17 January, 2005


It was a teary farewell on my part when Joe was collected Thursday PM. Macc and I have been feeling a bit miserable since, although a message from Denise that Joe's new family are very happy with him and that he has settled in well, puts the whole thing into perspective.

B was not as affected in the same way, as he was able to maintain focus with regards to the fostering process, and that it is temporary care. I on the other hand was not able to do this, and well Macc, I don't think we explained the process to him.
A suitable distraction from such self absorbtion was provided by A when she visited on Friday night, and brought a scary movie 'The Village' with her. Thanx A.
Another distraction included getting 4 exemptions from USQ for my MBA, which means I will be finished by the end of this year!

13 January, 2005

d day

Oh Joe.....

that's 'd' for..... dog (Joe); desperate (me), do we have to hand him over?

The day has arrived for Joe to move one step closer to his new home. We got the call last night that he was to be collected this evening to have injections updated and whatever else needs doing, so that he can be given to his new family on Saturday. After the call, the mood was a bit sombre, and I am sure that our four legged friends could sense that something was about to change. Both and Macc and Jas have really bonded with Joe, and Joe with them. We have noticed that 'the Boys' as they are affectionately known, have been picking up on each others characteristics and copying them. Joe in particular has become a little more crazy this week, expressing more of his personality, and even playing with some of Macc's toys which he wasn't too interested in at first.

After the call, we went on a special night walk around the block (I think this was more for B and me) and a nightcap of milk was served to the boys at bedtime. This morning toast with vegemite was their added treat, along with a dog chew before I headed out the door.

I wished I didn't have to go to work today.....I am sick as a dog (well at the thought of losing a dog).

11 January, 2005

the lazy kings

As a pick me up to the news of the afternoon - it looks like B is going to have surgery on his back - we took ourselves into Sydney Olympic Park for The Lazy Kings. The production is by French company Transe Express and is described on the Sydney Festival website as an epic production based on a traditional French fairy story of nomadic kings, debonair charlatans and witty jokers.

You join one of the processions as six lazy kings are borne aloft on fantastic chariots in three separate musical journeys from faraway fantastical lands. Led by bells, percussion and brass bands, each procession winds its way through Sydney Olympic Park amidst a blaze of flares.

Lazy Kings Bells

The Witch on Wheels, encircled by her coven of Bicycle Witches,

witch on wheels

coven of witches

and Stabil of Padock, the gypsy voyager with his numerous offspring on a rolling bed approach from the West.

rolling bed

From the South comes Suzerain of the Alps, searching desperately for his true love atop the Royal haystack,


and the Mermaid Olanor on her deluxe iceberg.


Finally from the North, emerging from water comes a dashing young Prince perched on his aquarium

prince perched on aquarium


and Mortibus Orgiac celebrating his own funeral in a hearse drawn by two zebras to the sounds of a brass band.


They converge in the shade of a 20-metre high coconut tree where a breathtaking finale unfolds. The branches reach out to the kings, lifting them high above the crowd for a fantastic display of trapeze, sky-high derring-do, and musical delight!

palm tree finale

Last year B and I had stumbled across their production 'Angels of Light' and were totally mesmerised by it, so when we saw an article about it this time in Sunday's paper we decided it was the thing to do Monday night. It was the perfect pick-me-up, providing a distraction to B's bad news.

09 January, 2005

canal walk

come on, lets go!

Yesterday, B and I took the boys for a walk along the Lower Prospect Canal walk/cycleway from our place as far as the Cumberland Hwy, one-and-a-half hours in total. It was fantastic, we have walked in the other direction but thought it might be nice to explore somewhere new. At one point we could see Chatswood and the City and whilst we had beautiful weather the rain was coming down in these areas.

lower prospect canal reserve

Yesterday, Joe also got to meet some of the members of his new family (the mum, son and daughter). Apparently, apart from the dad, there are three more children, a live-in nanny, and a cat. He got on really well with them and they loved him, which is keeping at bay the panic that was beginning to rise in my stomach at the thought of him going.

Today, we did another part of the Lower Prospect Canal walk/cycleway, one hour this time, and starting from Gipps Rd towards the Reservoir. Unfortunately, we got just short of the Reservoir as the gates were being shut at 6.35pm. I asked the security guard how far it was to the reservoir and it was only a 5 minute walk. If we had been 5 minutes earlier we would have made it!

When we got home, we were greeted enthusiastically by Jasmine.

"You could have taken me with you on the walk".

Sleepy Boys

07 January, 2005

something different

view from the pool

We spent the night as the guests of Star City Hotel last night. After the last few months of juggling work and uni, and the late nights over Christmas, it was really nice to have dinner cooked for you, a quiet nights sleep, only to wake up and go for a swim, and not have to make the bed or breakfast. It was strange but I felt more refreshed from that one night at the hotel than I have from having just had time off over Christmas/New Year.

Today, I picked up the cottons for my next x-stitch L'Ete and ordered Le Printemps, and Garden Cat, also by Birds of a Feather. I bought L'Ete off ebay, however, I have since discovered that The Crewel Gobelin generally stocks them. They also kindly supplied me with a wholesalers website, that if I see anything I want on it, they will get it in for me. I have been to the site briefly, and it is truly enormous. I was so pleased we dropped into The Crewel Gobelin before going to mum and dad's for a cup of tea. I was going to order the threads I needed from them online (they are the cheapest for them by as much as 50%), but then I wouldn't have been put onto such a great resource.

