SORRRRRY, I was busy and didn't post... Here is a make up!
Whilst Saturday was all about Baseball and 'spotting', Saturday night was simply a lazy night in front of the TV. Although, I did make dinner for M & J who were over... Simple dinner of a creamy chicken pasta. It was tasty, and was enjoyed (I think)!
Sunday though, was a very busy day... I got an early morning txt, and it was a quick drive BACK to the airport to do some more spotting. Alas, I was supposed to be painting, but here I was... It was another good morning, got a few good shots, and the company was great, as usual! But I left around 10.30-11am to go to my in-laws, but they were out (I suspect at the Antique Markets at Wentworth Park! So I headed home all the same...
This was OF COURSE via Bunnings to get paint supplies! J was at hand, and he wasn't too bad with a paintbrush either... I did some of the more 'fiddly' work around the windows, but it is all becoming very nice... I am however, in a little dilemma, as to do I put the shutters back on or not... I would like your thoughts...
House Shutters on or off?
Garage Bay WindowAfter a bit of macro photography (they will be up tomorrow), it was back out to the airport for a rare bird coming back into Sydney, a friend was flying out (Crew) to Singapore, and just to chill out... I like these sorts of days!
Sydney City
Monday really was NOT a good day at all, it was ok, but not great... And to top it all off, I have damaged two of my front bottom teeth! I have called the Dentist, but I can not get in until tomorrow at 2.30pm. Which reminds me of a really bad joke... "How do you know what time to go to the Dentist? Tooth hurty (2.30)" see, I told you it was bad...
I managed to get a little bit more done around the house though, so I was happy with that, but I still have some more to do today when I get home shortly!
Hoo roo for now...