03 June, 2005

for lease

the sign is up, its official we will be moving in a couple of weeks. So far in preparation we have bought a pad of notecards to let people know of our new address, and made a list of things to be done before we move out. The list isn't very long though and some of the tasks we have already completed. I think I am missing some things. The list so far:

  • replace silicone seal around bath
  • remove shelf in bedroom and patch up paintwork
  • pull up hippeastrum bulbs done
  • patch hole in bathroom ceiling done
  • fix leaking toilet sort of done (B had it fixed, until I did a Sunday 5am adjustment which meant 2 more trips to the hardware, still the toilet is leaking except from a completely new spot)
  • replace flyscreen on back door done, but at the rate Jasmine is clawing at it, it might need replacing again.
  • clean carpets, and
  • pack, pack, pack!

Hippeastrum bulbs

We have contacted four removalists, one out of the local paper which provides a basic service - hourly rate, 2 men and a truck, and 2 big names whose quotes were frightening (one in particular), but have decided to go with Giraffe Furniture Removals, who provided a mid range over the phone quote of an hourly rate for 2 men and a truck. I am going to get them to do the bulky stuff (furniture, fridge, washer and such) and I will do anything I can carry, myself. If anyone who reads this has used Giraffe Furniture Removals in the past or knows of anyone who has used them, I welcome your feedback.

25 May, 2005

r u going round the twist

what's wrong with this picture?

odd shoes

This morning I was feeling pretty good about myself, I had on a new skirt and top and was not running late for work. I even had time to put petrol in the car and happily accepted the compliment from the petrol station attendent who commented on my "great skirt" and that I looked like I was "ready for a hot date". Wow, this was going to be a great day!

A short time later I was sitting at my desk having a cup of tea, going over some reports to be discussed at a meeting at 11.00am when a couple of my colleagues arrived. After a brief bit of chit chat one of my colleagues very worriedly and gently pointed out to me that I had on two different shoes.

Me: No way, Have I?, No I wore the same shoes yesterday, MY GOD You're right. LOTS OF LAUGHING
BR: Yes, I noticed yesterday afternoon, but as you were leaving soon, it didn't seem a big deal.
Me: That's so funny, well at least they're both black.

As another colleague arrives, and asks what's funny, I explain and she too says she noticed yesterday.

Me: Didn't you think that was a bit weird of me?
KR: I thought maybe you had a sore foot or something, I dunno really

The crazy thing is though, in my mind I believed I was wearing the shiny pair of shoes with the ribbing across the top and the right shoe (the one I am not wearing) has some loose stitching, and when I went to the loo the day before I clearly recall looking at my right foot and thinking "didn't that shoe have some loose stitching......I must have got that repaired".

Anyway B saved the day, being at home he was able to bring me out the other half of one of the pairs I was wearing.

24 May, 2005

damn PC's and trying hard to sleep....

What a weekend.....

On Friday evening, not sure how but that's not the issue, this old PC got a virus! You see, we have the latest version of Norton, but for Uni work, we have had to turn off some parts of it. So when it (Norton) did it's normal Friday scan, it showed that it had a problem....

So, in an effort to try and get rid of it, suddenly our 'favorites' disappeared, the 'quick launch' items also disappeared, and I thought this is not good, and it wasn't. So, it was the order of the day to wipe it all, after copying files to CD first of course to back-up important files, I thought that I had fixed the problem by wiping the hard drive clean of all files and re-installing Windows operating system and went to bed to sort the rest of it out tomorrow (Saturday). But, when I got into it on Sat afternoon, I downloaded all of the latest patches and service packs etc from Microsoft, I was shocked to see when I next booted up, there was two versions of my operating system!! F*@K is what I though!!

So after doing some further internet reading on how to fix this problem, I eventually got it done , did I say it was now Sunday afternoon by this stage??? So, now it is Sunday evening, I have a single Windows XP Home edition running smoothly, all of which is up to date, Norton installed and almost all of my other applications re-installed. So what's the problem now??

I still can't get any sleep! Now yesterday was a great day, I installed all of our favorites (I was lucky enough to find where they were before wiping them off), B from Wangaratta came up for a visit; the cleaner had done another fantastic job, and the PC was running smoothly for L who is now back in the groove of studying. So why in GODS name am I up at this time of the morning unable to sleep???


20 May, 2005

tripping-out on drugs (for pain relief of course!!!)

Well, last night we made a trek to the shops as I was going MAD in the house after 5 weeks, and I thought I was 'tripping out' after taking my Endone for pain management before heading out....

Tripping out on this Mazda 121
But, it was confirmed by 'L' that I was not actually tripping-out, as she could see this little Mazda 121 as well....


17 May, 2005


Have you ever had one of those nights when NOTHING you do, you just cant get to sleep??

Well, this has been happening to me for the last two weeks at least!! I can just about tell you what is (or isn't) on TV during the wee hours of the morning, but BB05 up late is.... amusing to say the least!!

