13 October, 2005
Flyby Melbourne
09 October, 2005
from the sick bed
But enough of the self pity - if I hadn't been sick I might not have had a visit from A, or got to see 'Three Dollars', which A kindly brought with her. Great movie even if the ending was a bit sudden. Also, I got to have lots of snuggles with our latest houseguest 'Winston' the Littlest Sister's Tonkinese kitty kat. He is very affectionate and although we were a little bit anxious as to how he would go with his four legged cousins and vice versa, we had no problems. Although Jasmine was a little outsparkled by the fancy collar little Winn sported (made by the littlest sister).


Winston's collar
01 October, 2005
DA has now been lodged...
This is not a permanent thing, and it will be back!!!
So stay tuned!
25 September, 2005
oh shyt... (you know what I mean...)
'L' came out to assist, as she had wanted to move a small area of earth from the garden to create a little spot to park the bins in (all 3 of 'em), she noticed that there is actually a really bad odour coming from where the sewer vent is...

no burn dessert

no burn dessert
We had friends over for dinner last night, P and M with little L, and A. I made dessert which we have had quite a bit in recent times - last weekend when K and R came to dinner (made by B) and for Father's day. It is a really simple dessert which requires no cooking, and tastes great. It is just Chocolate Ripple biscuits sandwiched with cream, and left to sit in the fridge to set, and embellished with sliced strawberries. So easy.
24 September, 2005
it's a jungle

and has now progressed to this...

de-foresting the back corner

louisiana iris garden
Although it is a work in progress the brick edging gives an indication of what the rest of the garden will look like. The plan with this little bit of the garden is to plant the Louisiana Iris's purchased yesterday at Sydney in Bloom from the Iris Haven stall.
In this photo, horse poo is in place and the little sandstone bird, also purchased from Sydney in Bloom, which will sit amongst the flowering Iris.
louisiana iris garden II
The brick edging came from a pile of bricks which was amongst the jungle in the back corner and is no doubt from the back wall of the garage, which I guess was removed for ease of access when the previous owners were doing the rear extension. Watch this space as we look for ways to reuse these bricks in our home makeover. There is more than enough bricks for the garden edging, and for some reason the bricky who we have asked to do some steps and a retaining wall avoided committing to there use in this work. We are open to all suggestions?
23 September, 2005
I have been quite consumed with tweaking this and that in and around our house, mainly the garden, although some painting and curtain making has been carried out. For your viewing here are some of the before, in progress, and after photos. Special mention is made of the help - the constantly appearing 'help' in the fluffy fur coat, and the trusty green trousered help.
Painting - before




Curtain Making

in the way and cute

pattern matching

curtains finished

potting production

wash dog
22 September, 2005
b's favourite flower

I went to Sydney in Bloom with mum today, and bought these waratahs for B, whose back is making him a bit miserable at the moment. I think we might consider growing some waratahs in our backyard.
I am also considering making a mosaic like this one for the backyard. This was part of one of the garden exhibits at Sydney in Bloom. As we have been clearing out the jungle in the backyard we have been finding heaps of sandstone which would lend itself very nicely to similar creations.

butterfly mosaic
19 September, 2005
winners are grinners
When we have tamed the backyard with of course these new pieces of equipment we will be creating the following vege patch and arbor, both exhibits at the Gardening Australia Festival.

vege patch

13 September, 2005

The circus is in town, well at the local park, which is 2 minutes walk from our place. B and I took Macc for a walk to check it out, but there wasn't really anything to see, just the big tent and lots of caravans, no elephants, ponies or anything, oh well, it was a nice evening for a walk.