It's nearly harvest time!!! But, some I will get and some I may not see... Ho hum! I planted the tomato's at the start of the season, just 3... I thought that would be enough for just me! I then thought of what else, so I planted some corn as well! Both of them have really kick on! The corn has started to set its 'ears' and the tomato's are nearing ready to harvest, just starting to blush.

Today, I also headed on a road trip, up north... This was a hard trip to make as it was a service to farewell little Lewis who died last week, just 11 days old. Whilst it was a sombre service, his parents were incredibly strong throughout, and I was honoured to be there. We (EB girls and I) gave them a standard Rose, Mother's Love, which was very fitting we thought... Fly free little man!
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