Avalon Quilt Kit

Avalon waiting quilt underway

Avalon waiting quilt

fabric gifted
I have spent the day with mum and dad. It would have been a good day to spend at home as it was unbelievably stormy, and in typical me fashion, I got us real lost right from the get go. Thank god, I have a navman, he is called a husband on speed dial.
I had planned this day to get dad out of the house and as a bit of a distraction. Anyway, I totally distracted him, I think he was a bit incredulous that I had got us lost only 15 minutes into the trip. The destination for the day was Dural, where we could take in a couple of antique shops, and lunch at Greenshades in the warmth of their open fire.
If we hadn't got lost we wouldn't have seen the red and white striped circus tent at Silverwater that has provided me with the inspiration for the backing fabric for the Circus in Central Park quilt top that is now sewn. I shall just have to find it.