18 February, 2005

Stitches and Craft

This was the first day spent with mum in ages. She has been busy with Christmas, school holidays and the littlest sisters wedding and I have been busy with work, uni and being moody.

(BTW I've been asked to do a reading at the littlest sisters wedding, so am over my moody. For now anyway.)

SOOOO, it was with much anticipation that a day was planned for an outing at the Stitches and Craft Show at Rosehill. If it wasn't so good to have mum all to myself for a change, I think I would have asked for my entry fee back. I wouldn't really, but you know what I mean. I don't think we have been to the February one before, and I don't think I will bother again in the future. There wasn't much there and what was there seemed all the same. The highlight of the Show was bumping into A(milly-molly-manda).

Aside: Too many A's for friends, it was discovered that this A was named by her mother after one of my mothers favourite children's books (Milly Molly Mandy, by Joyce Lankester Brisley). This all came out over a discussion about maps - don't ask.

The day was not completely a shopping disaster however, as I made the following purchases at a shop in Willoughby.

tiny tired elephants...

Indian rolling pin

And actually, it wasn't a craft disaster either as the backing fabric for the Rose Gingham Quilt arrived from Ballarat patchwork today, ready for quilting class tomorrow.

17 February, 2005

snippets of discussion

Heard about this site? It might make you laugh....it did me and I can be a moody cow.

The purpose of the site is described by its makers as

"...dedicated to the English language, that complex tongue spoken by a large chunk of the world's population and by several communities in the American South. Specifically, it's dedicated to unusual quotes, strange statements, bad writing and other oddities of the language. Things that are funny because of the specific choice of words. Things that sound great because of the context, or that sound even better when given no context at all. (Like the name of the site, for example.) "

Go check it out, wemadeoutinatreeandthisoldguysatandwatchedus.

14 February, 2005


Tiffin? n (in India) a light meal, esp. at midday. According to my 'Collins English Dictionary & Thesaurus 21st Century Edition'.

Although refers to a purchase off wishlist made last week (after eyeing off the Sister-in-Laws one), and arrived today.

my 'Tiffin'!

Don't say you don't learn something from this site.

11 February, 2005

birthdays, beach and babies

With eleven days between postings, quite a bit has happened.

8-11 days ago

study partner

My time was consumed with studying for an exam, which incidentally was horrendous. Although on the eleventh day, after my exam we found a house we liked, and might be moving.

7 days ago
We had an appointment for electrical conductivity tests on B's back, this was not pleasant but he was strong and stayed brave. Met with the bank, looked through the house for the second time. Visited mum and dad and stayed for dinner, an indian banquet.

5-6 days ago

On the beach at Budgewoi

Went up the coast to stay at the Next Sister Down's Beach House and celebrated dad's B'day on the Sunday. It was a great weekend, A was able to join us, and she provides a good rundown at Blue Monkey Jammies.

keeping watch, Macc the lifedog

4 days ago
Munchkin1 (of Blue Monkey Jammies fame) had her birthday which, she now shares with Special Friend P and husband M's new baby. Welcome Liam Mustafa, and congratulations P and M.

3 days ago
Visited Special Friend P, husband M and little Liam.

new fence

Also this week, we got a new fence which ment that Macc got a sleepover with L and C. We didn't get much notice that the fence was to be erected and as our yard was exposed for most of the week. B managed a couple of days at home to keep the pooch indoors but L and C came to the rescue at short notice on the days that B had no choice but to go to work.

31 January, 2005

vintage catwalk

vintage catwalk

This is my contribution to Loobylu's Month of Softies. It is a vintage fabric collage, braid and sequined embellished gift bag.

fabric collage

sequined eyes and lashes

Inspired by Jas the Cat, created whilst watching Dr Phil, and intended to house a present for a little persons birthday in a weeks time.

I wasn't going to participate this month, what with a uni assignment and exam but, coming across the gift bag in Big W, it was a sign for me to.......get a life!

30 January, 2005

cry baby

It was an up and down kinda weekend.

The ups
  • one of my longest standing friends (since primary school) had a second baby on Thursday, a little girl. B and I visited Meagan on Friday, and stayed long enough to both disgrace ourselves as baby hogs, although I think B may have been worse than me. We also got to catch up with her husband Neil and little Jordie, their no 1.
  • visit with the endochronologist, the good news being my pesky companion is only 3mm and blood tests are within the normal limits
  • B has been invited to be MC at the littlest sisters wedding
The downs
  • I have an exam this week to study for.
  • I had a visit with my endochronologist, and although the blood tests done last time might be within normal limits, some are too low, so other tests needed to be carried out. My endo was very sweet and reassuring and is going to get a second opinion, B asked lots of questions, I however, dealt with it in my way and had a little cry. It was much simpler when the blood tests were out of range - they treat that with a pill that I'm familiar with.
  • Did I tell you that I'm not a bridesmaid or whatever the one is when you are married, for the littlest sisters wedding,? It's stupid really, because I didn' t expect to be one, I've already got my dress, and I'd rather sit with my husband at the reception. So what's the problem? I would like to have been involved somehow. It seems anyone who has rubbed shoulders with the littlest sister lately is involved and I feel left out.

Poor me.

26 January, 2005

australia day

Started early this morning with a trip to Parramatta Park for the hot air balloons.

hot air balloons in Parramatta Park


still seeing double

We took Happy and Macc with us to the Park, they seemed to enjoy themselves, and then it was back home for breakfast. Unfortunately, that was the extent of our Australia Day celebrations as I had study to do. My exam is less than a week away. B caught up with a few chores.

25 January, 2005

it's a feotus!!!

Well, last Sunday night, both B & A (not me and the other A that gets a mention from time to time from BMJ fame) came over for a long awaited dinner.

Dinner consisted of:

Mango and Prawn Tarts

Orange Roasted Chicken with a Vegetable Rissotto with a side of Chilli Cheese Bread

Warm Berry Pudding with Vanilla Yoghurt and Cream

But before we got down to the above mentioned feast, both the spermanator (as B was calling himself) and L's new eBay conspirator, drop their bundle! Not figuratively of course as this would have meant a very quick trip to the near by Westmead Hospital, but the news of there upcoming parentage!

We, or at least I did, had to keep it quite, thus the timely posting of this post now, as the family had to be notified.

So well done guys!!

23 January, 2005

seeing double

guessing competition

We have a house companion for a few days. We are looking after Happy, a black male greyhound who at a glance looks just like our Macc, and also sports a red collar. Happy's family have gone away for a few days, and having 3 GH's, each has been billeted out amongst the GAP fraternity.

18 January, 2005

pesky companion

my pituitary adenoma is back, I don't know any more than that. Having had an MRI before Christmas and having not heard anything, I took it upon myself to contact my doctor yesterday. His lovely secretary Ange was suprised and very apologetic that my results were missing, having not been forwarded by the hospital, and she had forgotten to follow them up. I left it with her, and not too much later got the call that my pesky companion is back. I didn't get much detail, she did tell me how big, but it didn't sink in, my mind went to another place. She rang again this morning to book me in for an appointment in a couple of weeks. I think she knew I wasn't really listening/taking things in. At the time I was shocked, although not really suprised, sad but at the same time relieved... it explains a few things, and again I have an excuse for being a 'moody cow'.