Showing posts with label IVF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IVF. Show all posts

30 April, 2012

Photo a Day Challenge - Day 119 Something That Makes You Sad

Something that makes me sad, is knowing that the twin would've recently had thier 2nd birthday...


Hoo roo for now...


10 December, 2008

Man, have we been busy!!!

This is a bit of a 'catch-up', so apologies in advance!
Firstly, in news other than homely stuff, 'L' had another cycle, however, this time, it was a negative. Friday, she is going off to have some investigative surgery to have a look at the insides... More on that in another post!
So, what have we been doing? A lot! Tiling the back (and front) verandahs...



Back Wide


Side During

Back During

Side Finished

Back Finished II

And finished & cleaned off...

Back Cleaned

Also, the second bedroom was still in the colours that were in it when we bought the house 3 1/2 years ago, so a change was in order...

2nd Bedroom

Clearly, the previous owner's little girl had influenced the colour choice...

2nd Bedroom Door

And, as tomorrow is 'L's' birthday and a party will be had on Sunday, we are doing a spot of cleaning!!!

Rug Cleaning

I promise, I will post a photo of the present I have got her tomorrow afternoon!!!

19 November, 2008

Oh what a ... day!

On Monday, we had an interesting morning...

We had to get to the clinic early on Monday for another transfer. This was to be our4th transfer since collecting the follicles a short time ago... So we left early as we had to drive in the morning peak. Trouble was, somebody forgot to tell the rest of the city, that they should also be driving and we got to our destination an HOUR early!

So, nearby, there is a hotel with a coffee shop attached so we parked the car and went there. I was no sooner inside, and thought I recognised some girls sitting there having their breakfast. And it wasn't long before I realised who they were... They were the girls from 'Make me a Supermodel' and here they were, stuffing their faces, being demanding for coffee in a take away cup and generally being a right royal "prima-donnas"!

Then it was time to go to the clinic for the transfer, which went as expected and I will not bore you with the details, and we headed home for a rest. There were a few 'sharp pains' in the lower abdo, and all, but all was going well. We then had to drive into the City, as L had to have an appoint to go to followed by a follow-up/debrief from the Pilot Program that the IVF Clinic had done. This was a weight loss program, that re-educated you on how your body works with food. Eating every three hours, a strict calorie total for the day and a 45 min walk at least 3 times a week. The program leader was sending tips on things to do as well through the 6 week program. All up, L had lost nearly 7kg, drop three sizes in her jeans and is enjoying her walks! All we have to do is get a positive that sticks!

That's all for now, but will keep you updated as we go... We are going to the Canberra Craft Markets this weekend, so lots of crafty goodness will be there!

03 October, 2008

A bit of a 'catch-up'

As some of you may know, we have been having a bit of a rough time lately with a lot of time spent at either Hospitals, Clinic's or at the GP. In fact, L was back at the hospital just this morning! These visits will be continuing for a little while to come as well... Almost two weeks ago now, another 'angel' went to heaven...

L is recovering slowly now, but is well on the mend. She is keeping busy, to busy I say, but I think this might just be a good thing as she will not dwell on what has happened.

We spent all of last week at home with a lot of 'us' time. Apart from that, Pa was also in hospital suffering from many things, but after releasing a blockage, he improved heaps. Nan this week, moved into a nursing home for some respite care, and pa will be joining her when he gets a little better, enough to walk. Not bad for a couple that are in their 90's!

I have also been busy, so busy that we have suddenly noticed that our Wisteria is about to flower! We have been SO unlucky with these over the last couple of years. At our old place, we planted one and in the 5 years that we were there, it had not flowered. We visited it the other week, and the people there tells us that it was about to flower! So here is a couple of shots of the first blooms:

Wisteria Bud

Wisteria Flower Bud

Also, it is now time to say 'bye bye' to my little old Suzuki...

Old Suzuki

She is being put out to pasture this afternoon, for a newbie, so I will post a photo of the new 'beast' over the weekend!

I will also be starting to 'catch-up' on ALL of my blogs in my reader, so my apologies to those I have not visited for some time. You have not been neglected!!

Take care, and have a great weekend!

21 September, 2008

This weekend...

Updated below...
This weekend, was a weekend of highs and lows. Saturday, another unseasonal warm day, we were up and out very early... 4am for me, as I was watching the live telecast (Internet) of the delivery ceremony From Airbus of the new A380 to QANTAS. Here is a screen-shot from the ceremony...