Although last night we had a bit of an exception to this. Can I just say ... Jasmine 5 mouse (ies) 0!! You see, after trying unsuccessfully to get comfy on the lounge downstairs where at least I was near to where L was studying, at around 8.30pm I had enough and went upstairs to bed. This was OK by all with Jas amusing herself somewhere in the house and Macc was already fast (dog tired ... ha ha) asleep on the bed. Next thing I know, is that L is coming to bed (9.30ish) and all is well, but I was now awake and was tossing and turning again trying to get back to sleep.

Anyways, next thing you know Jas is running around the house like a mad cat with a 'play toy' in her mouth..... here we go again!!!!

After about 30 mins or so chasing the cat who was chasing the mouse who was chasing somewhere to hide not only from the cat, but a pair of humans (one of which was screaming her head off anytime it came within a mile of her) as well!!

Once all things were caught, and with Jas now completely P#*@ed of with me from removing her 'toy' we again settled down to sleep, but alas this was not to be, and before to long it was now 1.30am and I was wide awake......


15 May, 2005

william zachery

born yesterday 6.30pm ish and weighing in around 9 pounds something. William Zachery has a touch of blonde hair and is very pink.

William Zachery
Max is a big brother and very proud. He was very pleased with the new addition to his family and supplied the new baby with plenty of kisses and cuddles. Although, he was a bit mystified as to why Will couldn't hold the toy sheep he had brought him as a present.

very red
Congratulations little brother, SIL and Max.


14 May, 2005

famous by association

the National Library of Australia has requested to archive loobylu.com in their databases because it is an "electronic publication... of lasting cultural value". As a contributor to the Month of Softies on a couple of occassions (December 2004 & January 2005) I will become famous by association. Pathetic, I know.

May flowers project
I have commenced my contribution for this month (themed May Flowers), it was a great excuse to do something from this great knitting mag I bought a couple of months back.


13 May, 2005

blue star

The last of the parcels have arrived and the feedback is in. We have finally qualified for a blue star on eBay. Having reached this monumentous occassion I will now try to break a habit that has been cultivated since 10 September 1999.

Habits can be hard to break but with the assistance provided by my place of employment (I discovered today that access to eBay has been denied to all employees) and the need to study for an upcoming exam, not to mention a shrinking bank balance, I might find success in saying goodbye to eBay. At least for now.

gone to the dogs.....

Ok, ok, now this is just WAYYYYY to cool.

If you were born a dog, what kind of dog would you be?

Open this link and let it open completly.
On the left side of the screen, click on the word "GAME".
You have to answer 10 questions and then the site will tell you what breed you could have been.
You will also be shown a photo of the breed.

Didn't I tell you its cool, and you will have to reply and tell me WHAT breed you are!!!!!

11 May, 2005

Want something FUNNY?????

This is just what I needed to day, thanks B from south of the border......

And thanx also to Phil (again south of the border...) for this one....
BUT, be warned, play one at a time.....

10 May, 2005

at work

my team is all in and it has been a busy morning catching up on projects.

My car is booked in for a visit with Holden tomorrow because it is leaking power steering fluid and is making a terrible grinding sound. With only 11 000km's on the clock this is not good.

My phone keeps ringing with all sorts of things that could have been sorted last week when I was at home looking after the invalid. This is a bit annoying.

For an interesting post I suggest you visit those to the right under 'favourite blogs'.

09 May, 2005

going postal

I am back at work this week, so B is having to manage on his own. I have only had one phone call so far, and that was 2 minutes after I left the house this morning. B was only ringing to say that the eBay parcel I was hoping would come last week had just arrived. Typical.

After craving the return to work, today so far has been a bit lonely as the rest of the team are not in (two are on a flex and the other is sick).

So far I have trawled through over 80 emails, sorted through the contents of my in tray and rung mum because I remembered in the weeeeeee hours of this morning that I had left a bottle of diet coke in her freezer the day before.....

07 May, 2005

better than betty crocker

we had the best mud cake ever yesterday. What I think was meant to be a surprise* to B but was spoiled by the boy himself, was a visit from A (of BMJ fame) and Nat (of Rock the Kazbaar). Nat was bearing the most delectable (and heaviest) chocolate mudcake ever, that she had baked (a saga in itself) for B.

No words can describe how great the cake was, except it was better than betty crocker, and I would know, being such a connoisseur of her cake mixes.

yumm mudcake
*I think this was to be a surprise because I had been SMS'ing with Nat the previous day about said mud cake as to whether she should bake a marble mud cake (white chocolate and milk chocolate) or plain. With a visitor bringing mudcake, I thought a roast for dinner was appropriate and suggested this to B, who agreed. Not aware that Nat was already coming over, he said to me that it would be nice to invite some friends for dinner. I thought I did well at agreeing in a non-committal fashion. It was then to my surprise that he announced a short while later that he had invited A and Nat. I suppose when you are stuck indoors and mainly on your back you are quick to get on the phone.

05 May, 2005

lucky 2000...... congratulations!!!!

Well, congrats 'B' (not me but the other B who lives South of the border, but we wont hold that against him) for not only signing the guestbook, but he was visitor number 2000!!!!!
Apart from that, I am now up and walking around quite a bit, and getting a lot better.


the patient is progressing, although managing pain relief is proving to be a bit of a challenge. A call has been left for the GP to ring/drop by today and discuss this matter, and hopefully sort it out.

