10 March, 2011

Two years ago today...

Time, roughly 3.45am, Lou was awake, restless and anxious... She woke me, accidently of course, and headed off to the bathroom with the PG Test stick in hand. It was still a little early, day 10 and not due to go back to IVF until the 13th, but test she did...


WHAT a great birthday present I got that year, a positive, Louise was pregnant... Oh how it should have been oh so different...

Hoo roo for now...


09 March, 2011

WW No. 45 - Macro

Macro Rose

Rose Macro 1

Hoo roo for now...


08 March, 2011

What a day...

It all started early, VERY early... I was meeting up with a photographer mate of mine to get a shot of the latest logo jet, and thanks to the M5 motorway, I barely made it! I mean, I got there with like 15 minutes or so to spare, but, I would have liked to have gotten there just a little earlier... Anyway, I got the shot...


then, when I got to work, I found that my computer (replaced on Monday) did not have the software sent down overnight like it was supposed to. So a follow up call to IT, and by about 2.30pm, finally it was almost there after three weeks of 'issues'!

So by the time it came to heading home, I was SO looking forward to getting home, there was traffic issues almost right from the city... This was going to be a long drive...

In other news, its now 10 days (AKL) and 29 days (LHR & BRU)!

Hoo roo for now...


House Maintenance or spotting?

SORRRRRY, I was busy and didn't post... Here is a make up!


Whilst Saturday was all about Baseball and 'spotting', Saturday night was simply a lazy night in front of the TV. Although, I did make dinner for M & J who were over... Simple dinner of a creamy chicken pasta. It was tasty, and was enjoyed (I think)!

Sunday though, was a very busy day... I got an early morning txt, and it was a quick drive BACK to the airport to do some more spotting. Alas, I was supposed to be painting, but here I was... It was another good morning, got a few good shots, and the company was great, as usual! But I left around 10.30-11am to go to my in-laws, but they were out (I suspect at the Antique Markets at Wentworth Park! So I headed home all the same...

This was OF COURSE via Bunnings to get paint supplies! J was at hand, and he wasn't too bad with a paintbrush either... I did some of the more 'fiddly' work around the windows, but it is all becoming very nice... I am however, in a little dilemma, as to do I put the shutters back on or not... I would like your thoughts...

House Shutters on or off?
Garage Bay Window

After a bit of macro photography (they will be up tomorrow), it was back out to the airport for a rare bird coming back into Sydney, a friend was flying out (Crew) to Singapore, and just to chill out... I like these sorts of days!

Sydney City


Monday really was NOT a good day at all, it was ok, but not great... And to top it all off, I have damaged two of my front bottom teeth! I have called the Dentist, but I can not get in until tomorrow at 2.30pm. Which reminds me of a really bad joke... "How do you know what time to go to the Dentist? Tooth hurty (2.30)" see, I told you it was bad...

I managed to get a little bit more done around the house though, so I was happy with that, but I still have some more to do today when I get home shortly!

Hoo roo for now...


05 March, 2011

'Jay' day...

Today was a real 'Jay-day', the morning with the nephew, Jayden, and the afternoon with my mate, Jayden! It was many years ago, very weird that I met another B, but to now have two J's is also just as weird!

This morning was Jay's baseball grand final. The were playing Penrith who were undefeated for the last two years. At the bottom of the third, we were up 5-3 and the last innings started (within 5 mins of the 10 min rule), nail bighting stuff! However, the opposing team struck out, and Jay's team were declared the winners!!! Here are some pics that caught the moment they had won, and I will post more over the week as I process them...

Mac Killop Victory
Mac Killop Victory
Mac Killop Victory

The afternoon though, was catching up with my mate, Jay at the airport! Michael from Brisbane was down and Jayden's dad was also coming in! So it was a mini gathering... And even though the weather closed in, we changed locations and I got some interesting aspects!

Hoo roo for now...


04 March, 2011

Cold Dinner, Joint Airforce Flyover and local sights

Last night, we went down into the local shopping center, where I got a couple (OK, FOUR) new tee-shirts. I also wanted to get a new pair of casual shoes, but by the time we had dinner, the shops were starting to close! But we did have, allegedly, dinner! Whilst I had a Teriyaki chicken, which was barely 'luke warm' let alone hot, and M also had a 'luke warm' dish as well... At least we were not sick today!

Today was a bit of a catch up day after loosing a day due to my work computer not playing. I spent most of yesterday swapping files from one PC to another, and due to there being a large volume on it, and limited space on the network, it was a slow and laborious project...

BUT, after a 'tip off' I wondered out just before lunch time as there was to be a joint USAF & RAAF flyover.

RAAF & USAF Sydney Flyover

On my way back to the office, I also got a few shots of some of the local sights...

Opera House
Gov House
Kirribilly House
Boy with a Thorn
Couple of GHFF

The weekend, is again, going to be a bit of a busy one, starting with my nephews Grand Final for Baseball, followed by a lot of painting, weather permitting!

Hoo roo for now...


