Today, we said another farewell to some more of L... I donated her more formal clothes (work and evening) to an organisation called 'Suited for work. We, her parents and I, last week went through all of it and sorted it all into piles of shirts, skirts, pants and dresses. They were in the second bedroom. All of the boxes of shoes were also sorted into groups as well! I was going to take a photo of it all, but alas, I forgot... Sorry! (picture is linked to their website IF you want to have a look at them...)

So today, they came and collected what they wanted (which was most of it). Now, whilst it says 'Women helping other women build self esteem and gain Independence', I feel honoured that she is still making a difference by her clothes helping the cause. More so, as her work has also done a clothing drive, as she had talked about this program at work, so I now feel more confident, that I have done the right thing...
After that, we (L's parents and I) went up to the Hills district to look for the tree for the front yard to remember L. It was awfully hot, the cars thermometer at one point said it was 44c, so we called it a day and came home for lunch. Storms are now rolling through and it is a little cooler, but humidity has gone through the roof!!
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