We have a lot of children's books, some are new, like this one, and a lot are old - three sets of the Noddy Book series (all hard covers). Some we got mainly for the pictures, and the illustrations in this book are simply stunning!

Red Bus
Little Cat and the Big Red Bus (Jane Godwin and Ann Walker) is a fascinating little book, and as I said, the illustrations are wonderful.
Country children often have long bus rides to get to school and Little Cat is one of those children, who along with her sister go up and down and around, stopping and starting twice a day. One day Little Cat’s sister is ill and she has to make the journey alone, but oh no, she is tired and sleepy on her way home and misses her stop. Anna Walker has illustrated this rhythmic, gentle book with charming simplicity and it is in the endpapers we discover more about Little Cat’s life and her interests.
In other news, the Queen Mary 2 sailed out from Sydney this evening, and I didn't/couldn't get a shot of it passing the Opera House as it was simply way to dark! BUT, before it set sail, I got this shot of the Opera House, city skyline, and the QM2 is just off on the right hand side...

Sydney Harbour, Opera House, city skyline, Circular Quay and the Queen Mary 2
Hoo roo for now...