03 March, 2011

A catch up and "Kids say the strangest things"

Today, I got to catch up with an old work mate who I haven't seen in MONTHS... And I also got to talk to her daughter as well!

They came in for lunch before heading to a class, so we had lunch where we had fish 'n' chips. Little E had some of the chips, as the children's sandwich's were egg, ham and cheese. Not together, but 3 half sandwich's! This was a little excessive for a 4yo, and there was no sausage rolls left either, so she just had some of our chips. After lunch though, I got some coffees to walk and drink (more on this later) but Miss 4 wanted a biscuit. I took her over to pick which one she want. Here's a couple of her more memorable quotes:

  • Mummy, leave it, the lady will do it... (To A (mum) cleaning up her crumbs on the table)
  • I don't want one of those half one's, make sure its a FULL one! (the Biscuit jar had a broken one in it at the front).

We then walked back towards my office, and on the lawn out front with LOTS of people sitting relaxing and enjoying their lunch, we said our goodbyes until next week... And with arms extended wide so as NOT to bump or spill coffee over each other, all was well... Until retracting from the hug, arms 'bumped' and my coffee was now in juggle mode. I thought I had it caught, but no, it was a slippery little sucker and it went crashing to the pavement... Oh well, everyone looking, we laughed it off!

After that, I went back to the office and back to work... After work, I got home in a fair amount of time and did the lawns, again, and continued the housework, before heading out to the shops where I got another 4 tee-shirts!

I also managed to get my registration completed for my conference in April, so now all that is left is the accommodation and train from London to Ghent via Brussels! Shouldn't be to hard! Also, only thing left for Auckland is (also) accommodation and car hire, either way, not to much of a biggie either, but this will be done tonight!

Hoo roo for now...


Wednesday Hodgepodge

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Wordless Wednesday is below for those in the Nth Hemisphere!

  1. March 2nd was Dr. Seuss’s birthday so I’m wondering…do you like green eggs and ham? Okay-how about this instead…how do you like your eggs? Or don’t you? I love eggs, BUT it HAS to have runny yolk so either fried or poached, almost always with tomato sauce and bacon!
  2. Is March coming in like a lion or something less ferocious where you live? I always liked march, as its my birthday, but jeez, it goes slow at times...! So, I would say its sort of a Lion on strike!
  3. Do you work better or worse under pressure? Much better, it it depends on the stress/pressure. If it is related to the job at hand, better, but if the stress/pressure is external, then it is difficult to stay focused.
  4. March Madness-are you a fan? It’s college basketball in case you’re wondering. And if you’re outside the USA tell us-is there any sort of ‘madness’ taking place during March in your part of the world? Never heard of 'March Madness (except for item 3 above). BUT, at the end of the football period, both AFL and NRL in October, that is when it is MADNESS!
  5. Under what circumstances do you do your best thinking? I think when I am driving, and when I am by myself... It doesn't phase me sitting in traffic, so this is when I simply 'sit 'n' think'!
  6. What item of clothing from your wardrobe do you wear most often? My jeans. Apart from that, I have two pairs of very comfy shoes at the moment
  7. Do you use sarcasm? Australians are KNOW for it, and I use it all of the time; sometimes it is not necessarily taken the right way, but, it is almost always laughed off...
  8. Insert your own random thought here. I had an SMS today from a mate, wondering IF I would be interested in going to an airshow next year (2012)... I said to him though IF I was to go to this airshow, then I would have to make a slight addition to the trip... NH in Sept/Oct!!

Hoo roo for now...


02 March, 2011

WW N0. 44 - Fly and be free!

Parachute Drop DC-3
Parachute Drop DC-3

OK, this will need a few words, only to explain the photos... Taken from the ground, a DC3 flying overhead performing at an Airshow. I got these two shots as the parachute team were jumping out...

Hoo roo for now...


01 March, 2011

I've been BUSTED!!

Seems I was 'busted'... Here I am (back in white shirt) at the Wings over Illawarra airshow, when I was 'caught' taking a joyride (trying to get an overview)! Thing is though, I didn't even know that Kurt (photo owner...) was there until I had posted some pics of the day... FREAKY! AND, to make it worse, last night I got an SMS to say I was BUSTED!!!

Today was a real 'blah' day, didn't achieve a lot nor did I really strive to archive anything in particular! The car issue got worse today, with a number 4 cylinder blown... BUT, at least they are not charging for the previous work that they had done in yesterdays post... So J, although REALLY upset/stressed, will have his Maz back Friday. Also, last night after a 'Mango Smoothie (which NEVER eventuated, I spoke with M who was very stressed with a lot of things, Uni being one of them. And after a brief chat tonight, M seems to be a little less stressed as well...!

But tonight, I went out to visit mum, and we ended up going over to my sisters place where C was getting ready for Cadets. He's been army MAD for as many years as I can remember, and today was his first time in uniform...

Cadet CMS

Hang around for a 'Wordless Wednesday' tomorrow as well!

Hoo roo for now...
