and black tassels. The bracelet is plain in comparison, being a navy crystal, but I just liked it.
Nan’s birthday celebrations were great, she liked the scarf very much. I think it was also the only non-cat related gift she got. The whole cat related gifts because she was given a cat (Yvette), she didn’t want a kitten, for her birthday.

birthday present catDue to the earlier sleep deprivation, the working week was spent counting down the days to the weekend. It could have been more interesting as I was invited to a preview as well as the opening night of an exhibition of my most
favourite artist,
Kerrie Lester. But alas I was too tired to make the trek to the other side of Sydney after work on Tuesday, and not really having the money, although I had promised myself this time to get a (small) painting.