13 October, 2006


congratulations to the next sister down and her new husband on getting married last weekend. May romance and love continue to grow each year through the lifetime you'll share. It was a beautiful day.

Reception venue

01 October, 2006

momentous birthdays

today is the allocated* birthday for our little Jasmine who is five. This is her 2006 birthday portrait.

Jasmine 5th birthday
And before time gets too far away and we are on momentous birthdays, we had the pleasure of celebrating little B's first birthday, last Sunday. And you've just got to love the cake made by her dad 'faeries and mushroom', it was just too cute.

Breanna's Cake
*the people we rescued her from didn't know the date she was born or even how many weeks old she was when they gave her to us, I am guessing she was only about 6 weeks old. She was too young really but as the mother and litter had to fend for themselves, all but two, including our Jas were no longer. So from our estimations we set the first of October as her birthday.

29 September, 2006

strange customs

we keep a lidded container the size of a very small bucket (4L) on our kitchen bench, it is for fruit and vegetable scraps to be collected. On a regular enough basis the bucket is emptied onto the compost heap which is located down the back of our yard. I instigated the scrap bucket when B and I first moved in together, although the scrap bucket was used to feed our worm farm. We were renting, and the landlord may not have approved of a compost heap. When we got our own place I introduced a neat compost bin (less fuss than the worm farm, no need to filter out the onion and citrus skins) and vegetable scrap collections resumed. With yet another move and a bigger yard, the bin is no longer and we have a full scale compost going. Now where was I going with this.... yes I instigated the scrap bucket, my mum had one which she emptied on a compost heap, my grandmother, and great grandmother on my mothers side had one, and they too had compost heaps. Although now my grandmother digs a hole in her garden and buries the buckets contents, moving from petunia patch to rose bed, and so on. I can't remember whether my grandmother on my dad's side had one or not. The point is, and yes I am getting to it, it seems like a fairly normal doesn't require explanation sort of thing to do. But, maybe it is. You see we have a house guest with us, and she has taken to the scrap bucket without question, and has even taken on the responsibility of emptying it. The only thing is I believe that she is emptying it when the garbage gets emptied, into the garbage bin. So it is not making it to the compost. I can't imagine what she must think, why we would separate, only to put it all in the garbage bin. Do others have a compost, a vege scrap bucket for the compost, or a vege scrap bucket for the garbage bin? I am intrigued. Is my family weird carrying out a strange custom? Even if we are, we are doing our little bit for the planet, and our gardens. But it does make me wonder about others and their compost heaps and how they manage the kitchen to heap process*.

* I wonder a lot when I am meant to be doing an assignment.

24 September, 2006

craft withdrawl

there has been a distinct lack of craft posts due to no craft projects being undertaken in recent weeks, or is it months??? I have been loathe to do anything as I am meant to be studying. Keeping up to date on readings, writing assignments, and studying for an exam always provides more than enough motivation to be distracted by a craft project, to clean the house, or weed the garden. And whilst knitting or cross-stitch have been favourite distractions in the past, this time round weeding the garden has probably come in first, followed by cleaning the house, although the standards here are slipping.

This weekend the garden was again the focus of my distraction, with visits to The Indian Bazaar and Wisteria Gardens where we picked up Clivias and Bromeliads respectively for massed displays in the backyard.
Bromeliad bargain
The Indian Bazaar also provided a much needed craft infusion with this find of fabrics and lace.

pretty paisley patchwork fabric



funky fabric

linen bag
7 weeks and counting and I will be MBA free forever.

22 September, 2006

All about poo and worms

I have a new toy, as seen on Better Homes and Gardens, a tumbleweed pet poo converter. My new toy is going to make the regular collection of Macc’s droppings so much fun, because a slick team of worms are going to turn dog ‘do do’ into worm poo that will be the best fertilizer the non-edible parts of my garden will get.
pet poo convertor
The Tumbleweed Pet Poo Converter is just a tumbleweed worm farm, but actually any old worm farm will do. I just like the tumbleweed one as it seems a bit better designed than its competitors, I particularly like the hinged lid, and the pet poo (how many times can I say this in the one post?) converter tag. And in case you are after the Tumbleweed Pet Poo Converter and can’t find one, it is exactly the same as the Tumbleweed Worm Farm except it comes with different instructions. Tumbleweed Sales will provide you with these instructions if you ask nicely.

