Yesterday was a long and unsettling day that is thankfully over. I had the day off work to take my dad to hospital for cardioversion, some sort of treatment on the heart to regulate the beat. It was only a day procedure but it was a long day, as I had to be up early to trek halfway across town to drop B at work and then pick up my parents and take them to the hospital (my mum doesn’t drive and dad would be unable to drive after the procedure). Mum and I settled dad into hospital at 9am, and then the day consisted of occupying mum so she wouldn’t worry too much until we could collect dad at the end of the day, which ended up around 7pm.
I hadn't anticipated doing anything other than staying at the hospital keeping dad (and mum) company and trying to keep dad's mind off the procedure, but dad in true form didn't want us to think he was worried, and for us to worry, so insisted mum and I go out for coffee and some shopping.
Dad: "Take your mum and do some shopping, I'll be right, enjoy yourselves, and I"ll see you later".
Shopping...Enjoy ourselves?? I had brought my knitting, and a book, I wasn't planning on going anywhere. Mum and I went to Balmain, wandered about the shops, had coffee/lunch, then went to Rozelle where we wandered about the shops, had coffee and then went home to wait for news from the hospital.
I am feeling the roles are realigning, my parents still do so much to help/support us, but they also seem more vulnerable at the moment. So far so good though the procedure seems to have been successful.
28 June, 2006
26 June, 2006
sugar overloaded
Whilst the helicopters circled overhead attempting to get a glimpse of the celebrations on the hill, we celebrated my grandfathers 91st birthday.

birthday treats

birthday boy and his sweetheart
It was a small and intimate gathering of family over afternoon tea. And as you can see we well and truly induldged our sweettooth.

birthday treats
22 June, 2006
At the moment I need all the inspiration I can get (with B doing a hospital program for the next month and the dramas with his car). So it was great to make the annual pilgrimage to the Craft and Quilt Fair at the Sydney Exhibition Centre with my mum. I think this was one of the best ones I have attended so far. Financial constraints ment a great deal of discipline was exercised and practice in the art of window shopping, and a great many business cards/flyers gathered for future reference.
Here is my list and links:
- artweave mini kits
- Living Stitches more great designs in tapestry
- Amitie Textiles ~ fabrics, patchwork and quilting, this store is located in Bentleigh, VIC and has been pencilled in for when I am next in Melbourne, they are aparently on the train line. They also have a blog.
- And my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE was Prints Charming ~ a Sydney based store, everything else seemed to be from interstate. Great handpainted on cotton fabrics and quilt kits. I just loved it.
- The Thread Studio for wool felt in great colours. I am sure they had other great stuff but that's what I was most interested in.
- Kaalund Yarns ~ exotic silks, wools & mohairs for embroiderers, knitters and weavers
- Dragonfly Blue Imports online bead shop
- Etelage jewellery kits
- Frances Ergen Designs ~ mum bought me a delicious limey yellow wool and silk pashmina from Frances, and as she doesn't have a website I will have to visit her at the Stitches and Craft Show at Rosehill Racecourse in August. I would love one of her Indian embroidered sundresses.
- Amiegems more beads
- Bendigo Woollen Mills ~ I don't know why these guys don't have a website, they offer a great mailorder service and it must cost them a fortune to supply their shade cards.
- And an old favourite Patchwork on Central Park from whom I got this small pack of fabric to use with a bundle of chenille pieces sourced by B.

fabric pack
I also got this wonderful piece of chenille from Sarah London who told me they will have a website soon.
And this bead, I just liked it although I am not sure what I will do with it.

