17 October, 2007

Wordless Wednesday # 11 Cockatoo!!

Cocky & Bread

Cocky on clothesline

10 October, 2007

Banksia Rose and photo editing...

In this shot, I have taken a picture of our Banksia Rose that is growing up and through or Bottle Brush.

Banksia Rose (Natural)

Here, I have edited it by just reducing the saturation of colour. I sort of like it, do you?

Banksia Rose tweaked

Wordless Wednesday # 10 Plates but no tea!

Tea Plates

Tea Plates

05 October, 2007

Tranquility of spring...

In Sydney, we are now in spring. I had to go down to the Farm Cove area at work, and the Main Pond seemed to be a sign of tranquility and peace on the day. So here are a few 'snaps' I took of my time down there...

Royal Botanic Gardens, Main Pond

Royal Botanic Gardens, Main Pond

Royal Botanic Gardens, Main Pond

Royal Botanic Gardens, Main Pond

Royal Botanic Gardens, Main Pond

04 October, 2007

Welcome to...FINN!!!

Well, yes I know it has been a week since our last post, but we have both been somewhat busy of late. BUT, we do have a new member to the family!

Name that fish
We are not sure of a name for him yet, L wants to call him 'Graceful' but I am not sold on this. We spent all of about 2 mins picking hm out of about a dozen or so fish... It was easy for me, he was one of three others that were blue, and a strong, vibrant blue at that.
So, please, may I hand it over to you, you and you, yes all three (maybe more) of you to suggest a name. We will take suggestions until Sunday night 9pm (of which Australian Idol should be finished) Australian Eastern Time. I will post the luck name, and winner of course, Monday morning Sydney time!

Thanks to all of the suggestions, but the winner is Bob-kat, amongst others...
I did like Shephard's suggestion of Azure as well!

26 September, 2007

Colour and tones...

I really like the effect of the Tulips in Spring against the rustic earth tone of the Heritage Sandstone Wall...

Macquarie Wall & Tulips

25 September, 2007

Wordless Wednesday #9 Avalon Waiting

Avalon Quilt Kit

Spring at work...

Well, Spring has arrived well and truly here at work. I had to go out to locate a Weeping Schotia tree, which I located on our database 'EMU', and I just had to take my camera with me. This tree is an amazing one, as it's common name is also the 'Drunken Parrot' tree, as a lot of the local Parrots and Lorikeets that drink the nectar become 'DRUNK'!

So, may I present to you, a 'Montage' of the "Spring Walk'!

23 September, 2007

A weekend of activity!

This last couple of days have been somewhat frantic, so we are sorry we have not been about that much...

Firstly, the Circus came to town, or at least the park that is just around the corner from us. Of course, we took the 'hound' with us as he does love a walk...

Circus is in town
Then, Thursday afternoon I was on the 'table (Doctor's of course) as I was having what's known as a Chordal Epidural. This is for my bad back and is used to, rather than target the nerve root directly to alleviate pain by the sciatic nerve being compromised, it 'floods' the entire lower spinal region with a cortisol treatment, OUCH!

Then, on Friday night, L had offered to her 'next sister down' to come over and sit with the baby, oh and B will cook! The cheek of it all... So cook up a storm I did. We had, Creamy Chicken and Pasta, with an Asian Green Bean salad. Quite simple really, brown off some onions and some chicken (125grm/person), a splash of soy (to taste) and add a small tin of Evaporated milk. For about 3-4 mins, stir through pre-cooked pasta that has been lightly drained, as the remaining starch from it will thicken the milk into a sauce. Then, for the Asian Bean Salad, top and tail some beans, and boil so as they can still, snap. Put into a wok (or frypan) with hot, 4:1 of Peanut oil and Sesame oil and toss quickly. Now here is the twist, toss through whilst cooking, a cut of fresh ginger, finely grated, and about 3-4 tablespoons of soy sauce. Serve and enjoy. Now, I think it is an appropriate time to say, I do NOT eat vegetables, but I am told that this is a great Bean Salad... Needless to say, that L was 'hogging' poor Riley, and he was sleeping like a ... well a baby!

Riley sleeping

Riley BW
Saturday, we were off to the Indian Bazaar, which is a school fete that raises (a lot of) money that goes to the missionaries within India. L's family have been going there for years, in fact, it is at the school that her 'favourite brother' went to! After this prestigious event, we had to duck off to an EVEN bigger event, my god-daughter's 2nd birthday! The day had started out so nice, sunny, but was going to change so the weather bureau told us. And change it did... It turned real bitter, windy and down right NASTY! Her dad made the cake, an Australian Wombat, which unfortunately for him, separated at the neck joint, but it still tasted great!

Breanna's Happy B'day Cake side

Breanna's Cake front
She had such a lovely morning, with lots and lots of presents, but on of the things she loved the most, was her sunnies!

Breanna's Shades

Breanna 2nd B'day

And for all of those who sent well wish's and prayers, L did read them all, and she thanks you. Each and everyone of you, for our recent loss...

22 September, 2007

Sticky post (for now): - UNDER RECONSTRUCTION!!

Hey there people,
Firstly, sorry about the chaos around here lately, you see, I thought that I would do a bit of maintenance around here, since I have a fotoblog and all...
L wanted to keep the same colours, and I wanted (needed) to convert our template over to the new xml version with all the widgets and so on...
I had this down-pat for L on Friday, as I was off, as the afternoon I had a Chordal Epidural and was on a recovery day.
So, in all of the working of it, it didn't want to have the comments, so, I am just going to have to start over again... BEAR WITH US (me...)!

POST EDIT: Ok, I worked it out, it is now 11:17pm, so I am off to bed, take care!!
I will fix the side nars tomorrow, it has been a long day...