I can’t get that tune out of my head since the cruise to Peppermint Bay today. It was absolutely fantastic. I am so relaxed and had a really enjoyable time.
After being woken by the sound of rain (so noticeable coming from Sydney) and realizing I was totally unprepared for such a situation (I had a morning planned to visit Salamanca Markets). I didn’t think it would be such a great day.
The markets were fun, I was there at 8.30am, the only person without an umbrella, raincoat or something to protect me from the rain, but with so many distractions from the products on display, I quickly forgot about being drenched and equally didn’t notice that by mid morning the rain had stopped. I had all but dried off by midday when I was due to for the cruise to Peppermint Bay – I didn’t really have time to change clothes I only just made it back to the hotel to drop off my purchases and race back to Brooke St Pier in time to be one of the last passengers aboard.
Before I sing the praises of the cruise though…some pictures of the markets and some of the stalls I made a purchase at.


Pansy, Fern & April

Iris Stall

Cheese Stall
The cruise to Peppermint Bay was well worth it, the ship was state of the art, I had a window seat and had wonderful views of the amazing coastline.

An eagle (?) was spotted at one point and so was fed a fish, and I think it was another eagles or falcons (?) nest was pointed out to us, its nest is the size of a double bed.

bird taking off with fish

birds nest
We also looked at some other birds although I can’t remember what birds they were, they flew fast. Underwater cameras were used to show us the kelp forest and marine life, this would be an amazing place to go diving, I imagine.

salmon farm enclosures
The underwater cameras were also used to show us inside a salmon farm, and whilst we were watching salmon jumping out of the water from the deck of the boat, an enormous seal graced us with its presence. It was really special. The staff of the boat did a great job of spotting these creatures and commentating.

Peppermint Bay
Peppermint Bay itself was really pretty, and lunch in the café was very good. I went for a walk to the gallery and bought myself a pair of knitting needles made from Tasmanian Oak, it was the hot pink spotty ends and the urge to get creative that got me.
I loved the cruise so much I would do it again tomorrow, this time with B of course.

Peppermint Bay
Peppermint Bay itself was really pretty, and lunch in the café was very good. I went for a walk to the gallery and bought myself a pair of knitting needles made from Tasmanian Oak, it was the hot pink spotty ends and the urge to get creative that got me.
I loved the cruise so much I would do it again tomorrow, this time with B of course.
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