Boxing Day is traditionally for us, a day to rest and recuperate... But this year, for me, it was with mixed feelings. But first let me tell you about the day of Christmas!
Now, Christmas Eve (spent going to Mass with the in-laws and Nan) I had dinner before heading back home. It was a terribly hot and humid day. I did the lawns, again, had a spa to cool down and got myself ready for last minute shopping. I was SO not in the mood for Christmas this year, but it had to be done! By the time I got home, early at around 9.30pm, I had good intentions of wrapping the presents. WRONG! Instead, I had the TV on and I was watching Carols from Melbourne. I love watching the Carols on the TV! Anyways, I digress... I had a call (SKYPE) from my friend Maribeth in the US, and we had a long chat and I eventually hit the hay at around 3am. No, I was not talking for that long, just could NOT get to sleep!
I awoke to a certain puppy wanting to go outside, I wonder why, at 7.30, so I complied to save cleaning up a mess! And just as I started to do the wrapping, my phone rang and it was my nephew Max ringing to wish me a Merry Christmas and to make sure I was not sad... awwww. We had a quick chat and he went on to tell me they had a WII from the Man in the Red Suit (he's 8 so it was very exciting). As I was now running very late for the drive out to my mum's, I had a quick shower and got ready. In the drive out, I was fine (or so I thought) until I started to make a couple of calls to friends whilst taking the long drive. I started to get all teary, so I wished them well and had to go. I had NO clue on what to do, so I called the US, for help!!! Thanks Maribeth, I simply needed to hear your voice! I was fine after you reassurance! After exchanging of gifts, breakfast with my drunken brother (he works nights, so breakfast is really his evening) and my sister and her husband and nephews, I then headed for Lou's parents for lunch. I only wished I had remembered to have taken my camera OUT to get some pictures!
Christmas lunch is always wonderful day in the in-laws house, but today it was somewhat subdued. But it was still a great day. Exchange of gifts, and boy, do the kids know how to rip open pressies, it was time for the Family Photo!
After lunch, we normally stay for dinner, but I had to get to my third 'family' for a get together! My God-daughters family and I have been friends for eons, so they are really more like family! By the very end of the day, it was now pouring with rain, I was exhausted, so when I got home, I simply fed the pets and went to bed. I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow!
So, Boxing Day, what did I do? NOTHING*!!!
*(except watch the Cricket!)