16 October, 2012

Thematic Photographic - 'Drink Up'

This time each week, Carmi (Written Inc) has a new 'theme' for his Thematic Photographic... It is, of course, perfectly OK to make it what you want, but in keeping to his theme, I will of course, 'drink up' and here's cheers!

Pink Chandon Bubbles

Rittle Room

These photos were taking one weekend back in 2010, on a trip down to Melbourne for a Swans game. but, our dutiful driver willing to take us out for a day trip for 'bubbles' (and whom am I to argue) out to the Domaine Chandon Winery; a small division of the 'Moet & Chandon' brand since the early 1980's.

So make sure you pay a visit to Written Inc, and see what else is on offer...

Hoo roo for now...


  1. Wow, that is one champagne my husband and I use to drink a lot!. Gorgeous shot! U definitely captured those bubbles well!.

  2. Oh this brings back memories of my tours in Napa Valley, California! Of course you know after seeing your first photo....I may just have to pour a glass of wine...!

  3. Fantastic bubble shot... it's been too long since I had a glass of champagne!

  4. The first photo made me think of an uncanny blood sample. It must be the season. The second shot looks delicious ;-)

  5. The pink bubbles is a beautiful shot. Now I am thirsty

  6. Those are both great shots! Love the zigzag of the bottle store!

  7. Chandon forever blowing bubbles. Racked my brains to find a link to the Rittle Room - now that's a place to be.

    1. The Rittle Room was the best, I had never been to one before, so it was a first for me!! It was amazing!

  8. Bernie these are fantastic! I like the first best (i think you used a similar process to my keyboard pic?) . The perspective in the second is great too.

    1. Hey lorik - no, nothing donw at all... It is as it came out of the camera!! No filters or editing (apart from a little sharpening) done at all!

  9. Those bubbles certainly make me want a glass...it'd be nice to have one of those racks in the basement, wouldn't it?


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