I am looking forward to getting back to work next week. This last couple of weeks has proven to me that I would not make a good stay-at-home person, even with plenty to do, I like going to work each day.

If I were at work I would not be looking forward to such highlights as, removing a fur ball from Jas the cat's coat, and the postman bringing an eBay purchase. Ok, I would be looking forward to the ebay purchase arriving, but the anticipation is somewhat heightened at present.


don't take my photo - don't touch my furball

Photos of Jas taken by the patient before the delicate furball operation took place.

Some new sites I have come across and have added to my favourites:

  • third drawer down artwork by contemporary Australian and International Artists reproduced as Limited Edition screen prints onto Linen teatowels, napkins, tablerunners, and aprons) as a cherished gift and souvenir. It is also just a cute website and worth a look.
  • babys got style has a great range of things for babies, and at the moment so many friends and family members have had or are having a baby that I wish I had found this site sooner. I particularly like the knitted vege rattles.
  • Kim Hargreaves ladies handknit garment kits

03 May, 2005

my hero

today I attended my most favourite annual conference, the theme this year being 'Doing Sustainability, Moving from Why to How', and learnt that my hero also has a BLOG.

No time to explain - you can explore for yourselves, P, M and little L are due any minute.

02 May, 2005


new but old home

as if things aren't stressful enough at the moment, we will be moving 7 weeks from today.

Comment by L: this entry has been posted by me, again using B's flickr

01 May, 2005

the day of the emerald green jacket

emerald green jacket

this morning A and I set out in search of the emerald green jacket which I had seen a couple of days before. I hadn't purchased it that day because 1. that store didn't have it in my size and 2. I needed a second opinion of the colour. With the size sorted and approval from A, I now have an emerald green velvet jacket, a new skirt and top to set it off. I hope this doesn't set B's progress back too much, I need him to get back to work so we can afford the AMEX this month.

As we were (kind of) in the vicinity of IKEA, A and I did a quick round of the store, sizing up lounge suites, wardrobes and rugs. A trip to IKEA is always fun but we weren't there for long, I needed to get to the chemist and back to B with the pain relief at noon.

Lunch was had and an afternoon of visits which included L and C returning with Macc whom they had kindly taken for a few hours. They had given him a much needed wash and he was able to 'run-around' with their puppies. It was an afternoon of doggy induldgence which A jokingly but aptly referred to as the doggy day spa/gentlemen's club.

B's mum also dropped in, just in time for afternoon tea - a white chocolate and raspberry swirl cake, made by me without burning or setting off the fire alarm.

white choc & rasperry swirl cake

Comment from L: this post is from me, I am using B's Flickr, although I do believe emerald green would really suit him.

30 April, 2005

circus in central park

circus in central park
on our trip to Melbourne in 2004, B and I called into a couple of patchwork and quilting shops, which is how I have come to my next project. This quilt from Patchwork on Central Park is called 'Circus in Central Park'. It features reproduction 30's fabrics with a circus theme.

Progress on this quilt is going to be slow to start with, as today was the last class for a few weeks. Our teacher is going to New Zealand for a month. I have a good handle on the cutting out though so will be able to have this finished by the time she gets back. I am really stepping up the difficulty factor here - this time 2 different sized squares as opposed to my last quilt which was squares pieced together all of the same size.
Comment from L: This post is actually from me - I am having a go at using B's Flickr for posting of images

29 April, 2005

hello from the sick (not really sick, but you know) bed

Hello readers,
Just a VERY quick blog to say hi, and thanks for all the calls and messages from everyone wishing me well.
It has to be a quick post, as I can't stand long, and I can sit for less. Most of, if not all, of my time is in bed watching TV or (thanks to A) DVD's!!
See you all soon when I can get up for a longer period of time!

26 April, 2005

this blog isn't called burnt offerings for no reason

this is b's sore back. Even though it was keyhole surgery, it is still quite a sizeable scar (approx. 10cm).

b's sore back

This evening we had a visit from our friend Nurse M who came to watch Survivor and ensure B was ok. He was a bit irritable, his back was sore from the drive home from the hospital, having to negotiate the steps and something to do with the smoke alarm going off whilst I was burning/cooking dinner (and as the smoke alarm is hardwired to the house alarm it is a bit noisy). The alarm going off was made worse as we didn't know how to turn it off, as it has not happened before. I eventually worked it out and pointed out the positive side, that at least we now know it works. I was beginning to wonder...

rose gingham quilt finished

I am very proud. Whilst B was in hospital I finished my quilt.

rose gingham quilt finished

The last couple of nights whilst I sat by B's bed at the hospital watching TV, I tidied up the threads, and today I gave the quilt a wash to remove the fabric chalk and more importantly,the blood spilt the day I ran the sewing machine over my finger. A neat trick the quilting teacher told me was to spit on the blood stain, apparently your own spit will remove your blood from fabric. It has to be the spit of the owner of the blood though, and I can vouch that it in this case it worked liked magic. I still ran the quilt through the washing machine though and the picture is of it drying on the line.

he's home

Safely tucked up in bed, B is home. The news that he could come home gave him a real boost. When I arrived at the hospital to collect him, he rang A with the news, and sang " ....I'm on my way, from misery to happiness....."

