The task for the weekend was 'H', and a work colleague in Melbourne looked up 'H' and Honeysuckle was the suggestion; so I said "why not"!!
Initial planning I noted that Nobbys Head Lighthouse was very close, as was the Hunter River... So it was a 3am alarm, and on the road 3.45am for the 2two and a bit hours drive north to Newcastle with an image in mind of the Lighthouse wat sunrise. However, on approach, first light was starting and I thought I was going to miss it!! Photo above had me going crazy on the back of the screen!!
After some breakfast of a Bacon & Egg Roll with a coffee, I went up again, and there was a ferry nearby at the Queens Warf for the shuttle service accross to Stockton, aptly named 'HUNTER'!!!

And further up the Hunter River, was many ships and tugs at idle...

As it was now pushing to time to meet some of my team for lunch, I started the drive, and passed through, another 'H' - Hexham!!!
This is a well known 'pinch-point' on the Pacific Highway for those of us that drive between Sydney and anywhere North; Brisbane! Back when I worked at the Botanic Gardens, I was on a Committee where there was, at the time, discussion about this bypass, and how some of the land at the Hunter Region Botanic Garden will be acquired, I guess finally after 12 odd years it has happened! Below are some of the pics of the bypass progression!!!

And then - it was lunch at the 'Harrigans Hotel', an unexpected venue considering I was doing 'H' this weekend! From the moment you enter into the Grand Entrance' it is like no other I've been to!!! Below, which is a 12 image, stitched panorama of the entrance...

Next weekend, is 'I', and I am struggling as to where to go to, stay tuned...
Hoo roo for now...