01 September, 2004

what's in a name I hear you ask?????

I have been asked, (again) as to how we got to the name of our website/blog!

Well, here 'tis.

When we were looking at some of the other blogs out there in cyber land, I was on the puter and L was (trying) to cook dinner. If my memory is correct, I think it was sausages. Why, do I hear you ask, if I remember it was sausages?

Well, L was definitely cooking sausages, on HIGH, and was distracted out to the puter room for what ever reason, and it was the sound of the smoke alarm that convinced her that "Houston, we have a problem"! No, not really the smoke alarm, but there was enough smoke there that should have set it off though!!

This is one (of many) attempts by L to add that lovely, smoky, atmosphere to the house. Her attempts in the kitchen, whilst are intended to be very helpful and is gratefuly accepted, come to the end result of either being a 'burnt offering' or there is something wrong with it. Like on Monday night for example:

I was on my way home from work, and talking to L from my mobile (hands free of course *grins*) and she suggested "Why don't we have the chicken Kiev we purchased from Baiada" these were a very cheep *giggles at ones own joke* buy.
I says, "ok, but can you get it started"?.
When I get home, the oven was on, and the chicken was on the side of the bench and still FROZEN. L did not think that it needed to be thawed out before going into the oven.

Now after seeing a show on the ABC (which name escapes me at the moment), we saw exactly how food poisoning happens from un-cooked chicken, and wanting not to have this happen, I suggested to L that this needs to be thawed out so she put it in the microwave.

But, we did have some (limited) success on the weekend with some Friand's. In fact, there is a pic of them in the 'Pics' section of burntofferings website, so go and have a look. They tasted as good as they looked, and nice and (very) crunchy on the edges, whilst being a little raw still in the center!

Well, had better go now, cya!


30 August, 2004

what a weekend.......

WOW!! What a weekend! Firstly, on Saturday morning, we had the Gardens of the Future Expo which went really well, (even though L was not there for my presentation)!!! A got to see it though!!!
We had a really tiring day on Sat, after the expo, we got some rolls for lunch, worked on A's blog a bit, went to the video store to get some DVD's (Shattered Glass a story about a disgraced associate editor who fabricated many articles for the The New Republic; you can read more here) & (House of Sand and Fog you can read all about it there!!) Two very good movies.....

On Sunday, we took B (not me) and A (not the previously mentioned A but A.... are you confused????) to the airport to see them off to Fiji! It was sad to see them go (only because I wished it was I, not them, going through the magic doors....), but I hope they have a good time!! After that we went to the new Westfield at Bondi Junction. L bought herself a new Spencer and Rutherford bag Go Fetch. I will get a pic of it loaded shortly so as you can see why L HAD to have this bag. Then we went on to Manly Vale to go to the Nursery there, and finally we got L her Globe Artichoke, then went home to rest when it started to (finally) rain.


27 August, 2004

gardens of the future expo.......

well, the day is here tomorrow when I am making a presentation for the 'Gardens of the Future Expo' at Central Gardens.

I have spent most of today mucking around trying to finalize what I am going to say, make some posters up, and locate, work out how to set up and stick on works banners!!!!! AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!

Now all that I have left is to get my posters laminated, and go home!!!

I hope that tomorrow is as fine a day as today, even if we got about 2 mins of rain this morning, but after that, I hope it pours down rain on Sunday!!


26 August, 2004

Greyhound for sale, going cheap!!

no, not really, although I suspect that L is a little hopeful!!

Yesterday, whilst having a break from studying, L was out the back pulling out the Poa annua (Winter Grass) from our yard. Now hear is where the problem is, she was using her kneeling pad and it got a little damp. So, by the end of the day she put it on the outside table for it to dry and promptly forgot about it.

Roll clock forward about 4-5 hours.

Macc the lovely Grey was wandering around the lounge room making us all know he would like to visit the men's room. So, I got up from the computer, trying hard to work out how to put in thumbnail's (and that's another story), and let him out, and promptly forgot about him and went back to the computer to make some bids on

Now roll the clock forward about 2 hours.

I was going to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, and I glanced out the back door to see the said Grey lying like an angel (not) on the cold tiles on our verandah, DUH!! So, I let him in again.

Roll the clock forward 2 hours.

"Ok Macc, time for bed", I heard from L as she went to the pantry to get M his sardines, and as she went out the back to what appeared to look like it had snow in our courtyard! oooohhhhhh!! she yells.

So, as a result, he was now out for the night in disgrace!! Oh, and I worked out the trick of thumbnail's, won 2
eBay auctions and managed to put the clock on our website!!!



They went the way of the muffins

It's true really! I didn't eat them all by myself. Macc is to blame.

The triple chocolate muffins and now the pancakes. I'm suprised he didn't succeed in getting the choc chunk cookies I made yesterday. This has been a very domestic week - cooking, cleaning, and x-stitching. Probably because this is infinitely more exciting than the economics I am supposed to be studying.

Macc and I have just been to the park, it was as we were leaving that I thought I would take one of the pancakes for him as a reward. He gets a bit of time off the lead to chase a ball and some form of yummy enticement reminds him that he needs to bring the ball back to me. However, the plate upon which the freshly made pancakes were cooling was bare. I can't say I was overly disappointed though, as they were a bit burnt. However, this continual thieving when it comes to food is getting to be a bit of nuisance.