Things are pretty close to perfect...B is home and I still have control of the computer (B cannot/is not allowed to sit for a while yet).

25 April, 2005

not coming home today

my boy is not coming home today, after his leg giving out in the bathroom yesterday causing him to land on his tush with a thud, he is now in a lot of pain. I am not sure when I can bring him home, although the specialist will have the final say, his physio says it won't be for a few days yet. I think in B's keenness (is that a word/how you spell it if it is? don't answer - I'm too tired to care) to come home he may have pushed himself too hard when it came to working with the physio that day and doing the stairs. He needed to prove he could manage stairs in order to come home, especially as our bedroom is up a flight of 16 stairs. I think in trying to get home as soon as possible has actually caused him this setback. When it came to making the short walk (less than half a dozen steps) to the bathroom, his leg gave way and down he went, leading to lots of pain, a visit by the Registrar, more pain relief prescribed, and a call to the specialist, although no call to me. I had gone home to get some shopping done and housework in preparation for B's return home. Of course, I was a lot surprised (and disappointed) at what had taken place since leaving the hospital at midday.

On a positive note the Littlest Sister and newest Brother In Law, along with A were at the hospital when I arrived back, which was much appreciated, B definitely needed the company and cheering up. I did a bit of a fashion parade for both A and B, before going home, of the items of clothing I had treated myself to whilst doing the shopping.

I also continued finishing the threads on my (gingham rose) quilt, pictures to come soon, whilst A, B and I watched My Restaurant Rules.

I am now off to do the lawns before heading back to the hospital.

22 April, 2005


it does not look like B will be coming home tomorrow. He can not sit up for more than a few minutes and has not really mastered the stairs, so even if he were able to sit in the car for the trip home he would not be able to get upstairs to the bedroom. I think it is therefore likely to be Monday, which even though I would like him home now, the thought is a bit frightening. I don't think either of us thought it would take this much out of him.

I also didn't think it would take as much out of me.....I am exhausted. I am not the independent women I thought I was - I am not sleeping well (once I get to sleep, that is), the house is a bit of a mess, I've eaten junk all week, and have not managed to get any study done which puts me about a week and a half behind. I actually had great expectations for this week, I was going to do shorter hours at work, and take Tuesday off altogether, this would enable me to visit with B on my way to and from work and still have time to keep the house clean, give time to the pets, and study. So how did I go? I worked the shorter hours and took Tuesday off, but I didn't get in to see B every morning and had to leave early (before visiting hours ended at 8.pm) Wednesday evening because I could barely keep my eyes open, and I wasn't much better today.

I didn't feel too bad leaving early tonight though, B had a lot of visitors (my mum and dad, the other B, Alistair H, A and the girls, Natski, Twisty, and me) throughout the day/afternoon and was pretty worn out. This was on top of the early morning and painful ultrasound, 2 visits from the physio, nurses taking blood pressure and doing other stuff, and the endless stream of hospital staff bringing trays, cleaning the room and other general fussing.

Since I don't know where I am going with all of this, goodnight! and Again thank you to all who have visited, sent flowers, telephoned, emailed, sms'd, and said prayers. It has really helped. 'Nite.

19 April, 2005

so far so good

I have just got home from the hospital. It has been a long day. B was 3rd on the list and supposed to go to theatre at 11am but didn't go till 2ish. He was back on the ward about 7 pm. He is fine and all seemed to go well. The anaethetist and his surgeon came to seem him around 8.30ish - these guy's are worth every cent they get paid. they did the first operation before 8ish this morning and I understand they still had one to do after B.

I am pretty tired so am going to give some love and attention to the 'kidz' (Macc and Jas) and go to bed.

Thanx A (BMJ) for sitting with us today, and thanx to all for their messages. Goodnight!

18 April, 2005


B is in hospital tonight, tomorrow he will be having a 'laminectomy', which will hopefully bring some relief to the pain he has been suffering since having a workplace accident just over 4 years ago.

A (of BMJ fame) and I settled him at the hospital this afternoon (A actually got him to the hospital, thanx A) - and it's a nice hospital, he has his own room, tv, phone (2 calls from him already), and a fairly decent cafe and lounge area downstairs which of course we checked out.

He is a little anxious (understandably) so your thoughts and prayers for him tomorrow will be greatly appreciated.

17 April, 2005

infinity and beyond

Max is 3! His birthday was yesterday, a date he shares with B's mum. Today my side of the family got together at mum and dad's for a BBQ and cake for the man of the moment.

Cake Cutting Concentration
Max is 3 and very entertaining, apart from dazzling us with his ability to say the alphabet all by himself (slowing slightly at 'w') he dazzled us by reciting quotes from Buzz Lightyear, his favourite being "...infinity and beyond..." as he travelled past in his new outfit. The Littlest Sister had picked a winner in that gift.

Buzz lIghtyear
Max is very much into superheroes so the spiderman dressing gown from B and me was also a hit.


Buzz or Spiderman, what will I be??

16 April, 2005


like the new look?????

I had to do something before going to hospital next Tuesday!! And here it is, thanks to Kaffe Fassett!

