This weekend, was a weekend of highs and lows. Saturday, another unseasonal warm day, we were up and out very early... 4am for me, as I was watching the live telecast (Internet) of the delivery ceremony From Airbus of the new A380 to QANTAS. Here is a screen-shot from the ceremony...

VH-OQA Delivery Screen-shot
Source: Airbus LIVE stream video of ceremony (Screen-shot)
After that was done, we were off to the Orange Grove Organic markets for a bit of breakfast, and to try and settle down the morning sickness for L. One of the Turkish Gonzlemes (Spinach & Cheese) did the trick, whilst I had the Egg & Bacon roll, YUMM! It was then off the the Indian Bazaar over at Riverview College, the High School that the BIL went to in his youth. This is an annual event, pilgrimage even, for the family to get together and have a morning tea and try and grab a bargain, with the school raising money for the Missions. A quick call into the MIL (she was off to a School Fundraiser) and down to the Nth Beach's to visit Nan & Pa and give them our news, as they are about to go into a nursing home for some respite care. A quick stop into the BIL home on the way to give him the Orchid we got at the morning Markets for his birthday, and we were home just before dinner! That night, L had a slight spot, and an early night was called for to reduce stress...
Sunday morning saw a return of the headache & morning sickness, but all did not seem ok... But, we kept on with the plans, and off to Holroyd Council's Pet Fest, to visit Jamilla as she was the 'Mascot' for the day...

Pet Fest 2008 Mascot

Pet Fest 2008

Birthday Girl with Dad

Birthday Girl with Cake

Albino Corn Snake

Albino Corn Snake
3.04am (AEST) UPDATE: Ok, at 10.30pm (just after I posted this blog) we were off to the emergency ward at Westmead Hospital. We were seen to fairly quickly and a lot of tests were done. We are just home now, and have to re-attend the 'EPAC' Clinic (Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic) early tomorrow (or is it today, like in 5 hours!)! Cramping has settled, whilst bleeding has subsided significantly. Initial bloodwork is good, a couple of little tid bits, but good all the same, and her hCg is 8,400! Will know more later...

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