12 June, 2007

TT # 2... l's thursday thirteen

Thirteen Things about 'L'

1…. My family home was number 13!
2…. I love chocolate, if you leave it in my presence for too long I will eat it. Sorry!
3…. My favourite colour is blue, although currently in a pink period!
4…. I am a 'Magazine Aholic', we have thousands...!
5…. I will NOT barter for a better price at market stalls. I have 'B' to do that!
6…. I procastinate too often and for too long!
7…. Anxiety and me go hand in hand!
8…. I'm additcted to eBay!
9…. Eldest of 4 children, and last to become pregnant (but working on it...)!
10…. I am a sucker for something marked as reduced or SALE!
11…. Although I say it now, I have finished doing any more study (until my next degree..)!
12…. Celebrating International Webloggers Day on 14 June!
13…. It has taken me three days to put this list together and I needed B's help to finish it (he knows me better than I know myself)!!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Like father (my favourite brother) like son.

Like father (my favourite brother) like son.

I love this photo of my favourite five year old nephew. After a day of x-box with a bit of gardening thrown in, it was time for a nap whilst watching ABC kids.

What I really love about this picture is that it is a bit of history repeating. His dad, my favourite brother, always made sure his toys were comfortable and taken care of before he went to bed at night, even if this meant there was no room left for him in the bed. I am sure this is an indication of a caring and gentle personality.

My favourite nephews were spending the day with me whilst renovations were being carried out on their new home, so whilst the terrible (tongue in cheek) two year old was napping I planned to sew on the binding of the little boys quilt that was inspired by him and his lurv of cars. However, the five year old nephew decided it was right just as it is, and who can resist such admiration of your work. Not me.

09 June, 2007

i saw a circus

circus in central park quilt top

I have spent the day with mum and dad. It would have been a good day to spend at home as it was unbelievably stormy, and in typical me fashion, I got us real lost right from the get go. Thank god, I have a navman, he is called a husband on speed dial.

I had planned this day to get dad out of the house and as a bit of a distraction. Anyway, I totally distracted him, I think he was a bit incredulous that I had got us lost only 15 minutes into the trip. The destination for the day was Dural, where we could take in a couple of antique shops, and lunch at Greenshades in the warmth of their open fire.

If we hadn't got lost we wouldn't have seen the red and white striped circus tent at Silverwater that has provided me with the inspiration for the backing fabric for the Circus in Central Park quilt top that is now sewn. I shall just have to find it.

06 June, 2007

thursday thirteen...

Thirteen Things about burntofferings (L & B)

1. We own a Greyhound (Macc), a cat (Jasmine), an inside fish (Fighting Fish that Jas drinks from) and fish in the bathtub/lilly pond up in the back garden.
2. We are both keen gardeners, but only one has a qualification.
3. L enjoys any sort of craft (Quilting, X-Stitching, Knitting…).
4. L has finally finished her studying (for now).
5. How stupid am I, as I am doing another degree!
6. I have 3 scars from two operations.
7. Both L and I have a combined age greater than our house which was built in 1928.
8. On average each day, both L and I, we do in excess of 150klms to get to and from work!
9. When L smiles, she does not have any dimples in her checks.
10. The longest time away from L was in July 2005 when I went to Nth Wales for 3 weeks. Not bad in the 10 years I have known her!
11. I would like to get a new car (Suzuki Vitara of course).
12. I love it when there is the smell of fresh cut grass and a thunderstorm is approaching.
13. I love you L.

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

05 June, 2007

a point in time...

I know, so it's a little bit silly, but hey, we need a laugh about now...
Date/time of post:
12.34 on the 5/6/7!

04 June, 2007

the week that was... a review!

Well folks, let me update you all on the week that was.

As you will remember, last Monday, the F-I-L-M (Father-in-Law) went in for (using his words) a small procedure on his heart. 49 burns to his heart & 10 hours later, a very heavily sedated FIL returned to the ward and all concerned family were around his bedside. Tuesday, which was to have been his return home, found the MIL in a very distressed way, so I left work no sooner after arriving (and not to return all week mind you, thanks for a caring boss...) so it was me dashing off to pick her up, down the M2 and to the hospital. At this stage, FIL was in considerable discomfort in his chest.

We left the hospital that afternoon so as he could rest and to get some lovely Lebanese food for lunch, returning a couple of hours later. A very late night after visiting the FIL, we were exhausted and L had to pack as she was going to Melbourne the following day.

Wednesday saw me taking the MIL again to the hospital as the FIL was still in pain. More tests were required today and by the evening, he was being ventilated and another drip was put into his arm for IV antibiotics. That night, his AF heart rhythm had returned and sent him into depression and in a phone call to the MIL, he was quite upset as this procedure was to have helped, even though it was experimental. So, off again I go to pick up the MIL, off to the hospital, sit there all day with them whilst tests are being performed... yikes, it was a long day, and have you ever noticed that hospital food is not that great!! Even the FIL was not impressed, come on, your in Coronary Care, of course you can't have SALT with your dinner!!!Whilst L was in Melbourne, I was trying hard to keep her informed enough so as not to be distressed, not that there was anything she could do, but she almost was going to fly back home, I was also either at the hospital, at the in-laws, or getting to bed very late! Needless to say, NO study was done during the week for my Uni.

