I'm just home from a trip to country NSW and having made a quick check of the email. I have discovered tucked into a netletter, a link to a new local online fabric store, Duckcloth. Although many aspects of the site are still 'coming soon', there is enough there to soothe the senses. Any other day it would probably stimulate the senses, but after driving five and a half hours yesterday to reach Lachlan Shire (Condobolin), then doing a 3 hour plus round trip to Tottenham and returning home with another five and a half hour trip today I was feeling a little edgy. This was made worse as I have come down with yet another cold, and the cold and flu tablets have really dried me up, I can't seem to drink enough to loosen my throat and wet my mouth, add to that airconditioning and dust, so much red dust.
I had a great time, albeit brief in Condobolin, and would like to go back for a more leisurely visit sometime, The open space of wheat and sheep country, clear skies and colours, dirt roads and kangaroos, are also soothing yet stimulating.
I had a great time, albeit brief in Condobolin, and would like to go back for a more leisurely visit sometime, The open space of wheat and sheep country, clear skies and colours, dirt roads and kangaroos, are also soothing yet stimulating.
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