18 June, 2006
what a day...
Well, today we went to Goulburn! Why?
Have a look at what we got on eBay!
We were planning to leave at the Sparrows fart (early in case you were wondering), but alas, when the F.I.L and the M.I.L arrived, we just had to have scones with Chocolate Orange jam with a cuppa tea... And we finally got off around 10am.
We finally got down there to two of the loveliest people in Goulburn. They even offered to have us drop in for a cuppa if were in town again!
Anyway, loaded up and on our way, we headed for Berrima, a quaint little town in the Southern Highlands of NSW. We had lunch, check out a couple of antique shops etc etc and got home quite late, later than what was planned. L and the F.I.L unloaded what was almost quite a heavy load into the garage. All we have to do now is to source some timber posts for the corners, timber for the roof and then some roof sheeting... oh eBay, do you have all of these too??
Have a look at what we got on eBay!
We were planning to leave at the Sparrows fart (early in case you were wondering), but alas, when the F.I.L and the M.I.L arrived, we just had to have scones with Chocolate Orange jam with a cuppa tea... And we finally got off around 10am.
We finally got down there to two of the loveliest people in Goulburn. They even offered to have us drop in for a cuppa if were in town again!
Anyway, loaded up and on our way, we headed for Berrima, a quaint little town in the Southern Highlands of NSW. We had lunch, check out a couple of antique shops etc etc and got home quite late, later than what was planned. L and the F.I.L unloaded what was almost quite a heavy load into the garage. All we have to do now is to source some timber posts for the corners, timber for the roof and then some roof sheeting... oh eBay, do you have all of these too??
17 June, 2006
bloody cars (suzuki's anyway)!
What goes tap tap tap KNOCK?
Well, it is either the bearings on one of the quad cams, or one of the bearings on the crank shaft, right?
Well, that is what I believe has gone in my lil car. I mean, it has done 262,000klms, but hey, WHY NOW? You see, we had just lined up to get a security system, and I was on my way to do a 'Mystery Shop' when it started. As it was, on was on a call to 'L', and I heard this incredible noise, and I had to wait to call 'L' back...
After about 10 mins of self diagnossis, I called 'L' back to tell her my (suspected) bad news. Needless to say, I was over in Menai, and I had to limp the old girl back home... About 20 odd klms! By the time I got home, it sounded like a cross breed diesel/VW!
Anyways, after a couple of phone calls, I was now armed with 3 quotes, $2,200 for a motor that will be taken out of a wreck (2.5L instead of the current 2.0L, and out of a 2003-2005 Suzuki); Another motor out of another wreck for $3,000, or a rebuild for $8,995! Needless to say, I am going for the $2,200 model.
We will keep you posted as to how it all goes, but I am glad that I am currently going to hospital so I will not really need it anyway.
Well, it is either the bearings on one of the quad cams, or one of the bearings on the crank shaft, right?
Well, that is what I believe has gone in my lil car. I mean, it has done 262,000klms, but hey, WHY NOW? You see, we had just lined up to get a security system, and I was on my way to do a 'Mystery Shop' when it started. As it was, on was on a call to 'L', and I heard this incredible noise, and I had to wait to call 'L' back...
After about 10 mins of self diagnossis, I called 'L' back to tell her my (suspected) bad news. Needless to say, I was over in Menai, and I had to limp the old girl back home... About 20 odd klms! By the time I got home, it sounded like a cross breed diesel/VW!
Anyways, after a couple of phone calls, I was now armed with 3 quotes, $2,200 for a motor that will be taken out of a wreck (2.5L instead of the current 2.0L, and out of a 2003-2005 Suzuki); Another motor out of another wreck for $3,000, or a rebuild for $8,995! Needless to say, I am going for the $2,200 model.
We will keep you posted as to how it all goes, but I am glad that I am currently going to hospital so I will not really need it anyway.
13 June, 2006
iris and hazel
I am lucky enough to have a job that enables me to have the occassional flexi day. I tend to take these on a Friday and spend the day with my mum. Flexi Friday this time saw us visit Eden Gardens, for their new Farmers Market, then cross the Harbour Bridge to Observatory Hill for the Encounters of Country: Landscapes of Ray Crooke exhibition and lunch, and then onto Paddington to take a look at Iris and Hazel as recommended by Douglas and Hope in Melbourne. Disappointingly they didn't carry much Douglas and Hope merchandise, however they did have some great things, all be it very expensive. Because they don't have a website, here are some photos to tempt.

