Today, L's dad was coming over to assist us with putting on the door handles and locks onto our freshly installed screen doors, mind you, we still have to install the fly screen!
Anyway, back on topic, L spent the morning whilst I was watering the garden, making and baking some little 'Baby Cupcakes'. Cupcakes are the next sister's down 'cup of tea' really, but L said, "what can go wrong?

Empty Cups
So the 'cups' were separated and sorted in preparedness for the cake mix...

Cake mix

Ready to bake
So, things were going along swimmingly, and they were looking good. The instructions (destruction's) said that the oven had to go on 180 for 10-15 mins... So after the said time, and after a look, it was now noted that the oven had been turned only to 120... Oops...

Biter's beware
Ok, so whilst they were iced and sort of looked ok, upon closer inspection, and trying to 'peel' off the paper cup, it became obvious that we were not going to be eating cupcake's, but more like Rock Cakes, Iced Cookies... So I will just mix them together, (sorry, no pun intended) and came up with Rock-kies!