After what seemed an eternity, we finally got discharged and off home we go along the M2. After dropping the FIL at home, I took the MIL off to the shops as there was going to be a roast pork for dinner, YUMM!!! During the evening, L calls to see how everyone is going, and I couldn't resist so I put on the nephews on to say hello, then the FIL, then the MIL and back to me. Then found out that she was rushing between a meeting and for the business dinner that she was there for so I was only able to say a quick HI!!

Friday saw L busy all day in Melbourne and on a return flight home in the early evening of which we stopped by to say a quick hi to the FIL and home about 10pm...

So, that was the week that was. The FIL is continuing to get better, although, bitterly disappointed in his heart operation not being a success. So it was a weekend back to the books, or in the case of this subject, to the PC as it is all on-line about Global Environmental Systems: - Climatology!

01 June, 2007

new finds

Flinders St Station Clocktower
as is mandatory on a trip to Melbourne I raced into Douglas and Hope where I managed to find a birthday present for the next sister down, although I would really like to keep what I bought her for myself. I should have bought two. I did by myself a pattern for a cute little doll 'miss buttons', and discovered that the cute little bird I liked in the window of Husk, is by tuesday designs.

I only had half an hour to do the rush around today, but managed to make it to Little Salon where I bought a couple of knitted cauliflower baby rattles for gifts. I might post a photo of these later, as they are currently beautifully gift wrapped.

Opuntia playbunniae

I was walking past our Plant Identification department the other day, and almost fell over backwards when I saw this...

You will see the large wound in the main section of this cactii which resembles the eye, but can you see a small wound that also is the mouth of the famous Playboy Bunny?
Loved it so much, I just had to blog it...

Opuntia playbunniae

31 May, 2007

too far from home

I am in Melbourne for a few days for work, and am really wondering what the heck am I doing here. I want to be at home with my family. B rang me thi morning with the sad news that my dads procedure did not work. I spoke with my mum, which made my heart ache, and I just wanted to be with them. I am a bit of a sook anyway, and couldn't help but sob quietly for a few minutes in the workshop I was attending. I spoke with B this afternoon who once off the phone to me had taken the day off work to take my mum to the hospital. I am so thankful to have such a caring and selfless husband. My mum and dad were also grateful. I got to speak with dad this evening, he is now home not wanting to stay at the hospital any longer, and his main message to me was that I not come home, but to have a good time, and to reassure me that all was alright he sent me on a task to get the address of an antiquarian bookstore he had visited last time he was in Melbourne.

Kay Craddock Antiquarian Books, Collins St Melbourne

I found his bookstore with no problem and a shop for me.

Husk, Collins St Melbourne

necklace, Husk, Collins St Melbourne

Husk, clock and paper collage picture

Mirrored Glass Bird hooks

cute bird

30 May, 2007


Ok, so this is NOT a film review, but rather an updater on the F-I-L ... M (father in law)!

As you may have read, on Monday he went in for, what he told us, a small* procedure. However this was not the case, far from it actually!

Let me tell you a bit about its history. His heart has been beating an irregular rhythm for some time now leaving him tired and breathless. Also, extremities (nose fingertips etc) blue. After a procedure some months ago to try and 'shock' it back into rhythm, it returns back to his irregular rhythm a few days afterwards.

A return to the GP and Cardiologist and he was booked in to have an 'experimental' procedure. 'L's' favourite brother took him to hospital and after waving him off into surgery at 7.30am (told by nurse it will be about 90 min so he doubled it and came up with 3 hours to be safe) left for Westfield for some breakfast. Returned well into the afternoon (he did call throughout the day remember) and we arrived at the hospital at 6pm to find that he was still in surgery. 6.30pm came and we went to the ward to find he had just returned and was in Acute Coronary Care, wired up and heavily sedated. He still had the little pads they put on when they give the 'paddles' like in ER, Grey Anatomy, All Saints and just about any other medical show where there is a heart attack! He was very groggy and not making much sense apart from saying he was in pain.

Over night, his pain had escalated and although we thought he was due to come home yesterday, this was no longer the case and he was required for more tests. The procedure is this:
  • They need to get the heart into a normal rhythm, so they shock it into this.
  • They then had to identify which muscle on the heart was diseased. They will burn it off shortly.
  • They then stop the heart and burn the affected area of the heart muscle.
  • They then shock the heart to start it beating again, and this is where it all went pear shaped.
When they tried to restart the heart, it would not, at first, re-start so they had to increase the amount of charge. They eventually got it going (thank the lord) but left him in severe pain requiring increased sedation and medication.
We had a visit yesterday, L called me saying the M-I-L was quite distressed, so I left work to pick her up and go to the hospital. When we arrived, he seemed a lot better than the previous night, although still in pain. After a couple of hours, re-positioning and some lunch, he became a LOT better. He is under strict instructions from the doctors/nurse's, that there is to be no lifting of anything over 3kg, so the two grandchildren who have a tendancy to launch themselves at you, are out of bounds!!!
* After talking to the doctors, I do not think that this would be classed as a 'small' procedure, do you?