VH-OQA Delivery Screen-shot

Source: Airbus LIVE stream video of ceremony (Screen-shot)

After that was done, we were off to the Orange Grove Organic markets for a bit of breakfast, and to try and settle down the morning sickness for L. One of the Turkish Gonzlemes (Spinach & Cheese) did the trick, whilst I had the Egg & Bacon roll, YUMM! It was then off the the Indian Bazaar over at Riverview College, the High School that the BIL went to in his youth. This is an annual event, pilgrimage even, for the family to get together and have a morning tea and try and grab a bargain, with the school raising money for the Missions. A quick call into the MIL (she was off to a School Fundraiser) and down to the Nth Beach's to visit Nan & Pa and give them our news, as they are about to go into a nursing home for some respite care. A quick stop into the BIL home on the way to give him the Orchid we got at the morning Markets for his birthday, and we were home just before dinner! That night, L had a slight spot, and an early night was called for to reduce stress...

Sunday morning saw a return of the headache & morning sickness, but all did not seem ok... But, we kept on with the plans, and off to Holroyd Council's Pet Fest, to visit Jamilla as she was the 'Mascot' for the day...

Pet Fest 2008 Mascot

Pet Fest 2008
L, being incredibly busy at work, had to go off to work to meet up with her colleague and continue on the Annual Report, and I went of to the 'other B's' place for little B's birthday, she is 3...

Birthday Girl with Dad

Birthday Girl with Cake
I had a call from L saying that she was on her way home, and I had just left to go to Petbarn, as Macc's food was on special ($15 off!). When I got there, all of 5 mins before closing the doors, one of the staff was there with a Water Dragon on his shoulder, and an Albino Corn Snake in his hand! I finalised my purchase and put it in the car, grab my camera and returned to grab a couple of photos...

Albino Corn Snake

Albino Corn Snake
However, tonight, was the worst. The slight 'spotting' from yesterday, had turned into a flooding Murray and very bright. I called the Clinic to discuss with the After hours specialist, and unless it eases over night, we will be off to the clinic tomorrow for an assessment. If it gets worse, and I can't see how, then we will be off to the hospital sooner! Needless to say, L is devastated, and so am I!

3.04am (AEST) UPDATE: Ok, at 10.30pm (just after I posted this blog) we were off to the emergency ward at Westmead Hospital. We were seen to fairly quickly and a lot of tests were done. We are just home now, and have to re-attend the 'EPAC' Clinic (Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic) early tomorrow (or is it today, like in 5 hours!)! Cramping has settled, whilst bleeding has subsided significantly. Initial bloodwork is good, a couple of little tid bits, but good all the same, and her hCg is 8,400! Will know more later...

15 September, 2008

Call the police; somebody stole the weekend!

Over the last weekend, an unusually warm one at that, we had a major attack of the 'lazy's', that is, not much was done! Well, not quite, there was a fair bit done, just nothing that really needed to be done! We did however, catch up on a lot of the videos stacked up to the side of the TV from mid-week shows that doubled up, shows that were on whilst we were busy and that sort of thing...
Saturday, which was meant to be 27 degrees (C), actually turned out to be 32 degrees, so after a quick jaunt to a sale (photo's and a separate post all to itself is warranted here...) where we L spent more than our recently instigated daily budget. After heading home and getting some house and garden work done, L went off to work, yes, on a Saturday afternoon!
I managed to get a bit of washing done, and although I was supposed to get the citrus sprayed (stick bugs on the Lemon) and the weeds sprayed as well (Onion weed in amongst the Roses), these were not able to get done due to it being really gusty! So I just had a spa instead...
Sunday, was a very lazy day... L went back to bed (headache, and feeling overly nauseous) and did not take to long to go back to sleep... I went upstairs to work on the new computer, and went down to see if she would like a cuppa. She was actually sound asleep! After she awoke, we decided that we will go to the shops for a bit of 'therapy' and some lunch before coming home to catch-up on those videos. During this, we both fell back to sleep, and when we woke-up, L went upstairs to continue with the report upstairs, whilst I got dinner sorted.
When she eventually came down, this is the site we saw on our bed...