Anyways, it was because of you Kaffe (if you happen to be reading this that is) that we got started in this blogging in the first place! You see, 'L' was 'surfing' the net to see where you were located in the UK, and just by chance stumbled across her old nickname 'Loobylu'! Then, L decided to read Loobylu's blogg, and well the rest is history!!!

Now, I am under very STRICT instructions to go to the store in London when I am there in July (after going to Wales), so London beware!!! At least 'L' will not be with me, thus the credit card will not go into cardiac arrest!!!!!

12 April, 2005

thanx Natski!

Well, as you would have read earlier, with interest I hope, we have just spent a week in Melbourne, alas away from the kidz (aka 'The Petz'). We had such a lovely time, with a conference to go to, the Melbourne Flower Show and study to do, just to make up the mix!

After the weekend of debate for Uni, which happened to be the same weekend for the littlest sister's wedding we left the house in the capable hands of Natski. Now whilst everything was FINE, there was a slight dilemma with poor old Jasmine! She had an injury of sorts, and whilst she was going to call us about it, it was decided by both Natski and BMJ that a trip to 'Uncle Allen's' for a 'Check up' was best. Saving us from being on the "First available flight back"! This would not have been the case, mind you, as we were at the Flower Show at the time, and still had a day of SHOPPING to do!!!

So Natski unfortunately had to pay for the pleasure of:
  1. Catching Jasmine.
  2. Carting her down to the Vet in the washing basket with the dish rack on top to stop her getting loose in her car.
  3. Jasmine, not being the best traveler, wet herself in the said clothes basket which overflowed onto her work top which was required that night or the following morning!! YUK!
  4. Giving her a quarter of a tablet morning and night (not an easy thing to do when you're by yourself...)

All whilst we were having such a lovely time!!!

To make matters worse, for poor Natski, when we got back and it was time to say goodbye (she had a party to go to), her car had a flat battery and was going NOWHERE!!! But that's another blogg that Natski will have to do....

The house was ok though, and we hope that this saga of sorts, has not put her off wanting to do it again!!

week in melbourne

We have had a week in Melbourne, me for a conference and B to go to the Flower Show and as a tag-a-long.

The conference was great, I attended with 2 workmates and it was very worthwhile. The weather was brilliant, better than Sydney, although I was not really prepared for this, and neither would it seem were the cabbies who don't seem to know what airconditioning is. My trip to the airport in the taxi before flying home was unbearable, and apparently my workmates had a similar experience a couple of days before.

This time in Melbourne I discovered the whole 'laneway' shopping experience thanx to one of the conference people. We were staying on Flinders St and just behind us in Flinders lane was a great little shopping and eating area. We ate dinner here nearly every night, and discovered some great shops including Alice Euphemia (I bought a gorgeous brooch here by Melbourne based designer Iggy and Lou Lou) and one that my dad would like 'Il Papiro', which had beautifully bound books and papers.

Il Papiro

We also managed shopping experiences on both Brunswick Street, and Bridge Rd, my favourite shop on Bridge Rd was Havana Blue (Banana Blue labelled clothing) discovered 5 minutes before we needed to catch a tram back to the hotel to check-out, although I still managed to buy a funky peachy pink cardigan.

On Brunswick St, I bought a pair of rose gold ethnic looking earrings from a store whose name may have been KoKo and a couple of hair accessories from the Alannah Hill factory outlet. Other shops I liked were Harem Melbourne (fashion and homewares, 248 Brunswick St), Mazi (Brunswick St, Bridge Rd and Melbourne Central, I visited all three and bought a fabulous little bird hair adornment at the Melbourne Central store, I mean you need to spread the spending around), A Jewellery Store Named Desire (Brunswick St), Douglas and Hope (Brunswick St and Melbourne Central). B also found Bridge Rd quite satisfying, adding to his wardrobe at PO Box. If only we had more time.

We also visited the Queen Victoria Markets, which are a bigger, cleaner version of Paddy's or Parklea markets but not somewhere I'd be going back to in a hurry, although if you lived in Melbourne the fresh produce and deli section looked pretty good.

We also managed a couple of open house/units (and the auction for one of them) on the last day. Both places were in Bible House on Flinders Lane, and we were sooooooooo tempted to make a bid. It was a great 3rd floor apartment, but only one bedroom and really no place for our little family, especially Macc the greyhound.

The littlest sister's wedding

was beautiful! I still had the remnants of my cold but the garlic, echinacea, zinc and magnesium combined with the cold and flu tablets seemed to help a lot.

It was a gorgeous day, sunny and hot. I read my reading without any stuff ups, and had a great time at the reception with a little help from just a few strawberry daiquiris.

Apart from the bride and groom, the stars of the show had to be the singing priest

The Singing Priest
the page boy (my nephew Max) and flower girl (my new brother-in-law's niece, Kassidy).

Now be good the pair of you!

Aren't the little devils cute?

Seceret kids business

Party Time


Stop the party, I wanna get off!!!
The food was delicious although, what do you make of the dessert!

