SOME of you may know, that recently, I have been on 'tenterhooks' for the last 18 weeks, well yesterday, it all came to a head… Finally, after 5 weeks since interview, yes thats right FIVE WEEKS, I was told that I was unsuccessful in an application for a position that would have kept me employed. In that time, not a phone call to advise of a delay, not an email to tell us whats happening, no, nothing, which really only added to the stresses of the process!
Now, I DO understand that there is a process involved with recruitment, but the way in which I found out, was, simply atrocious!! I was at my desk, when a person came up into the office, and although this person most likely had NO IDEA I was there, proceeded to tell person 2, that XX had announced that XYZ has got the job! After a couple of seconds silence, I then heard a door close… I was, needless to say, ropable, and I simply wanted to get out of there, there and then! But, I am better than that, and when my Manager came out into the office later on an unrelated matter, I aired my disgust. To the credit of him, he was equally mortified, not only the way in which I discovered the news, but in the way in which it was all handled!
Later in the morning though, I was 'summoned' up into the big office, where I was officially informed of the decision… So, for now, I am still 'viably' employed until everything and everyone is recruited, sometime in July, and at that time, I will become 'excess'! So today, after a sleepless night due to Monday's news, I had a day off to catch up on sleep, not that I got that much.
Instead, I mowed the nature strip first, then my front lawn. next up, the back lawn, and hung out a load of washing, and stripped the bed, and washed the sheets. I then got out some flannelette sheets, as it is getting cooler now!! Late in the afternoon though, I finally managed to get some banking done, but I had to travel to Rooty Hill to deposit some cheques! Dinner is in, a simple pie and baked spuds with peas and gravy. Its an interesting night on the box tonight, so I will simply chill, relax and 'try' not to get stressed anymore!
Hoo roo for now...