B and I are going to have to work harder to establish that the kitchen, Jasmine's dinner, and any food generally that is not in his bowl is off limits.

25 August, 2004


Well what a coincidence!

Yesterday, L made a post to welcome A to the WWB (Wonderful World of Blogging). But when she did the 'update' thing, she saw that my post (almost at the same time) was there too!! AND, what's more, the title on both were THE SAME! What are the chances!

I have now had emails from Loobylu, FluidPudding & UGC all saying it was ok to link to their sites, Thanks all concerned, your sites are really good reading for L, and a pain for me as she wants me to work on our site, to make it worthy of yours. L is always looking for some sort of inspiration (as an excuse to get away from studying I say!!)!!

On Monday morning, we had the construction of the townhouse development up the back, put in the cables for Telstra. What this meant for us is, that they had to dig a trench from the corner of our property, to almost the 7- Eleven up the road! Whilst they did an ok job of it (particularly in front of our place) it is pretty ordinary the rest of the way. What is really disappointing is we could not water it until today, and only up to 10 am thanks to the water restrictions in place, thanks to Sydney Water. So hopefully L is out there watering it now.

Well, that's it for now, whilst I am at work, and L is at home studying, or at least I hope you are L!


24 August, 2004

Macc Mayhem

Congrat's A for the birth of your blog 'Blue Monkey Jammies'. B has added the link to our list of favourites, because it is sure to be one.

Today is the second day of my week off. I had a great morning with P and M, generally just catching up, looking at the purchases for February's baby, showing my craft purchases from Melbourne, and commiserating over hours wasted studying (both P and M are also studying).

I then headed over to mum and dad's to pick up the keys the littlest sister had whilst minding our house. On the way home I passed a truck with a really funky design that caught my attention, so that when I got home I had to look up the web site. Now if I was in the need for 'fine paper' I would be sold on this company. I just love the colours and the images of the dogs. The only negative I can find with it is that there isn't a greyhound. My Macc would make a fine model, he is as cheeky as the dogs depicted and is even the right colour, black.

Speaking of Macc, I gave him a bath in the backyard this morning. He was pretty good about it, I think he thought it was a bit of a game. We used to take him to scrub dub dog but apart from it being a good hours drive away, the admin of the members card was a continual problem and detracted from the fun of going. Instead we have used the services of one of the other Greyhound Adoption members who has a dog wash business and they live in the same suburb. L is great about giving Macc a wash at short notice, and Macc loves to run around with her dogs. However, today I did the honours in the backyard with a bucket and scoop. The logic being that apart from a clean dog, any water splashed around would be good for what remains of the lawn. Needless to say both of us got quite wet and muddy.

Blue monkey jammies

Well, announcing the arrival of blue monkey jammies well done A.

All I can say is, ABOUT TIME. I have been trying to 'walk her through' some of the scripting to change it a bit, but it is a bit to difficult to do over the phone. So I guess I will have to go over and have a look at it soon to have a closer look, and play some placated if that's ok with you A (and L too for that matter!!


22 August, 2004


......... 2 minutes ago I was shrieking expletives for the monumental stuff up I just realised I had made. Now it is kind of funny and means I can enjoy a night in front of the TV, morning tea with P tomorrow and possibly even lunch with mum. It does not however, bring back the weekend which could have been spent in Melbourne or going to the 50's fair today.

What was this monumental stuff up? I am way ahead with my uni study by no less than 4 weeks. How did this happen? I have mistakenly assumed week 1 for module 1, week 2 module 2, etc when in fact from week 3, module 3 was to take 3 weeks, and module 4 was to take 2 weeks. Get the picture, we are now in week 6 and I have been busting a gut to complete all the work up to module 6. Module 6 is actually due for completion by 29 Oct.

I can now see the funny side and am relieved, as I can now go back and do the stuff I skipped.

21 August, 2004

Planes, trains, automobiles...and trams!

This year has seen me do a lot of travel. This time to Melbourne for a conference and workshop on Triple Bottom Line (TBL)/Sustainability reporting. The conference was hosted by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) and the City of Melbourne. ICLEI sponsored the Study Tour I undertook only a couple of months ago.

Whilst in Melbourne I was also able to catch up with my friend B, whom I have known for as long as I can remember. It was quite an ordeal navigating the suburbs, thank goodness for A back in Sydney who provided the instructions over the phone, once we had become hopelessly lost.

We also spent a night with K and Uncle P, which was really great. K kindly offered us to sleepover which meant that we could really relax and enjoy ourselves. This was the first time that I had been to their home and I felt that I was really able to get to know them both a little better.

Whilst we were in Melbourne I managed to get to the one shop I really wanted to visit 'Patchwork on Central Park', and pick up a few supplies.

On the way home we travelled via Ballarat. B and I are definitely making this a week long holiday destination down the track. I was able to visit 'Country Mouse' and discovered 'Ballarat Patchwork'. When I have finished the projects I already have waiting, I am going to purchase the 'Bright Coin' kit from Ballarat Patchwork - maybe that might be a good time to do the next trip to Ballarat.