Jasmine on tapestry

Jasmin on tapestry
Now L has been working on this tapestry for a little while now, and of ALL the bed she could have picked to sleep, she HAD to sleep on it!

08 August, 2008

An update....

Well, the transfer happened last week, the medications have (and still are being) taken, and this morning was an early start...

5.25am, Macc was barking at something (most likely a bat in one of the fruit trees or a neighbours cat helping its self to his bowl) outside as he was enjoying the warmth inside. I got an sms from my brother saying last night it was -4.5 in the Blue Mountains! So, at 5.30am when the alarm went off, a quick breakfast of a coffee and toast (with Vegemite) get dressed and it was off to have the blood test at 7am!

Normally, by this stage, things had started to happen that were NOT meant to happen, but so far, all is good. I will not get a phone call from the clinic until around 1pm, so we are waiting on tender hooks at the moment...

Update to follow...

UPDATE: (1:45pm AEST) A big fat NEGATIVE... L is distraught... At least we have another 5 in storage. The thing is, how long do we wait and rest?

31 July, 2008

Thematic Photographic, SIGNS: IVF Transfer Room 2

Again, whit credit to Carmi at Written Inc, here is this weeks 'Thematic Photographic'!

This is sort of how we spent yesterday, Wednesday Sydney Time, with it being a 'double day'!

IVF Transfer Room 2

Your turn: Here are the Thematic Photographic guidelines:

  1. Carmi will post a new entry every Wednesday evening.
  2. Each entry has a unique theme. This week's his theme is...signs!
  3. You post a similarly themed image over on your blog.
  4. You paste a link to your entry in a comment over at Written inc and maybe here as well.
  5. If you've already posted something that fits (on a blog, Facebook, MySpace, wherever) simply post the link to the existing entry.
  6. You may post one per day, many per day, one each day of the entire week, whatever suits your fancy. This is all about sharing, so feel free to share to your heart's content!
  7. Please share this link with friends, too. We like when lots of folks have fun with photography.

22 June, 2008

All sorts, but not licorice...

Ok, so this is a bit of a long term catchup on things... A bit of craft (a lot actually), a bit of house work and a birthday wish thrown in for good measure!

First, a couple of weeks ago, L and the MIL went to the Quilting and craft show at Darling Harbour. They had such a great time and here are their goodies:

Crafty Goodies

And this 'little' piece of Japanese Linen, was a hefty $5 for 15cm!

Japanese Linen Trim

Owl close up
Then, it was a piece that had been 'sitting around' for a couple of years. L got it when we were in the UK. Wye, in Nth England near Furness Vale and Stockport.

Wye Fish Tapestery
It sat for a while, before going off to an upholsterer to make into the cushion it is today.
Now, apart from L having eBay as her FAVOURITE store (it is even in her phone for some reason), her next major website is etsy where she purchased this fish after a tip off from meet me at mikes. The crafty goddess that made it must have gotten her inspiration from Sydney Water I think given it has three eyes!!

3 Eyed Fish

3 Eyed fish!

We have been really busy of late, between all of this, and repairing some cracks in the bedroom. That is now complete and painted and is looking really good. It is only the fiddly bits of painting the windows and a door and paint the ceiling (more on that in another post...)

Today, we had a busy day between doing a meat market research (a take home pack to cook and assess; tonight was Pork Belly!), and going over to Pa's birthday afternoon tea. I thought he was 94, L thinks 95 but the MIL (eldest daughter) thinks he is 93! So happy 90 something Pa!

Happy 90 something B'day Pa

After getting home, putting dinner on going to the bedroom to look at the painting to do, and thought I will not do anymore tonight, and that it time for a cuppa:

Cuppa Eye

Here's looking at you...

04 September, 2007

A sad, SAD day today...

Wordless Wednesday next post down...

As has been previously mentioned, we have been doing the whole IVF thing, and had an implantation done on the 16th July, which would make it now 9 weeks pregnant for L (7 weeks, + 2 weeks growing the Follicle makes 9 weeks).

After the initial blood test showed a positive for a pregnancy, a subsequent blood test (original Beta-hCG levels were lower than expected) showed it to be growing, all beit slow, so an ultrasound was ordered by the specialist to investigate as to what was going on.

Two weeks ago, the ultrasound showed everything that should be there, except a foetal heartbeat as it should have been there by this stage. His words were that he did not expect this to be a viable pregnancy, but I will re-scan you again in a week. The 'pregnancy sac' was underdeveloped at just 4 weeks...

