Let's start again. Look what came in the post last week. A Bride & Wolfe nesting bird from my most favourite shop in Melbourne, Douglas & Hope. Last year I did quite a few trips to Melbourne, this year I haven't had one, and with a gift voucher to spend it was a relief to come across this birdie and her eggs on the Douglas & Hope blog and that they do mail order. I love this birdie, she can be sitting on a nest or on a branch if you turn the bottom bit over. she can be all white or brown, or a combination. I love clever design.

Bride & Wolfe
In my break from the blog I have dug out some of those unfinished projects, including a Noah's Ark tapestry. It is an Ehrman pattern from 1989, I haven't been working on it for that long though. My Dad found it a couple of years ago in a vintage store, with some of the bottom section done, and knowing how much I like Noah's Ark and stitching bought it for me. It is very much a winter project though, the wool gets very warm in your hands when the weather starts to heat up. I did the last stitches today. Bring on summer.

The next project, aimed to be completed this week is a quilt I started a few years back. It is the first quilt I ever made, started whilst I was at home recouping from having my gall bladder removed. I didn't know what I was doing but I was bored, had a collection of fabrics I liked and didn't know what to do with, and there you have a quilt without binding. I recently discovered this unfinished project in a cupboard, and on a trip out with mum found some pink silky fabric I would like to attempt to use for the binding.

Then for something new, I will be embellishing this picture on linen that I purchased from the Stitches and Craft Show this year.


New Car

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