I have wanted to get back into the 'Project 52' for a while, in many ways to challenge my photography and see new things and venure either to parts of Sydney Metro I have not yet been to, or to head further out of Sydney to see what is about...
So in this weeks edition, the first weenend where I will e posting this series, it was off to 'A' for Austinmeer along the upper Illawarra, before you hit Wollongong.
The afternoon before, I checked my Weatherzone app on my mobile, and saw that first light was to be 0510, WOW this was going to be an early start as it was just over an hour to get there! I pushed off at about 0330 just to be sure, and was a very pleasant drive south, windows down, music on, and the road ahead well lit up with the lightbar on the car! Arrived nice and early, and positioned myself atop of the changerooms for the beach, which was like that of a 'lookout' offerring up splendid view across the beach. I set up the camera, programed for a frame to be taken every 20 seconds, and whilst it did its thing, I simply chilled in my campchair.
The Austinmer Rock Pool, also known as ‘ocean pools’ or ‘ocean baths’, was first built in the early 1910s and then rebuilt or replaced several times at various locations along Austinmer Beach. You can still see the remains of the Children’s Bathing Pool at the foot of the steep cliff of Brickyard Point.
Here are some of the pics I got, along with the lifeguards Hut, in the middle of the beach, with the sun just tipping over the horizon of the Tasman Sea.

Hoo roo for now...
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