Wednesday, I was asked as to what my plans were for Friday by a mate, B... When I explained to him that I was to be at work, he told me to reconsider, and that I need to have the day off... When asked as to why, it really was a "no brainer", we were going to the V8's practice day, and all thanks to Jim Beam Racing!
My only issue was, it was going to be a hot day, with the temperature scheduled to reach 39c! We met the team outside, and we were given our passes for the day, and also the wristband to gain access to the corporate room, which was located right above pit lane. We had caps, chiller bags and even stubby holders waiting for us on the tables. Later in the morning, we were also given a 'Pit Lane Shirt', which was just way to cool!We watched the first practice session from the corporate tent, as well as the 'Muscle Cars'!

We had a drink (or two) before heading down to the static exhibitions, whilst the Porsche's and ute's did their practices.

We retreated back to the corporate are for a little respite from the heat (and humidity), and some lunch. The food was great, and needless to say, the drink of choice in the Jim Beam Racing tent, was "Jim Beam" and coke! I also had a fair amount of water, given the heat, so I was far from being 'happy' from the alcohol! We also were fortunate enough to have our photos taken with the Jim Beam Girls as well!

After all of this, we then headed down to one of (I think) best parts of the track; a tricky and tight, chicane! I so wanted to get a photo of the cars speeding through here, and preferably, on two wheels!!

All up, a great day, regardless of the weather, and thanks heaps for the invite B!
Hoo roo for now...