iris and hazel, Paddington St. Paddington

window front

knitted giraffe

knitted toys

knitted toy

embroidered cushion

Douglas and Hope cushion (the round one)

Iris and Hazel tiles

Paddington St
05 June, 2006
any further bids
Not from me… but my dad on the other hand. What started out as a visit with mum and dad on Saturday ended with a trailer full of items on Sunday.
Saturday, B and I popped over to my parents place in the afternoon for a cup of tea and a chat, as well as to take a sticky at an open house across the road from my family home. However, a few delays and distractions on the way from our place to their place meant that we missed the actual open house. Not to worry, as Mum had Plan B, which was to view house contents to be auctioned the next day in Northbridge. This would also be a trip down memory lane of sorts, the house and its contents being in the same street that my dad grew up in and I remember spending many a happy hour with my ‘grandmother’ (she didn’t like to be called that) until she passed away in the late 80’s. So mum, dad, B and I took off, and what started out as hanging out together and mere curious exploration with a bit of window shopping thrown in, led to the purchase of a catalogue and arrangements for meeting the next day.
B and I had our budget, and a few items picked out - a victorian footstool (thought I might embroider a new top for it), 26 piece set of continental cherub cups, saucers, side plates and 2 cake serving plates, a pair of leadlight doors, and washstand. All items I could live without if I didn't get them, and technically I didn't, as I pulled out a couple when my limit was reached, however, Dad decided I was having the washstand and B (who really wanted the doors) was having the doors. Mum and Dad who didn't really want anything ended up with at least half a dozen other bits and pieces including a hinged cedar dining table, sterling silver frame, granite tabletop, and golfclubs.
It was a lot of fun.
Saturday, B and I popped over to my parents place in the afternoon for a cup of tea and a chat, as well as to take a sticky at an open house across the road from my family home. However, a few delays and distractions on the way from our place to their place meant that we missed the actual open house. Not to worry, as Mum had Plan B, which was to view house contents to be auctioned the next day in Northbridge. This would also be a trip down memory lane of sorts, the house and its contents being in the same street that my dad grew up in and I remember spending many a happy hour with my ‘grandmother’ (she didn’t like to be called that) until she passed away in the late 80’s. So mum, dad, B and I took off, and what started out as hanging out together and mere curious exploration with a bit of window shopping thrown in, led to the purchase of a catalogue and arrangements for meeting the next day.
B and I had our budget, and a few items picked out - a victorian footstool (thought I might embroider a new top for it), 26 piece set of continental cherub cups, saucers, side plates and 2 cake serving plates, a pair of leadlight doors, and washstand. All items I could live without if I didn't get them, and technically I didn't, as I pulled out a couple when my limit was reached, however, Dad decided I was having the washstand and B (who really wanted the doors) was having the doors. Mum and Dad who didn't really want anything ended up with at least half a dozen other bits and pieces including a hinged cedar dining table, sterling silver frame, granite tabletop, and golfclubs.
It was a lot of fun.
04 June, 2006
Albury bound links and photos uploaded