A follow up scan show that there was some development, which surprised the specialist somewhat, and that the pregnancy sac had indeed grown to the size that it should. Heck, there was even a foetal heartbeat this time! But still he remained sceptical about the situation and wanted to do another scan in around 10 days. Problem was, he was leaving to go to France for the Rugby World Cup (I can now see how they can afford such luxury's with the way they charge and the return visits)!

So this morning, after staying over at L's parents place as it is close to the clinic, we headed off for hopefully the last scan not to mention some good news. L was now getting pretty sick of dropping her pants for men other than me. The procedure used is an internal ultrasound where a condom is placed over the scanning tool and inserted. Almost as soon as it was in, I could see what was about to come. All I could see, now remember that I am a mere Greenkeeper, was the uterus wall and a black 'hole' if you like in the middle. Last time, there was a flashing heartbeat in there, and this time, there was not...

Needless to say, that L is devastated. She was quite stoic whilst in the clinic with the specialist, and even to the point of driving to her car (it was parked elsewhere so as we did not have to find two car parks near the clinic which is very rare), but as I started to leave, I could see that she was upset, so I went back and caught the tears...

So, what next? She is booked in for a cruet, hopefully next Monday, and we will start the whole process over again. The time however will have to be calculated out, as we are in the process of booking a trip over to Auckland Botanic Gardens for the Ellerslie Flower Show. I know that this will cheer her up, we had a great time last year, and I know that it will be that way again. She needs to simple stop, rest and de-stress!

Sorry for the long post, and cheer up L. I love you...

18 August, 2007

A sad day, and a tense week ahead...

Some sections of this post may make those with weak stomach, a little ill. Please accept our apologies..


Now on with the post...

On Friday, we had to be a the Northern clinic early (7.20am) and to save time, we decided to stay at the in-laws as opposed to fight the morning peak. We arrived a little early and parked out on the street. It is amazing what you see outside an IVF clinic once you have been through the process. Guys walking in with a little brown paper bag, and some very sad ladies walking out shedding a tear. Today, it would be our turn to walk out, not so much with a tear as these will be shed later in the day, but with both optimism, hope and and despair.

You see, this morning we were to have an ultrasound to show, either conclusively pregnant or not. The blood tests over the last week had not shown the appropriate levels of Beta HCG development, although a positive result. This should double with every day. In our case, it was slowly going up.

With a sheet covering the embarrassing bits, and a 'rubber' over the scanning tool, the doctor started to investigate what was happening. He was able to find and show clearly, L's uterus, which had a very clear black egg shape in the middle. This is good I thought... He went on to say what we were looking at, and that he would want to see at this stage, a fetal heart beat (at 6 weeks). he needed to 'zoom in', as if he wasn't already 'in' enough! He was now able to see the contents of the 'pregnancy sac' and that he could see clearly a 'yolk' sac within, but still no heart beat. This was not looking good. L was being considerably stoic, I am proud of you L.

The Dr then went to measure the pregnancy sac, and it only measured to be 4 weeks, instead of the 6.5 weeks he estimated it should be according to the implantation date. Discussions were held, and whilst he believes this will not be a viable pregnancy, he is willing to give it the best possible chance and re-scan in another week. If nature does not take it's predicted course by then, then L will be 'booked in' and a clean out will be ordered. A follow up attempt will be done in about a month from now...

L is very upset about all of this, whilst I am trying to be positive. The one thing that I clearly remember the Dr saying was, I am extremely happy with the fact that I can get you pregnant. I remember this because really, I got her pregnant, it was MY 'swimmers' and her egg after all!!! So, how did we cheer each other up? We went shopping of course! We went into Myer, and fond two tops for L. These not only looked fantastic on her, but the second one was on the rack in the change rooms, a complete compulsive buy! The remainder of the day was to be a car trip over to the EG Waterhouse National Camellia Garden, to which, I will post a multi-photo, Wordless Wednesday dedicated to the day.

03 August, 2007

No firm news yet I'm afraid!!

Sorry, but at this stage there is not much to report...

Tests from Tuesday, show that there was a positive result, albeit a low one. The upshot was, however, that the Progesterone was still high, thus not about to cycle. So it was to be repeated today, Friday morning at 7.15am.

