04 February, 2012

Photo a Day Challenge - Day 35 Stranger

This pic is of a friends puppy... He's only had her a couple of weeks, and she is only 3 months old. But her temperament is as though she's been mis-treated by the previous owner, poor girl... She really is a sweetie, and after some bribery and corruption from treats, she started to become friendly. BUT, when I took Miss Bronty over, she became REALLY friendly indeed! They played, ran, Bronty was slobbery like no tomorrow, and everyone wore some of it!!!


So, whilst not really a stranger, to HER, I was the stranger...

Hoo roo for now...


1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful doggie! I can never understand those who abuse animals! It makes me sick!


There are WAY to many spammers commenting, so unfortunately, I have now blocked annoymous commentors; sorry...

Approval should not take long, sorry!