... work
... work, although with a difference, had to attend a function (Green Globe Awards) at Parliament House in the evening so left work at lunch time and got a few other work related things done on the way there which included dropping off my presentation for Wednesday to the organisers at Five Dock, and visiting GROK and Oxfam to collect items for an educational display for Christmas.
I really love Grok and am planning a trip back to collect some things for Christmas presents. They sell a lot of things that you can get from Indigo Arts only they are in Australia. I particularly like the Recycled Plastic Bag Chickens and the Telephone Wire Baskets.

Plastic Bag Chicks
... spent the day in the City as I gave a presentation regarding the study tour to the Excellence in the Environment Awards
... work
... flex spent at home catching up on uni work, then into the 'warehouse sale' once B got home from work, where we knocked over most of the Christmas shopping, and also bumped into the two sisters. Once the shopping was completed the 'next sister down', B and I went for dinner at the Woolloomooloo Bay Hotel.
... B and I had our photos taken, viewed a couple of open homes, and more progress was made on the gingham rose quilt.
... spent gardening, studying, shopping and had a visit from B's mum.