05 January, 2005

news of a new home for joe

Joe will be going to a new home next week. He has been with us for two weeks tommorrow and already I am really attached. Actually, I was attached to him from day 1. I really admire those who foster dogs regularly, and like my friend Lynne who looks after the furry family member in her home whilst people are away, sometimes for weeks at a time. I know she gets quite attached, and now I can appreciate how difficult it is for her to say goodbye.


04 January, 2005

a year has passed..

it is now 2005, and although it was only last week since we updated the BLOG, it does seem like a year has passed. Our New Year celebrations were a bit of a let down in some respects. We were supposed to be going to the City to watch the fireworks display with A, meeting up with Auntie C and Little L. But as luck would have it, B was sick again with stomach cramps (they have been on and off since mid December) and somehow an evening in the City mixing with the millions didn't seem such a good idea. Soooo,it was a night at home with DVD's, and the company of A (who had also not been feeling great).

We have not spent New Years at out place before. Intermission and finale fireworks were provided by Sydney City, whilst hours of intermittent local displays were provided by our neighbours in the park next door. In some respects it was just as well we weren't able to go to the city and were at home, as Slow Joe our foster dog and Jas the cat were absolutely terrified by the explosions taking place just metres from our tiny abode. Macc, on the other hand dealt with the whole ordeal in his own unique way, marching up to the back door, with a 'let me at it' attitude.

the Boys

After a good sleep in on New Year's day, the boys (Macc and Joe), B and I went to the Pittwater Dog Beach for a bit of sunshine and sand. Macc was not too impressed with the aspect of a swim, that 'let me at it' attitude from the night before was nowhere in sight. Whilst Joe was in his element rushing in and promptly dropping into the water. He loved it, and mixed with the other puppies large and small. It was a shame the boys had to wear their muzzles, as it puts some other dog owners off, they jump to the conclusion that because they are wearing muzzles they must be biters or dangerous, which couldn't be further from the truth. Regardless, the boys created a lot of interest and quite a few people came over to talk to us, they had seen the Greyhound Adoption Program at the Royal Easter Show. One lady from Greysteynes, and her friend spent a considerable amount of time with us, which was great, as the friend had a small maltese terrier and people could see that 'the Boys' were just happy to play with the smaller dog, and were not interested in eating it.

at the beach

Sunday we took a trip out to Bali Gardens and had lunch at Windsor, followed by an afternoon sojourn to the new IKEA at Rhodes Waterside. The new IKEA is HUGE, but it was also really packed full of people. Too many people for it to be a truly pleasant experience. It was a super late night with A and B playing X-box into the wee hours. I checked out at about midnight, after finishing the main part of my rose gingham quilt and pondering my next project, which is either to be a felt creation or Le Ete (I think this means 'Summertime') a Birds of a Feather X-stitch pattern I purchased off ebay. I am going to use Stitches and Spice linen and the Weeks Dye Works, but may not be able to get started for a little bit yet, as the size of linen required will need to be made to order, and I still need to pick up the cottons in order to determine exactly which colour sensation is best.

Monday, after a bit of a sleep in, it was back to my assignment, which got finished today.

30 December, 2004

oh macc!!!!!

What can you say when you have a goloptic Greyhound!!!

Young Macc was comfortable upstairs on our bed, (or so I thought) when I heard this almighty CRY!!!!!!

Upon going upstairs, I looked at Macc, and he was not looking his 'normal' self. He looked as though he was in pain! When I took a closer look, his front right jew claw (sorry if this is not the right spelling/word for this occasion) was at 90 degrees to where it should be, and he was now licking at it in an attempt to not let me see it.

So, I thought, here we go again for an afternoon trip up to Uncle Allen (local Vet) for another payment for his services!!!!

We were all (Macc, Joe L and I) waiting in the waiting room, when 2 other ladies came in with a cat each in a box. Both Macc and Joe went and said their hellos, and when Uncle Al called, it was Macc and me into the operating theatre. After a brief look, prognoosis made, and a tactical approach to it removal was complete, Erin (vet nurse) went out to the waiting room and told all and sundrie to block ears and to come back in another hour!!

Then, with a quick clip of the HUGE nail clippers, it was all over, not to mention a huge call for help from Macc!!! A bright green bandage in place, medication given, and a treat for being a good patient, and we were once again off to the register with Amex in hand!!!

Sympathy please!!

He is now at home recuperating with dinner in bed, and looking very sorry for himself.

28 December, 2004

its all in the smell.... but what's the smell???

Well, it happened again this morning. L, after washing her hair, left it sort of slightly wet, just toweled dry. The only problem here was the fact that it sent the boys (2x2yo GH) wild with them trying to muzzle their way into her long golden locks. It is really quite funny, dogs going everywhere, sort of like an aphrodisiac!!

Joe is now well and truly settled in, with no problems at all!!

Hoo Roo

25 December, 2004

christmas day drive

the day started with a (30 minute) drive to B's mums for breakfast. Presents were exchanged, a family photo and a chance to get a few minutes viewing of the 'how to' channel on Foxtel and we were on the road again.

Santa's little helpers take a nap

With the battery on the camera going flat it was a trip to my family home via our place (1-1.5 hours). More presents, lots more food (lunch, dinner and endless snacking in between), as well as a walk to the park and back with the dogs. It was a great day, relaxing with our families.

christmas table 2004

And as if we hadn't done enough driving for the day, our trip home (45 minutes) took in a detour (15 minutes) along Pennant Hills Rd where I can vouch, A's place rivals the later day saints' amazing display.