Friday Fill-Ins...
- I said, I would fertilise the lawn (front) and weed the Rose Garden the other weeek... I did, and the lawn is greening up nicely and the Roses have lots of shoots.
- Coffee is what I'm craving right now, so I may go over to the Pavillion for one!
- I was thinking about what to do for dinner last night, I really wanted a marinated chicken, but there wasn't any, so I opted for a small Roast Pork - it was YUMM!!
- I am now (publicly) announcing that I will be going on a diet, and using the the 'change' on saturday as the catlyst, will you?
- We (Bronty) should have been finished her 'heat' by now, but she is still in season, but is keeping herself very clean, which is grateful indeed!
- I will be washing Bronty this weekend, and cleaning the car, whether I want to or not!
- And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to see the GP to pick up a script, then to the chemist to pick up the script beofre a fish 'n' chips dinner, tomorrow my plans include a 10.30 appointment at the GP for my vacinations for my upcoming trip to Vietnam, shopping for new pillows (and SO much more). It is also time to put the clocks FORWARD one hour, so HELLO Daylight Savings and Sunday, I want to sit and watch the V8's up at Bathurst, but there are more important things to do! BUT, Sunday night, Channel 10 is showing the movie about Julian Assange, and I'd like to watch that...
Hoo roo for now...