Better than SEX!! And more than a few 'Raised Eyebrows' too!!
Congratulations l'il sister and Ian!

littlest sister's wedding


Surprise! I have suprised myself. There is strong competition for the computer these days at our place - B is studying totally online and that pretty much gives him first dibs on the PC. When I get a go, I get distracted by ebay, other blogs and then have to force myself to visit my uni discussion board. Sooooooooo.... our blog is suffering, and I generally don't have the time to make an entry when I am at work. But not today. I have made time, whilst having my lunch.

I am also attempting to get more organised - last night I made myself a timetable for when I will study, watch tv, and for other commitments, such as quilting. I felt I needed to make it clear for myself, but also B, when I needed the computer, time out, etc. I also made a list of things to get done including to blog. It made me feel so much better, I was back in control of my time. Hooray for me!

The next few entries I will address the wedding of 10 days ago, our trip to Melbourne last week, and then if anything of interest has occured this week, you'll hear about it.

30 March, 2005

pass the tissues

I need to blow my nose! I have a cold and I feel lousy.

I just thought I'd share that with you.

26 March, 2005

pink salt

Pink Salt

View of dining area - communal tables
We packed a lot into today, including food, family and shopping. Working backwards:

As the title of this blog suggests (for those who have been watching My Restaurant Rules) we had dinner at Pink Salt, in Manly. I guess I have to admit, we are reality TV junkies. But even so, I can honestly say the food was fantastic, and the service first rate. Evan was the perfect host (Bella had the night off) and Kiralee who served us, was such as sweetie, the whole experience was like you were the most important guests in a friends home.

We sat at a communal table (with 3 other couples), which was fine by us, we didn't have to wait long, in fact we walked up to the door and were seated straight away. In some ways I had been hoping we wouldn't eat for at least an hour, as we had come straight from the family easter lunch (4 hours of eating).

I bought some of the pink salt flakes as a souvenier, and because I liked it. I also liked the idea that in a very small way if more people used it, it might help with Australia's serious inland salinity problem. The salt is naturally pink and from the Murray/Darling River region. It contains naturally occurring minerals and elements resulting in a high quality salt with a unique flavour, and such a pretty colour.

Dinosaur Design bowl with pink salt
I also liked how the salt was presented in a tiny pink dinosaur design bowl. I think I need to add to my dinosaur design collection.....

Today was Easter Sunday, and we had lunch at Auntie C's in Randwick, this consisted of lots of food, chocolate and sitting around. It was nice.

We had a rushed morning, after going to the Royal Easter Show the night before and discovering the stall selling hand woven and felted cotton and wool mix wraps were almost sold out, we panicked and took ourselves back in to the Show first thing this morning. I wanted one to wear to the Littlest Sister's wedding next weekend. I had originally thought that an aqua green would be the best colour to go with the dress I was going to wear, we took the dress with us and instead I got a mauve and pale green/grey striped one which matches perfectly. Just as well really as the green ones had all sold out. I would put a link to Ann Collins who makes these divine wraps but she does not have a website just yet. B gave her a lot of encouragement to get one up and running. She visits the St Ives Heritage Craft Fair from time to time though.

I also purchased the Miffy Alphabet cross-stitch as we made the dash out of the showgrounds.

fish mornay

Well, today went looking for a bit of fish! Not any old fish, but a special fish to replace chilli. After almost 30 mins looking for parking in Westfield, we finally got ourselves a spot and joined the masses inside.

We not only trudged around the majors within, but found a plentiful supply of chocolate goodies for tomorrows 'Easter' binge. We had made ourselves a list of 'to-do' items, one of which was to find a suitable replacement for the dearly departed chilli. On the list of attributes required, was a long whispy fins & tail, pretty colouring and attitude! Well, we got two out of three, it remains to be seen about the attitude and if he will allow Jasmine to share HIS living space!

So long Chilli

After much discussion over names (Chilli, Bok Choi, Jalapeno, Jesus (prouounced 'hey zeus' & it is the Easter Weekend!!) ,and Lavender due to his colour), we introduce Mornay!


25 March, 2005

chilled out

Chilli the siamese fighting fish has passed away. Chilli has been a good pet, causing us no trouble, just quietly doing laps of the vase and tolerating Jasmine (the cat) drinking his water. Chilli was our second siamese fighting fish, our first fighting fish was also named Chilli (I liked the name) although Chilli the first met his death through an unfortunate circumstance, which goes something like this:

The scene - winter, it's cold in the loungeroom
Me to B and the Next Sister Down who is visiting: Do you think Chilli is feeling cold?
B: I think he's all right
Me sticking a finger in the water : He's a tropical fish isn't he? The water is cold!
So I turn on the new MicroFurnace ceramic heater and place the vase (fish bowl) in front of the heater.
B: What are you doing?
Me: I'm warming the water up a bit for him
Next Sister Down: I don't think that is such a good idea
Me: It's all right
A couple of minutes later...
Next Sister Down: I think that's enough, you'll end up cooking him
Me: Don't be silly, it'll take ages before it heats up, look he's swimming around now, he was cold
Next Sister Down: I think you're wrong..... I think he's in the throws of death
A few kamakazi dives later and I had to admit she was right.

