Today was an early start, and was to be a travel day between Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong. It started early, and after a quick breakfast at the hotel, we headed (via taxi) to the airport... It was hazy, warm and humid, and it was 6am!!
We checked in easily enough and cleared immigration whilst chatting too some girls heading back to Brisbane... We eventually got to the gate to find that the scheduled B772ER had been swapped for an A333 instead! J stayed with the bags whilst D &I went to get a coffee... I swear, it would have been quicker going to Hong Kong and getting the coffee's there!!!
We soon boarded, interesting in itself, with lots of people and well behaved kids. There was a tour guide, well, we'll call him the 'Telly Tubby' as he was prancing around organising everyone like nothing else!! It even carried through onto the plane!!
Anyways, we were held for a little while (all up, c. 60 minutes) but eventually we headed out to 14R past the 'Observation Deck' (which was behind glass...).

Kuala Lumpur "Observation Deck"
Once in the air, breakfast was served, which was an omelet, sausage, tomato mushrooms (Fungi) and bread, with fruit salad and a Creme Brulee! It was very yumm!!!
I managed to get a little sleep as well, as there wasn't any PTV, and the seating was, well lets say, COLOURFUL!

MH Breakfast
We eventually entered into Hong Kong airspace and started our decent into Hong Kong. It was, despite the menacing clouds, quite clear and sunny (and warm and humid)!!!

China Sea somewhere

Approaching HKG...
We got to the dog box hotel, and unpacked and headed around the corner to get a local SIM card for our phones (and iPad), before crossing the road to the train into Kowloon for the light show... It was a bit of a let down, but as I am tired, I will edit photos and post int tomorrow!!