On the agenda for the day was an exhibition of recipe books at the Lewers Gallery in Penrith, and the 'Veiled Elegance, a Century of Weddings' exhibition at the Woodford Academy. First stop however, being a pot of tea, with scones, jam and cream at Mamre Homestead. The day started to unravel early however, five minutes into the drive, mum inspecting the details on the promotional postcard for the Mothers' Cookbooks exhibition, asked me "what date did you say it was?" referring to earlier when my father had asked me the date as I walked into my parents house to collect mum. In a lightbulb moment I realised we were a day early, the exhibition wasn't due to start until tomorrow. Aargh!!! Now before we get too committed to travelling west, we doubled checked the Sydney Morning Herald write up for the bridal and wedding apparel exhibition. The details were a bit sketchy ... on until June 17, so we decided to keep going, satisfied that all was not lost. And to cut a long story short, the most important piece of information had been omitted from the editorial, that is on until June 17, open the third Saturday and Sunday of the month. Well that is our guess anyway, it was not open when we had made the almost two hour drive to the Woodford Academy, as one sign read 'Open Saturday and Sunday' whilst the more permanent signage read 'Open the third Sunday of the Month'. Anyway, it wasn't open today.

Our Shop
Not to waste a precious day off work, we headed for Wentworth Falls where I discovered 'our shop' a great little shop that is closing down. What the heck was going on today? Anyhow, I bought a feltle which looked a bit like I was feeling; soft, warm, fuzzy, and a bit messed up.

With new discoveries made, the day felt slightly back on track. Next stop was Leura where further discoveries were made ...

mrs peel

vintage shoes
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