Chilli the second, was not given any such helping hand from me apart from a sprinkling of food each day. He had lasted 2-3 years, and we kind of expected he would be with us for while yet. We had a bit of a chuckle earlier in the day when Nat, who will be houseminding for us in a couple of weeks, said we had better get her a photo of the fish cause she couldn't see him in the bowl, and should he die on her she would need to know what to replace him with. We just laughed it off. So it was with some suprise to find him dead this evening.

Blogging friends

Today we finally got to meet 'N'! What was supposed to be dinner, ended up with a late night (thanx 'A') and an early morning (THANX 'A') and before we all knew anything else, it was arranged for both 'A' and 'N' to come over for morning tea, which naturally carried over to lunch!
Today we had 'Spicy Fish' on a bed of 'Cockroach (in joke after My Restaurant Rules) Rice, and veges of Carrots, Peas and Brussel Sprouts YUK!

A good time was had by all, and cant wait to do it all again!!!

Blogging friends

21 March, 2005

bloggerbot bother

There is something wrong with bloggerbot! I have a couple of posts waiting in the wings, and about half a dozen photos to illustrate however, bloggerbot is stuck at please wait, loading.

I think I might go back to my less than weekly postings....

20 March, 2005

yummy little cupcakes

we returned to the Royal Easter Show today and came home with our own little stash of cupcakes from the My Little Cupcake stand.

cupcake anyone?....too late they're all gone!

These are the best cupcakes, besides the one's the Next Sister Down makes of course. The self-appointed taste tester also agrees...

Macc: Who left that cupcake outside my (dog)house?

Macc, did his usual trick of helping himself, when B and I were distracted by a loud noise out front.

We were only at the Show for a few hours, we covered some old ground but also said hello to some geese and chooks.

curly feathered goose

pretty chook

19 March, 2005

secret women's business

the women folk gathered at the Littlest Sister's place for the Kitchen Tea today. The Next Sister Down had devised some good games although, one which involved putting on a wedding dress and picking up smarties with chopsticks, was a too much of a challenge for most.

silly smartie game

B is with the men, who have gone to play lawn bowls and have dinner at the Lowenbrau. This should provide me with an opportunity to get some study done, or not.

18 March, 2005

a right royal day

apart from the early start - having to drop B off at work and pick mum up before heading back almost from where I had started - and despite the rain, it was a good day. But then, I always love the Royal Easter Show.

I could've done with a spare couple of thousand dollars though to buy a beautiful pair of pearl drop earrings from the Pearls for Girls stand; a wool and cotton felted wrap (I might still go back for that one); a pale turquoise/aqua leather briefcase/bag; a 'frayed shade' lampshade; and Dick Bruna Alphabet needlework (and I might still go back for that too).

With a budget of $150 or thereabouts I did get a vintage mirror lidded glass box from 'The Shed', a cake decorating book from Better Homes and Gardens, gourmet biscuits (to take to the Littlest Sister's Kitchen Tea Party tomorrow), a beaded throw from My Little Cupcake, as well afternoon tea (coffee and cupcakes) for mum, B and me.

Highlights of the day, were the treasures found, bumping into the 'Princess of the East', fashion and style pavilion and the fashion parade, Miffy's garden (so cute), and the Woolworth's Fresh Food Dome. The Horticulture Pavilion was a bit disappointing this year but apart from that the quality of the exhibitions at the show was much improved.

doing the hedges in Miffy's garden

Miffy: Excuse me while I water my flower.

favourite district exhibits

B and I hope to return on Sunday, B only had an hour with us after he finished work, so hopefully we can bring you some photos.

17 March, 2005

let me reacquaint you....

too many commitments are distracting me from blogging. Work is busy, and uni is back for both B and Me, so we are in competition for the computer. I have been so busy that no quilting, x-stitch, or other creative pursuit has been done either.

So at my desk, over a sandwich, before my next meeting at 1.30pm, a brief update:
  • the faulty toaster has been returned and a replacement is yet to be purchased
  • a new breakfast has been discovered 'Spicy Date and Cinnamon Museli'
  • B is a year older, and although I forgot to wish him a happy birthday, he did get a good pressie from me, and enjoyed a B'day BBQ with his 'adopted family', mum, and A
  • the icing has been purchased for the Littlest Sister's wedding cake (the wedding being just over 2 weeks away)

And, in case it is over a week before I blog again...

Tomorrow, I am going to the Royal Easter Show with mum, Saturday, is the Littlest Sister's Kitchen Tea, and beyond that I have a few days annual leave which require some serious attention be given to uni work.

09 March, 2005

toaster tantrum

I got off to a really bad start today. Our new(ish) toaster kept shorting the house out. The first time it happened I was only partly dressed which meant when the power shorted out, I needed to get dressed to go outside and 'flick the switch'. On the way back in the radio needed to be turned back on, the microwave clock reset, etc if you ignore the video and other appliances that flash at you when there has been a disruption to the power. This process (apart from the getting dressed) was repeated a couple more times, with the exception of the last time when I decided to plug the toaster into a powerpoint in the loungeroom. I was trying to eliminate the kitchen and kitchen powerpoints as the problem, but had the same result, at which point it was deduced that the new(ish) toaster was solely to blame.