Basically, the only difference from the standard worm farm is that you can only feed the worms pet poo. Apparently if you feed them anything but poo, they won't eat it. Can't blame them really!

I have had a standard worm farm in the past, but prefer to compost my vege scraps, it is much simpler than having to worry about sorting the onion skins, citrus, etc from the rest.
I am hoping pet poo conversion will be less smelly than bagging the business for the bin. However, I am concerned that Macc's monthly combined heartworm, intestinal worm tablet might have a deadly impact on the pet poo factory workers. The instructions say not to feed them for at least 24hours following a worming tablet but it didn't specify what worming tablet they were referring to. I shot off an email to Dr Harry, but have not had a response to my question. So I guess I am running my own experiment, which I can report back on here. Has anyone had any experience with this already, I would love to hear from you.

21 September, 2006

there'll be no pictures for this post

and I should really keep this to myself but, there really is nothing like getting a new bra, and tonight I got three! After putting it off and putting it off, I finally made the trip to Debra's. With time running out to find an outfit for the wedding of the next sister down, it was decided to sort out the support, improve the shape, and get a boost in confidence* that a new (proper fitting) bra gives.

I went with designer styles by Oroton, Trent Nathan, and a third I can't remember but is a pretty cappuccino colour. Ohhh the choices for tomorrow.

So if you are in Western Sydney (it would be worth the trip even if you are from further abroad)and have not been fitted for a bra, I thorougly recommend the great personal service of Debra's.

*It's hard having stick sisters as siblings. Particularly when your mother goes into shops with you and tells you how great the clothes would look on either of them. Hmmmmmm, pass me another mint slice B.

20 September, 2006

burnt range rover offerings

range rover on fire
great excitement, lots of smoke and not in our kitchen for a change. Our early start, to be in the City to set up a display before my favourite annual conference started registrations at 8.30am, was thwarted by the unfortunate combustion of a new Range Rover ahead of us on the city west link. It stopped traffic for over 45 minutes, billowing smoke into the atmosphere, and requiring the attendance of the Fire Brigade, Police, RTA and of course a flat bed tow truck. Special mention should be made of this bloke who gave assistance (he had a fire extinguisher) until the firies arrrived.

good samaritan
Yay for the truckie!

19 September, 2006

anniversary of sorts

although I can't pinpoint exactly the year B and I first met, today is 10 years from when we struck up the friendship that led to us becoming boyfriend and girlfriend, and later be married. We felt this was a significant milestone and considered recreating that momentous occassion, complete with B cooking a baked dinner, me arriving with our mutual friend A, and a bottle of red wine for me to knock over....... but given it was a work/school night and that we'd had a baked dinner on Sunday, we took in a movie instead. I was spoilt with a movie of my choice and what a great night, Unfolding Florence was fantastic, such an interesting, amazing, and inspirational woman. I am so into all things Broadhurst at the moment.

And because B is a bit of a romantic I also got spoilt with Floral Fruit which B had delivered to work and that we indulged on when we got home this evening. Appetising Apple, with chocolate covered strawberries and apple, grapes, pineapple and rockmelon, a perfect treat.

Here's to another 10 years...

I am so very lucky to have a partner who is my advisor (vocational, fashion and life coach), thank you for being so supportive of me, tolerant of my moods, and just plain fun.

18 September, 2006

it'll be all over soon enough

just so you know, I am meant to be studying/doing my second and final assignment in the last subject (if I pass that is) of my MBA. Also, just so you know, I am loving this at the moment.

So in the name of integration, value creation, and characteristic ambiguity (apparently this is where the significance of the characteristic itself is difficult to discern or comprehend according to Johnson et al) :

M is for Maud who was swept out to sea

B is for Basil assaulted by bears

A is for Amy who fell down the stairs

13 September, 2006

best wishes


Happy Birthday today to the favourite brother! You get the bouquet mentioned in the previous post.

And for birthday's of another kind we wish a belated 'welcome to the world' to Jacob and Mitchell who were born exactly one week ago. Congratulations K&R we hope to get over to meet the boys soon. It would have been sooner, last Sunday in fact but the hospital told us you were no longer 'on the list'.

Also, Taylor, now 3 weeks old, I look forward to another hold.