I draw your attention to the second post down. It has been something of a mamoth effort - loading photos and establishing links.
02 June, 2006
off to hospital... again
Well, dear readers, listeners and others!
After yet another night of NO SLEEP, I am again off to hospital with my dodgy back this morning. It is not that bad this time, I will be in at around 10, and out again around 2pm. I just hope that I can stay awake long enough for it!!!
L has had a bad cold all of this week, and for her not having to do a presentation at work on Wednesday night, she should have been off work this week. So all is well in this house, or at least Macc (asleep either on my side of the bed, or hopefully on his), and Jasmine (definitely on my side for I keep the electric blanket on overnight). But they are off this afternoon to the vet for the annual shots!
After yet another night of NO SLEEP, I am again off to hospital with my dodgy back this morning. It is not that bad this time, I will be in at around 10, and out again around 2pm. I just hope that I can stay awake long enough for it!!!
L has had a bad cold all of this week, and for her not having to do a presentation at work on Wednesday night, she should have been off work this week. So all is well in this house, or at least Macc (asleep either on my side of the bed, or hopefully on his), and Jasmine (definitely on my side for I keep the electric blanket on overnight). But they are off this afternoon to the vet for the annual shots!
24 May, 2006
albury bound
In the blink of an eye B, mum and I have been to Albury for a week. Whilst B was conferencing, mum and I made day trips taking in Beechworth, Uranquinty, Wagga Wagga, Walbundrie, as well as having a day in Melbourne.
Here is a link to the pictorial.
There were however so many other sites and things that I didn't get photos of so I have attempted to remember them all here starting with.
The best bakery is at Uranquinty.. so good in fact that mum and I had morning tea there (I have been before and felt that she needed to experience it for herself), we then returned for a very, very late lunch, and then felt compelled to buy a sample of their cakes and a loaf of bread to enjoy over the next couple of days.
The Wagga Iron Foundry, just fascinating, they are able to recreate any cast iron item. Verandah posts, chairs, tables, you just name it. I was a after a price for flat decorative verandah posts.
The Ardent Alpaca in Beechworth, I loved this store, I bought the softest baby alpaca yarn which I am knitting into a lace type pattern scarf. The pattern is from either this or last months Better Homes and Gardens. A picture will surely be uploaded when it is finished. I will be so proud of myself if I actually finish it.
Divine Linen, also in Beechworth.
Mad About You - I didn't actually view any of their stuff apart from a cute little catalogue I picked up in a coffee shop in Albury. But you never know when it might come in handy, and some of their things were adorable. I can't share it with you now though as they don't have a webpage. Very strange when they rely on direct sales. Oh well. For a catalogue Tel. +61 2 60565911 or email
Zakkaya, Fitzroy, Victoria, "contemporary Japanese goods for your life". Just cute stuff, really really cute.
And finally, La Parisienne Pates, Lygon St Carlton, Victoria. Yummy, Yummy stuff here, we had the best pate for dinner that night, and rabbit and prune pies to die for. No web link but I will be going back for supplies next time I am in Vic.
Here is a link to the pictorial.
There were however so many other sites and things that I didn't get photos of so I have attempted to remember them all here starting with.
The best bakery is at Uranquinty.. so good in fact that mum and I had morning tea there (I have been before and felt that she needed to experience it for herself), we then returned for a very, very late lunch, and then felt compelled to buy a sample of their cakes and a loaf of bread to enjoy over the next couple of days.
The Wagga Iron Foundry, just fascinating, they are able to recreate any cast iron item. Verandah posts, chairs, tables, you just name it. I was a after a price for flat decorative verandah posts.
The Ardent Alpaca in Beechworth, I loved this store, I bought the softest baby alpaca yarn which I am knitting into a lace type pattern scarf. The pattern is from either this or last months Better Homes and Gardens. A picture will surely be uploaded when it is finished. I will be so proud of myself if I actually finish it.
Divine Linen, also in Beechworth.
Mad About You - I didn't actually view any of their stuff apart from a cute little catalogue I picked up in a coffee shop in Albury. But you never know when it might come in handy, and some of their things were adorable. I can't share it with you now though as they don't have a webpage. Very strange when they rely on direct sales. Oh well. For a catalogue Tel. +61 2 60565911 or email
Zakkaya, Fitzroy, Victoria, "contemporary Japanese goods for your life". Just cute stuff, really really cute.
And finally, La Parisienne Pates, Lygon St Carlton, Victoria. Yummy, Yummy stuff here, we had the best pate for dinner that night, and rabbit and prune pies to die for. No web link but I will be going back for supplies next time I am in Vic.
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