With eleven days between postings, quite a bit has happened.
8-11 days ago
study partnerMy time was consumed with studying for an exam, which incidentally was horrendous. Although on the eleventh day, after my exam we found a house we liked, and might be moving.
7 days agoWe had an appointment for electrical conductivity tests on B's back, this was not pleasant but he was strong and stayed brave. Met with the bank, looked through
the house for the second time. Visited mum and dad and stayed for dinner, an indian banquet.
5-6 days ago
On the beach at BudgewoiWent up the coast to stay at the Next Sister Down's Beach House and celebrated dad's B'day on the Sunday. It was a great weekend, A was able to join us, and she provides a good rundown at
Blue Monkey Jammies.
keeping watch, Macc the lifedog4 days ago
Munchkin1 (of Blue Monkey Jammies fame) had her birthday which, she now shares with Special Friend P and husband M's new baby. Welcome Liam Mustafa, and congratulations P and M.
3 days agoVisited Special Friend P, husband M and little Liam.
new fenceAlso this week, we got a new fence which ment that Macc got a sleepover with L and C. We didn't get much notice that the fence was to be erected and as our yard was exposed for most of the week. B managed a couple of days at home to keep the pooch indoors but L and C came to the rescue at short notice on the days that B had no choice but to go to work.