Already running late at this point, I determined the toaster had to be returned, so wasted a ridiculous amount of time searching for the receipt and getting myself even more worked up......and of course cranky with B, who was blissfully unaware on his way to work. To clarify I was cranky with B because of poppyseeds and breadcrumbs left on the kitchen bench after he made his lunch this morning, and wasn't it B who had discouraged me from getting my dream toaster in the first place because it was ridiculously expensive. If we had bought the dualit I wouldn't be having grief this morning, now would I?.

It wasn't till I was on the road and still trying to calm down, as I hadn't found the receipt, had left the house in a mess, hadn't had breakfast, and was late for a meeting at 9am, that I thought to go through the centre console of my car and found the receipt I was looking for. Now the toaster can be returned and I was calmed by the decision-making process required for deciding which colour(petal pink, mint green, glacier blue, lavender blue, utility cream.......) dualit toaster to purchase. Surely, the expense is worth avoiding another morning like this morning?

07 March, 2005

A, B & C

Last night, (Sunday), we went and had a lovely dinner with A, B & C.... In case your wondering, A is expecting the C!

We had a lovely night, up until B got out the old Trivial Pursuit, Special edition '80's style! Well, I totally sucked at it, and didn't even get 1 piece of pie, L got 2 (from memory) and whilst the other B got two, one was 'stolen' from A as in this game you can gasump from other parties if the question itself has a symbol on it and your roll of the dice matches the symbol, so A's piece of pie was quickly taken and he had three bits. But as the night was getting on, I made the suggestion we have a race to the middle and if you get the question right, then you're the winner. Well done A for your quick 'B-line' to the middle and an easy question to win!

Thanks A, B & C for the invitation for dinner!!

28 February, 2005

should a cat cry over spilt milk???

Or what about L crying over spilt coffee????

Ok, you now need to create a mental picture, ok!!

Your sitting down in a 'Posh Nth Shore' coffee shop (see last post)...

You are dressed in a nice crisp white dress ready to go into the 'Posh Nth Shore' shop and then later in the afternoon to 'B's specialist...

You are thorughly enjoying a coffee with a cinnamon roll...

You are sipping at you coffee, and (insert expletive ........ HERE!!!) it spills all over you front, even into your lap!!

Now, rather embarrassed, we leave somewhat hurriedly to the car to fully gauge the damage, and yes you guessed it, disaster has run rife with a coffee stain about the size of Tasmania on the dress!!!

Now what comes next is the icing on the cake, as we had come that far, yes we did do a packed lunch ALL the way over the the Nth Shore, and we were not to leave empty handed so off to the shop we go. But wait, it was rather crowded, so we retreat to the comfort of a rather large tree that will give us a strategic view of the ladies leaving the shop, allowing us to gain entry without being noticed by the passing crowds. Once we had gained entry, with handbag strategically placed too I might add, we surveyed the store and located items to be purchased with minimal fuss when all of a sudden, DAMN, a lovely shop assistant came to assist. We engaged in dialogue for some minutes, when we had to let the cat out of the bag and disclose that L has had a 'Cappucino' malfunction... Laughs were had by all, purchases made, and a hasty exit back to the car and we were once again homeward bound!

So yes, dear readers, it is ok to cry over spilt coffee as L did today, even if it was tears of laughter AFTER the event!!

please read disclaimer first!!

Disclaimer: Views expressed in the following blog, are NOT those of the writer, but in fact the writers (ex)brother!

Put another strike against the brother from hell! Last night, when calling the mother to see how she was, and I get loaded up with questions about bloody land tax!!!

When I tried to express my thoughts, for what it was worth as when ever I have something to say, it is assured that he will go the opposite, I get forever spoken-over, so the easiest thing is to just hang up!! This is a common thing mind you, so don't be surprised!!!

Anyway, when I open up my email this morning, there it is, an email from him titled 'Thank you' and I thought, hang on, who stole my brother as he has never had anything to say about me that is nice, EVER!!!!

Well upon opening it, it was full of utter CRAP! Yep that's right, outright rubbish! And what's more, he goes on to say 'how I fell about us Western Suburbs Type', well hello, I was born in the bloody western suburbs and still live in the western surburbs you idiot!!

Now, to protect those of you who live north of the western surburbs, I will not go on to saying what he said about you, but bring it on, let me out of the WESTERN SUBURBS if it is self centered idiots like him in there!!!

Anyway, enough ranting and raving, I want some good news.....

So tell me about it and I will tell everyone else as I have nothing other to say but I will be having surgery in April, either the 5th after L's littlest sister's wedding on the 2nd, or on the 19th!

27 February, 2005

quilting injuries

I have almost finished the rose gingham quilt....

quilt quality control in progress

In Saturday's class, I pinned... and only a small amount of blood was spilt (when I stuck a safety pin into my finger, as the blood did not come immediately I did not realise until it smudged a corner of the quilt).

The larger amount of blood was yet to come whilst machine quilting, and you guessed it, I sewed through the side of my finger. So that was the end of quilting for Saturday.

the quilting process (before sewing my finger)

Managed a few DVD's over the weekend - The Terminal, excellent and thoroughly recommended, and Exorcist, The Beginning, absolute rubbish.