14 May, 2010

Happy Birthday William!!!!

Today I spent doing some catch up housework... A bit of everything really, dusting, vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms and mopping the floor. Mow and whipping the lawns and pressure cleaning the back veranda... But for some reason, last night I was unable to sleep until around 3am and my body clock woke me at just after 6am, so I started with some more washing and internal stuff so as not to make to much noise outside!

But at just after 9am, I was half way through cleaning and I so needed a break! So I thought I will do something different, and in hanging out the washing, I noticed something weird... MACC!!!

Maccs Vege Bed, originally uploaded by AussiePomm.

On closer inspection, it wasn't TOO bad, but the damage was done. So I grabbed the shovel and filled it back in! I also had to do the vege patch (thankfully fallow at the moment) and behind the Lemonade tree, where he is trying hard to 'talk' to the new dog next door!

So after the lawns were done, I also weeded the front Rose Garden and with what I could not get out Onion Weed mainly) I mixed up some chemical and sprayed the little buggers! Hopefully, it will kill it off!

I ended my afternoon with a nice hot spa, a drink of Gatorade (I am now drinking my 3lt/day of water or clear fluids) and rested! But then it hit me, (thanks to the wonders of technology) that was my Nephews Birthday! He was turning 5 today, and I had done nothing! I feel so bad right about now... Luckily, we are seeing him on Sunday (for Jamie's birthday) but I will TRY to get over to see him tomorrow! And, in the interim, here are a couple of additional pics of young Will!

William Zachery, originally uploaded by AussiePomm.
William Zachery , originally uploaded by AussiePomm.
William Zachery , originally uploaded by AussiePomm.
William Zachery , originally uploaded by AussiePomm.
Sam & Will, originally uploaded by AussiePomm.

Happy Birthday Mr 5!!

William, originally uploaded by AussiePomm.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday William! Ah yes, the great schnitzel fest! LOL! I am looking forward to my Berlin trip so I can go out for my favorite schnitzel!


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