A call from the clinic just now, did not carry good news. The Beta HCG level has increased (73 when should have been between 80-100), however, the progesterone is dropping, now at 48 (down from 53) and this could be leading to either a cycle, meaning the IUI did not work, a 'Bio-chemical' pregnancy where the egg was fertilised but did not bury enough into the uterus or an ectopic pregnancy. Luckily enough, the clinic has an on call nurse that you can ring and chat about the process and results further, and I suspect this might be the case. We will know more, and most likely a firm result, on Monday afternoon. A big thank you to all the emails/comments of well wishes, they a greatly appreciated.

So, now how do I cheer up a very sad L? I am thinking of the movies tonight, maybe Harry Potter... She has a Silk Screening class all day Sunday, (we have an 'assignment' on Sunday evening at the Casino High Rollers Room...) so it is only Saturday I have to pick her up. Suggestions please...

edit 9.25pm Fri evening: just back from watching, Licenced to Wed. A bit happier, but still a bit down... Will keep on trying...

further edit, 9.39pm Sat evening: spent the day at the organic markets, then to the hospital to visit nan who's heart is mucking up, and then some gardening. Curry sausages for dinner, and some DVD's, Notes on a Scandle(L) and United 93 me!

11 July, 2007

thursday thirteen #6... the highs and lows of IUI (or IVF)!

Thirteen Things about the 'Highs & Lows' of IVF (or IUI)

For those who do not know yet, we have started IVF. The treatment that has been 'prescribed' by the Specialist, is the IUI. This involves a lot of work, pain, hormones etc, and I am dedicating this weeks TT, to it. So please 'enjoy'!

1…. Hormones, they have been terrible! At times, 'L' has been fine and happy one minute, and within a second, she is either crying or is angry as. Apparently, as the Estrogen rises, this will stabilise!

2…. Whats effecting the hormones, easy, I am having to give 'L' a nightly injection which started out at 75 units, but has been increased. This is because her estrogen level is slowly rising (43, up to 144 and the last result was 340). We need to get up to at least 500!

3…. Injections. 'L' does not like these. They are a very fine Epipen but it is not nice. I have had a very brief induction in how to do these, but still I get the tears (almost) every night. A couple more days to go... 'L' has to go for a blood test every 3-4 days (yes, more needles) until the target is achieved!

4…. Once the estrogen level is achieved, 'L' has to go for almost daily internal ultrasounds. Now, being a male, I can not appreciate how this would feel. However, after my spinal surgery, where I was catheterised, I think I can only imagine it to being when it was removed where I just about hit the roof... Feeling for you 'L'!

5…. The internal ultrasounds are to measure follicle size. They want to get NO MORE than 2, 15-18mm follicle's. Any more, then the treatment will be suspended as there is a greater risk of triplets, quads or more...

6…. Once the 1 or 2 follicle's have reached the right size, then 'L' (yes another needle) will get a massive hormone injection in order for the ovaries to release the follicle's (egg(s)). At this time, I might move given the increased hormones!!!

7…. Apart from doing the daily injections (my only 'input' at this stage, it is now my turn to participate. I have to offer up a ... sample... or an 'injection of love' This has to be completed in the early am, where it is then spun, cleaned of all the rubbish (there words not mine), concentrated, added to a new material and made ready for insemination!

8…. Some 24-36 hours later, 'L' will have to be at the clinic to be inseminated. After this, she can the go off to work as if nothing has happened, and there is the very real possibility of an 'Implantation Bleed', let's hope not!

9…. Wait 7-14 days, return to the clinic for a pregnancy test (hopefully good news)!

10…. Next in the list is then to contact a Gynaecologist and we are off and racing!

11…. Then through the pregnancy, numerous ultrasounds, internal examinations etc...

12…. Get the baby room(s) ready and delivery!

13…. Pray for us or at the very least, for me to get through this unscathed!!! Isn't making babies meant to be fun???

Seriously, I am being supportive in every way I possibly can. I do not understand what 'L' is going through, nor would I claim that I do. She is my rock, my mate and someone whom I would do anything for. I love her dearly, and I hope that she gets what she has wanted for a very long time. We have been seeing our IVF Specialist for just on 2 years now, with no success so far. There are many stand-in uncle and aunts (not to mention ACTUAL uncle and aunts) who are also wanting and wishing us success in this.

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!